A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3270 Bullying goes too far

Zhao Jinzhou was so angry that he was about to collapse, but the reporters around him not only did not sympathize with him, but also added fuel to the fire!

What they want is a powerful stunt. Whether Zhao Jinzhou will be angry to death is none of their business. What they want is to make Zhao Jinzhou angry. He will lose his mind and fight back more violently. If you are angry and dissatisfied, it has nothing to do with us. You can Vent your anger on Lu Fei. If you have the courage, we will dare to help you spread the word. Isn't that interesting?

"Academician Zhao, Mr. Lu made it very easy. He said that to deal with your machine, it would be enough for him to just make a small object."

"It's too much, it's too much. I won't let Lu Fei succeed. Please tell Lu Fei that just talking is useless. I will wait for him in Tiandu. I want to see how many people are recognized as the number one in the collection industry. It’s a pound, hum!”

Zhao Jinzhou completely fell out with Lu Fei.

Although he was dissatisfied before, due to his identity and Lu Fei's status, he had to speak more tactfully in front of reporters. Even if it was against his will, he tolerated it.

But I didn't expect that while I "respected" Lu Fei, he would not save any face for me. It was too much to embarrass myself and make a joke in front of so many reporters.

Lu Fei is bullying others too much. If he wants to be polite to him again, he will not be cowardly, but "cheap".


Zhao Jinzhou finally took to the road, and the reporters almost couldn't hold back and cheered.

"Academician Zhao, Mr. Lu also said"

Before the reporter could finish speaking, Zhao Jinzhou interrupted him sternly and rudely: "If you have anything else to say, please finish it all at once. I'm very busy with my work and I don't have time to listen to your stories."

The reporters were stunned for a moment, and then nodded in agreement. It seems that Zhao Jinzhou really can't control his violent temper. My dear Academician Zhao, since you can't control it anymore, don't control it. If you suppress it for a long time, you will easily get cancer. Yes!

Come on, we are optimistic about you!

"Okay, Academician Zhao, actually, Mr. Lu didn't say much. In the end, he only said one key point. Mr. Lu said that after winning your machine, he would dismantle your machine on the spot and take it to the acquisition department to sell it as scrap. , the money from the sale is used to treat our reporters to dinner."



"I believe what this reporter said, this is definitely something that Taobao Fei can say, hahaha!!"

The old guys in the car had a collective orgasm, and they all laughed so hard that the whole car trembled with laughter.

"The grandson of Bao Bao Fei is really hurt. These words are simply heartbreaking!!"


You are too proud of the rags. Can this be called harm? Is this called immoral? That turtle is going to piss Zhao Jinzhou to death, hahaha."

"Hey, look at Zhao Jinzhou's face. He is so angry. Look at him, his lips are purple.

Hahaha, I kind of sympathize with Zhao Jinzhou. People who are targeted by Bapa Fei never end well. This time, Ba Bao Fei has been holding back for more than half a year and comes out again. Even if Zhao Jinzhou doesn't die, he will probably lose a lot. What a layer of skin! ! "

Jia Yuan was right, Zhao Jinzhou was really angry to death. At this moment, he felt that his three souls and seven souls were displaced, his blood was burning, and his teeth were about to be broken.


Are these Lu Fei's original words? "

Zhao Jinzhou was furious, grabbed a microphone, and shouted with a ferocious face.

"Oh yeah!"

Looking at his expression, the reporters were very happy. If it hadn't been going on, they would have started hugging and high-fiving by now.

At this moment, they could only suppress the joy in their hearts and nod heavily.

"Yes, that's exactly what Mr. Lu said. Our colleagues have live recordings and videos. I believe it won't be long before you can see them on the Internet."

There are recordings and videos, and they even want to post them on the Internet. It’s too much. You don’t want to let yourself live!

If this video and recording were released, how could I have the face to be seen by others? This would ruin my rhythm!

That damn rag collector, how much hatred do I have against you? Why the hell are you forcing me like this! !

Zhao Jinzhou was trembling with anger, his eyes were red, and monstrous anger burst out from his eyes. Even the air around him dropped several degrees, but Zhao Jinzhou's remaining sanity forced him to calm down.

Zhao Jinzhou never thought that after spending eight years of hard work, he would encounter so much trouble in the end. God is so unfair.

He originally thought that after the acceptance of his research results, it would definitely cause a huge sensation, replace manual labor in daily work, and save the country a huge amount of capital investment. It was of such great significance that he might be able to get the best contribution award of the year. By then, He became famous and truly reached the pinnacle of his life.

But he never expected that everything he planned would be so ill-fated. Mr. Kong was gone, and his successor Guan Haishan simply refused to admit it. Zhao Jinzhou had no choice, so he went to Pan Xingzhou to complain. Later, Pan Xingzhou presided over the That competition.

