A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3268 The tip of a needle against the awn of wheat

Seeing Zhao Jinzhou's "distraught" appearance, several veterans in the car looked at each other with exaggerated expressions.


"The appearance fee is 1.5 billion, that grandson of Baoshao Fei is really evil!"

"What the hell, if that turtle shows up, it will cost him 1.5 billion Shenzhou coins. I have been working hard and hard all my life, but I can't even make a dime. Is there any fairness in this world?"

"Fuck, who says it's not the case? A while ago, my third child wanted to buy a house in the school district. Our whole family only scraped together 600,000 yuan, and we still need a loan of more than 1 million yuan, and let's look at the rags of the house. Damn it, no I’ve said it, and it’s brought me to tears if I say it too much.”

"Hey, I said you are going to compete with the rags, are you doing nothing but eating enough to hold yourself up?

Baolan Fei is a monster that only comes out every few hundred years. Compared with him, even your bones and scraps are not worth as much as a piece of curly hair. "


"Zhang Yanhe, I'm so fucking disgusting to you, Immortal Banban, why don't you compete with that thing?"

"Shut up, what are you talking about? Is this the point?

Don't forget, what are we here for? Look at Zhao Jinzhou's expression that his mother is dead. Shouldn't he recite a poem to celebrate at this moment? "

"Bah, Lao Zhang, why didn't I see it earlier? Why are you talking so damagingly?

But, having said that, if this continues, Fatty's quick-acting heart-saving pills may come in handy, right? "

"Screw you uncle, you are the only one who has the quick-acting Jiuxin Pill. I am very healthy."


They didn't care what Zhao Jinzhou was feeling at the moment. Seeing him deflated, these inhumane old guys would be extremely happy. If it weren't for their status, they would have to get out of the car to add fuel to Zhao Jinzhou's anger. Now they can only Sitting in the car scratching my head, I have to say, this is really a kind of torture and regret.

Zhao Jinzhou's intestines turned green, his head was buzzing, and his blood pressure soared. However, the heartache was yet to come.

Seeing that Zhao Jinzhou was not in the mood to name names, the reporters rushed to ask questions again.

"Actually, according to Mr. Lu's plan, the appearance fee is just one of the forms of charging. In addition, there are two other links that require separate competition for interview rights. At present, it seems that the competition in the other two links is also quite high. According to our estimates, the total benefits generated by the three links together will probably exceed the sky-high price of 5 billion Shenzhou coins."



At five billion, Zhao Jinzhou felt that his cardiovascular system was about to explode.

Zhao Jinzhou's figure shrunk by three points again, and his shoulders slumped. He seemed to have aged more than ten years in an instant. The old man looked up at the sky with a pale face. He felt that he had missed the whole world in a single thought. He felt that his vision was a little blurry, and the eyes were blurred. Tears are already shining in my heart, damn it, I’m so sorry!

"Academician Zhao can remain calm in the face of the potentially astronomical benefits of 5 billion. He is truly a role model for our generation. Your lofty state is worthy of our admiration."


"Son of your uncle, I worship your grandma, why am I so expressionless? My face is so pale, okay?

These damn media people are not just irritating me, but they are also rubbing salt into my wounds. Don’t you think it’s too cruel? Are you still human?

Wow, I just want to ask, is it too late to regret now?

I don’t covet five billion, or even a fraction of it. Just give me one hundred million and I’ll be satisfied! "

Zhao Jinzhou felt so bitter in his heart, a hundred times more bitter than eating Coptis chinensis and bitter melon. Moreover, he could not express his grievances. He could not go up or down. Zhao Jinzhou felt that he was going to explode from holding back the pressure. Even Lu He forgot to ask how to operate the other two aspects of flying.

Also, the reporters present today are quite responsible. It doesn't matter if Zhao Jinzhou forgets, they will not forget to remind him.

"Academician Zhao, Mr. Lu said that he will not use any of his collections to compete with you. He is sorry. Academician Zhao, that is not what I said. Mr. Lu's original words are to appraise his collections. Yours It’s not worthy of scrap metal.”


The reporter’s words allowed Zhao Jinzhou, who was about to collapse, to find a place to vent. After hearing what he said, Zhao Jinzhou suddenly straightened his back, frowned, his eyes revealed a fierce look, and he roared viciously: “Arrogant, extremely arrogant.

I have always respected Lu Fei's position in the collecting world. Even when I was discussing with Mr. Lu, I always had a learning attitude. How could he say that? How could he disrespect me so much? It was so arrogant. "

Seeing Zhao Jinzhou suddenly going berserk and even taking off his previous disguise and directly confronting Lu Fei, the reporters almost jumped up with excitement.

It's coming, it's finally coming, this is what they want to see most. Before, Zhao Jinzhou was so good at pretending. Although he was a little hypocritical, he didn't have much of a gimmick. Now, the old guy couldn't help but take the initiative to tear off the disguise. , finally showing his fangs, this time the needle point is finally facing the wheat awn, this is so exciting!

