A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3290 Confidence

Lu Fei told Wang Xinyi that he wanted to take this opportunity to clean up several first-tier media companies such as West China News Agency, Jinghua News Agency, and Beichen Daily. The reason why he did this was because during this time, Zhao Jinzhou and the archaeological team In the competition, these media companies are the most active.

They tried their best to stir up trouble and stir up trouble among them, which made the grassroots employees of the archaeological team panic and their work was paralyzed for a time. Those big-mouthed media are the culprits for these consequences. If Lu Fei wants to uphold justice for the archaeological team, he must let these companies The media companies were punished so that they would never dare to mess around when facing the archaeological team and the collecting community in the future.

Of course, there is also "People's Daily", which is China's official mainstream media. Lu Fei has nothing to do with them, and for the time being he can only operate on those individual companies.

Lu Fei said it easily, but as Lu Fei's good wife, Wang Xinyi couldn't think of things too simply.

Lu Fei, Wang Family, and Chen Family, these three families have considerable influence in China. Moreover, these three families have many direct relatives, friends, and partners in the mainland. If they accidentally hurt one of their own, it would be a joke.

Therefore, after listening to Lu Fei's words, Wang Xinyi mobilized her own connections to investigate these "listed" media companies. As expected from this investigation, each company's background was not simple, and almost every one of them had similar backgrounds. The official has direct connections, especially "West China News". The official boss of this company is called Zhao Yunlei. Just looking at this person's resume is unremarkable, but when he digs deeper, Wang Xinyi is surprised to find that this company The real owner behind it turned out to be the Tiandu Fang family.

Today's Fang family is in full swing, especially the new generation head of the Fang family, Fang Wenyuan. He is a super boss who is competing with leader No. 3 to be the next No. 1. With Fang Wenyuan backing him up, this "West China News" can It's said that the background is astounding.

Wang Xinyi knew that some time ago, Lu Fei and the Chen family clearly supported No. 3, thus offending Fang Wenyuan. But they are super bosses after all. Even if the competition fails, the current Chen family and Lu Fei are not comparable in power. For Such a trivial matter could further offend Fang Wenyuan, and might even make him a mortal enemy because of this matter. Wang Xinyi felt that it was not worth it. Therefore, she just reminded Lu Fei in a subtle way, hoping that Lu Fei could stay calm.

Of course Lu Fei understood Wang Xinyi's intention, but Lu Fei was not afraid and instead laughed.

Of course he knew that "West China News" belonged to the Chen family. No. 3 had told Lu Fei in a vague way, and Lu Fei had also investigated it privately.

If Wenyuan's name can scare him, it would be a big mistake.

In the current situation, Fang Wenyuan's defeat is a foregone conclusion. Although a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, even if he loses the competition with No. 3, Fang Wenyuan is still a super boss. But if Fang Wenyuan wants to deal with Lu Fei and the Chen family, it is definitely not possible. Easy.

Nowadays, the Chen family and leader No. 3 have become grasshoppers on the same rope, both prospering and losing. If Fang Wenyuan wants to deal with the Chen family, No. 3 will never sit idly by. With No. 3 as the platform, Fang Wenyuan cannot yet make trouble.

Dealing with Lu Fei is even more impossible. Not to mention that leader No. 3 will definitely support Lu Fei. Even Lu Fei himself will never be afraid of Fang Wenyuan.

The Fang family is indeed powerful in the mainland of China, but your abilities are limited to the mainland. