A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3274 Get back face

Compared with his apprentice Zhao Jinzhou, Qian Guomin believes that he understands Lu Fei better than him. It is a fact that Lu Fei has a bad temper and an unruly personality. However, this young man has a stability far beyond his age. Lu Fei is never sure of anything. He knows how to do it. After so long since his debut, who has ever seen Lu Fei suffer a loss?

If it weren't for this ability, would I be where I am today?

Since his debut, the enemies he has encountered have become more and more powerful, but in the end, it is the enemy who lies down, and Lu Fei is always the one who is free. Therefore, Lu Fei's stability has long been ingrained in Qian Guomin's subconscious. This is the real thing. Lu Fei, except for his stability, everything else is an illusion. Based on his understanding of Lu Fei, the more public Lu Fei is, the more abnormal he becomes. It is very likely that this is a pit Lu Fei dug for his apprentice.

The temper of his apprentice Zhao Jinzhou is exactly the opposite of Lu Fei. Lu Fei is really stable, but his apprentice Zhao Jinzhou usually looks stable, but this is just an illusion.

Zhao Jinzhou has been following him for decades since he was thirty-three years old. How could Mr. Qian not understand his apprentice's temper?

Zhao Jinzhou always maintains a stable and low-key attitude when dealing with others. All the characteristics of a scholar can be seen in him. However, Mr. Qian knows that these are all Zhao Jinzhou's disguise. Deep down, his disciple has an extremely arrogant character, and , has a very hot temper, but few people see this side of Zhao Jinzhou.

This time, after being stimulated by Lu Fei a few words, Zhao Jinzhou finally revealed his true colors. He released a super satellite in front of the media who were not afraid of the big news. When he saw the report, Qian Laochou gritted his teeth and thought in his heart. He scolded his beloved disciple a hundred times.

How can you be so impetuous even though you are several decades old?

My teacher has repeatedly warned you to stay calm when faced with major events. Are these words eaten by dogs?

You're several decades old, can't you see that those damn media and Lu Fei are deliberately irritating you? You're so old, how can you live like a dog?

Well, even if you can't control your temper, say something to Lu Fei, or even scold Lu Fei, it doesn't matter, but you shouldn't swear in front of reporters!

Why did you lose and dismantle the instrument with your own hands and never engage in research in this area from now on? Jinzhou, you are so confused. Can things be so simple?

Without these words, if you lose, you will lose. Who among those doing research has never failed?

But if you promise to personally dismantle the instrument you developed, its nature has completely changed. In this case, it is not only the research results that fail, but also you as a person!

Until then, you

He will become the laughing stock of everyone. Destroying his own research results in front of the media is equivalent to denying everything he has put in over the past eight years, and will also destroy the most precious self-confidence of researchers. By then, You are useless as a person.

Is it worth risking everything for such a thing?

Because of Lu Fei's face, Qian Guomin would never have participated if Zhao Jinzhou hadn't said those outrageous things. He knew that for so many days, as a teacher, his apprentice had been so tormented, but he had never stood up and said a word. , and did not communicate with Lu Fei once. Lu Fei must have complaints in his heart, so he could only carry on silently to the end.

But this time he couldn't sit back and ignore it. Things were far beyond his expectation. Mr. Qian felt sorry for his apprentice and couldn't bear to see him go into the abyss. For this reason, he immediately called Zhao Jinzhou to his home. He first cursed him and then broke up with him. Ruansha instilled the seriousness of the matter into him. Finally, and the most important step, he wanted to call Lu Fei and ask Lu Fei to let his apprentice go.

It's okay to compete, but don't do things too well. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. If you lose, it's because Zhao Jinzhou is not good at learning. You can't blame others. As for the humiliating part of dismantling instruments and selling scraps, it's best not to happen.

But in the end, Lu Fei didn't give him this chance at all, and directly told his grandson to shut up. Now, there was no room for maneuver in the matter. Not only that, because of this incident, the friendship between himself and Lu Fei might also be difficult. Back to the past, Mr. Qian closed his eyes and sighed, feeling powerless.

Zhao Jinzhou was called over by the teacher and received a scolding. Although Zhao Jinzhou felt a little aggrieved, he did not dare to say a word. He respected the teacher from the bottom of his heart. Regardless of whether it was justified or not, the teacher had no objection to beating him or scolding him. But Zhao Jinzhou became anxious when he saw that the teacher had to endure the humiliation and took the initiative to call Lu Fei, a young student, and was rejected by him, leaving no face for the teacher.

Who is the teacher?

In his entire life, who would dare to neglect his old man?

This damn Lu Fei is too much.

"Teacher, you have been wronged. To put it bluntly, there is really no need for you to call Lu Fei. That guy is arrogant, arrogant, and extremely domineering. In his eyes, there is no respect for seniority at all. He doesn't understand at all. Respect, there is no need to deal with this kind of person.

Teacher, please rest assured. I am not a child anymore. I am not Lu Fei. If I am not sure, I would not dare to say that. Just listen to the news at home. I promise not to embarrass you this time, and I will definitely get your face back. . "Compared with his apprentice Zhao Jinzhou, Qian Guomin thinks that he knows Lu Fei better than him. It is a fact that Lu Fei has a bad temper and an unruly personality. However, this young man has a stability far beyond his age. Lu Fei has never been sure of anything. I don’t know how to do it. After so long since his debut, who has ever seen Lu Fei suffer a loss?

If it weren't for this ability, would I be where I am today?

Since his debut, the enemies he has encountered have become more and more powerful, but in the end, it is the enemy who lies down, and Lu Fei is always the one who is free. Therefore, Lu Fei's stability has long been ingrained in Qian Guomin's subconscious. This is the real thing. Lu Fei, except for his stability, everything else is an illusion. Based on his understanding of Lu Fei, the more public Lu Fei is, the more abnormal he becomes. It is very likely that this is a pit Lu Fei dug for his apprentice.

The temper of his apprentice Zhao Jinzhou is exactly the opposite of Lu Fei. Lu Fei is really stable, but his apprentice Zhao Jinzhou usually looks stable, but this is just an illusion.

Zhao Jinzhou has been following him for decades since he was thirty-three years old. How could Mr. Qian not understand his apprentice's temper?

Zhao Jinzhou always maintains a stable and low-key attitude when dealing with others. All the characteristics of a scholar can be seen in him. However, Mr. Qian knows that these are all Zhao Jinzhou's disguise. Deep down, his disciple has an extremely arrogant character, and , has a very hot temper, but few people see this side of Zhao Jinzhou.

This time, after being stimulated by Lu Fei a few words, Zhao Jinzhou finally revealed his true colors. He released a super satellite in front of the media who were not afraid of the big news. When he saw the report, Qian Laochou gritted his teeth and thought in his heart. He scolded his beloved disciple a hundred times.

How can you be so impetuous even though you are several decades old?

My teacher has repeatedly warned you to stay calm when faced with major events. Are these words eaten by dogs?

You're several decades old, can't you see that those damn media and Lu Fei are deliberately irritating you? You're so old, how can you live like a dog?

Well, even if you can't control your temper, say something to Lu Fei, or even scold Lu Fei, it doesn't matter, but you shouldn't swear in front of reporters!

Why did you lose and dismantle the instrument with your own hands and never engage in research in this area from now on? Jinzhou, you are so confused. Can things be so simple?

Without these words, if you lose, you will lose. Who among those doing research has never failed?

But if you promise to personally dismantle the instrument you developed, its nature has completely changed. In this case, it is not only the research results that fail, but also you as a person!

Until then, you

He will become the laughing stock of everyone. Destroying his own research results in front of the media is equivalent to denying everything he has put in over the past eight years, and will also destroy the most precious self-confidence of researchers. By then, You are useless as a person.

Is it worth risking everything for such a thing?

Because of Lu Fei's face, Qian Guomin would never have participated if Zhao Jinzhou hadn't said those outrageous things. He knew that for so many days, as a teacher, his apprentice had been so tormented, but he had never stood up and said a word. , and did not communicate with Lu Fei once. Lu Fei must have complaints in his heart, so he could only carry on silently to the end.

But this time he couldn't sit back and ignore it. Things were far beyond his expectation. Mr. Qian felt sorry for his apprentice and couldn't bear to see him go into the abyss. For this reason, he immediately called Zhao Jinzhou to his home. He first cursed him and then broke up with him. Ruansha instilled the seriousness of the matter into him. Finally, and the most important step, he wanted to call Lu Fei and ask Lu Fei to let his apprentice go.

It's okay to compete, but don't do things too well. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. If you lose, it's because Zhao Jinzhou is not good at learning. You can't blame others. As for the humiliating part of dismantling instruments and selling scraps, it's best not to happen.

But in the end, Lu Fei didn't give him this chance at all, and directly told his grandson to shut up. Now, there was no room for maneuver. Not only that, because of this incident, the relationship between himself and Lu Fei would probably be difficult. Back to the past, Mr. Qian closed his eyes and sighed, feeling powerless.

Zhao Jinzhou was called over by the teacher and received a scolding. Although Zhao Jinzhou felt a little aggrieved, he did not dare to say a word. He respected the teacher from the bottom of his heart. Regardless of whether it was justified or not, the teacher had no objection to beating him or scolding him. But Zhao Jinzhou became anxious when he saw that the teacher had to compromise and took the initiative to call the young student Lu Fei, and was rejected by him, leaving no face for the teacher.

Who is the teacher?

In his entire life, who would dare to neglect his old man?

This damn Lu Fei is too much.

"Teacher, you have been wronged. To put it bluntly, there is really no need for you to call Lu Fei. That guy is arrogant, arrogant, and extremely overbearing. In his eyes, there is no respect for seniority at all. He doesn't understand at all. Respect, there is no need to deal with this kind of person.

Teacher, please rest assured. I am not a child anymore. I am not Lu Fei. If I am not sure, I would not dare to say that. You will listen to the news at home. I promise not to embarrass you this time and I will definitely get your face back. . "

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