He had won a great victory, so the matter should have ended here. However, Lu Fei stood up again and made such a big noise. It was simply too deceiving! Zhao Jinzhou was so angry that he was about to collapse, but the reporters around him not only did not sympathize with him, but also added fuel to the fire!

What they want is a powerful stunt. Whether Zhao Jinzhou will be angry to death is none of their business. What they want is to make Zhao Jinzhou angry. He will lose his mind and fight back more violently. If you are angry and dissatisfied, it has nothing to do with us. You can Vent your anger on Lu Fei. If you have the courage, we will dare to help you spread the word. Isn't that interesting?

"Academician Zhao, Mr. Lu made it very easy. He said that to deal with your machine, it would be enough for him to just make a small object."

"It's too much, it's too much. I won't let Lu Fei succeed. Please tell Lu Fei that just talking is useless. I will wait for him in Tiandu. I want to see how many people are recognized as the number one in the collection industry. It’s a pound, hum!”

Zhao Jinzhou completely fell out with Lu Fei.

Although he was dissatisfied before, due to his identity and Lu Fei's status, he had to speak more tactfully in front of reporters. Even if it was against his will, he tolerated it.

But I didn't expect that while I "respected" Lu Fei, he would not save any face for me. It was too much to embarrass myself and make a joke in front of so many reporters.

Lu Fei is bullying others too much. If he wants to be polite to him again, he will not be cowardly, but "cheap".


Zhao Jinzhou finally took to the road, and the reporters almost couldn't hold back and cheered.

"Academician Zhao, Mr. Lu also said"

Before the reporter could finish speaking, Zhao Jinzhou interrupted him sternly and roughly: "If you have anything else to say, please finish it all at once. I'm very busy with my work and I don't have time to listen to your stories."

The reporters were stunned for a moment, and then nodded in agreement. It seems that Zhao Jinzhou really can't control his violent temper. My dear Academician Zhao, since you can't control it anymore, don't control it. If you suppress it for a long time, you will easily get cancer. Yes!

Come on, we are optimistic about you!

"Okay, Academician Zhao, actually, Mr. Lu didn't say much. In the end, he only said one key point. Mr. Lu said that after winning your machine, he would dismantle your machine on the spot and take it to the acquisition department to sell it as scrap. , the money from the sale is used to treat our reporters to dinner."



"I believe what this reporter said, this is definitely something that Taobao Fei can say, hahaha!!"

The old guys in the car had a collective orgasm, and they all laughed so hard that the whole car trembled with laughter.

"The grandson of Bao Bao Fei is really hurt. These words are simply heartbreaking!!"


You are too proud of the rags. Can this be called harm? Is this called immoral? That turtle is going to piss Zhao Jinzhou to death, hahaha."

"Hey, look at Zhao Jinzhou's face. He is so angry. Look at him, his lips are purple.

Hahaha, I kind of sympathize with Zhao Jinzhou. People who are targeted by Bapa Fei never end well. This time, Ba Bao Fei has been holding back for more than half a year and comes out again. Even if Zhao Jinzhou doesn't die, he will probably lose a lot. What a layer of skin! ! "

Jia Yuan was right, Zhao Jinzhou was really angry to death. At this moment, he felt that his three souls and seven souls were displaced, his blood was burning, and his teeth were about to be broken.


Are these Lu Fei's original words? "

Zhao Jinzhou was furious, grabbed a microphone, and shouted with a ferocious face.

"Oh yeah!"

Looking at his expression, the reporters were very happy. If it hadn't been going on, they would have started hugging and high-fiving by now.

At this moment, they could only suppress the joy in their hearts and nod heavily.

"Yes, that's exactly what Mr. Lu said. Our colleagues have live recordings and videos. I believe it won't be long before you can see them on the Internet."

There are recordings and videos, and they have to be posted on the Internet. It’s too much. You don’t want to let yourself live!

If this video and recording were released, how could I face others? This would ruin my rhythm!

That damn rag collector, how much hatred do I have against you? Why the hell are you forcing me like this! !

Zhao Jinzhou was trembling with anger, his eyes were red, and monstrous anger burst out from his eyes. Even the air around him dropped several degrees, but Zhao Jinzhou's remaining sanity forced him to calm down.

Zhao Jinzhou never thought that after spending eight years of hard work, he would encounter so much trouble in the end. God is so unfair.

He originally thought that after the acceptance of his research results, it would definitely cause a huge sensation, replace manual labor in daily work, and save the country a huge amount of capital investment. It was of such great significance that he might be able to get the best contribution award of the year. By then, He became famous and truly reached the pinnacle of his life.

But he never expected that everything he planned would be so ill-fated. Mr. Kong was gone, and his successor Guan Haishan simply refused to admit it. Zhao Jinzhou had no choice, so he went to Pan Xingzhou to complain. Later, Pan Xingzhou presided over the That competition.

He had won a great victory, so the matter should have ended here. However, Lu Fei stood up again and made such a big fuss. It was simply too deceiving!

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