Well done Academician Zhao, you should have done this a long time ago. I give you a thumbs up! Seeing Zhao Jinzhou's "distraught" appearance, several veterans in the car looked at each other with exaggerated expressions.


"The appearance fee is 1.5 billion, that grandson of Baoshao Fei is really evil!"

"What the hell, if that turtle shows up, it will cost him 1.5 billion Shenzhou coins. I have been working hard and hard all my life, but I can't even make a dime. Is there any fairness in this world?"

"Fuck, who says it's not the case? A while ago, my third child wanted to buy a house in the school district. Our whole family only scraped together 600,000 yuan, and we still need a loan of more than 1 million yuan, and let's look at the rags of the house. Damn it, no I’ve said it, and it’s brought me to tears if I say it too much.”

"Hey, I said you are going to compete with the rags, are you doing nothing but eating enough to hold yourself up?

Baolan Fei is a monster that only comes out every few hundred years. Compared with him, even your bones and scraps are not worth as much as a piece of curly hair. "


"Zhang Yanhe, I'm so fucking disgusting to you, Immortal Banban, why don't you compete with that thing?"

"Shut up, what are you talking about? Is this the point?

Don't forget, what are we here for? Look at Zhao Jinzhou's expression that his mother is dead. Shouldn't he recite a poem to celebrate at this moment? "

"Bah, Lao Zhang, why didn't I see it earlier? Why are you talking so damagingly?

But, having said that, if this continues, Fatty's quick-acting heart-saving pills may come in handy, right? "

"Screw you uncle, you are the only one who has the quick-acting Jiuxin Pill. I am very healthy."


They didn't care what Zhao Jinzhou was feeling at the moment. Seeing him deflated, these inhumane old guys would be extremely happy. If it weren't for their status, they would have to get out of the car to add fuel to Zhao Jinzhou's anger. Now they can only Sitting in the car scratching my head, I have to say, this is really a kind of torture and regret.

Zhao Jinzhou's intestines turned green, his head was buzzing, and his blood pressure soared. However, the heartache was yet to come.

Seeing that Zhao Jinzhou was not in the mood to name names, the reporters rushed to ask questions again.

"Actually, according to Mr. Lu's plan, the appearance fee is just one of the forms of charging. In addition, there are two other links that require separate competition for interview rights. At present, it seems that the competition in the other two links is also quite high. According to our estimates, the total benefits generated by the three links together will probably exceed the sky-high price of 5 billion Shenzhou coins."



At five billion, Zhao Jinzhou felt that his cardiovascular system was about to explode.

Zhao Jinzhou's figure shrunk by three points again, and his shoulders slumped. He seemed to have aged more than ten years in an instant. The old man looked up at the sky with a pale face. He felt that he had missed the whole world in a single thought. He felt that his vision was a little blurry, and the eyes were blurred. Tears are already shining in my heart, damn it, I’m so sorry!

"Academician Zhao can remain calm even in the face of the potentially astronomical benefits of 5 billion, which is truly a role model for our generation. Your lofty state is worthy of our admiration."


"Son of your uncle, I worship your grandma, why am I so expressionless? My face is so pale, okay?

These damn media people are not just irritating me, but they are also rubbing salt into my wounds. Don’t you think it’s too cruel? Are you still human?

Wow, I just want to ask, is it too late to regret now?

I don’t covet five billion, or even a fraction of it. Just give me one hundred million and I’ll be satisfied! "

Zhao Jinzhou felt so bitter in his heart, a hundred times more bitter than eating Coptis chinensis and bitter melon. Moreover, he could not express his grievances. He could not go up or down. Zhao Jinzhou felt that he was going to explode from holding back the pressure. Even Lu He forgot to ask how to operate the other two aspects of flying.

Also, the reporters present today are quite responsible. It doesn't matter if Zhao Jinzhou forgets, they will not forget to remind him.

"Academician Zhao, Mr. Lu said that he will not use any of his collections to compete with you. He is sorry. Academician Zhao, that is not what I said. Mr. Lu's original words are to appraise his collections. Yours It’s not worthy of scrap metal.”


The reporter’s words allowed Zhao Jinzhou, who was about to collapse, to find a place to vent. After hearing what he said, Zhao Jinzhou suddenly straightened his back, frowned, his eyes revealed a fierce look, and he roared viciously: “Arrogant, extremely arrogant.

I have always respected Lu Fei's status in the collecting world. Even when I was discussing with Mr. Lu, I always had a learning attitude. How could he say that? How could he disrespect me so much? It was so arrogant. "

Seeing Zhao Jinzhou suddenly going berserk and even taking off his previous disguise and directly confronting Lu Fei, the reporters almost jumped up with excitement.

It's coming, it's finally coming, this is what they want to see most. Before, Zhao Jinzhou was so good at pretending. Although he was a little hypocritical, he didn't have much of a gimmick. Now, the old guy couldn't help but take the initiative to tear off the disguise. , finally showing his fangs, this time the needle point is finally facing the wheat awn, this is so exciting!

Well done Academician Zhao, you should have done this a long time ago. I give you a thumbs up!

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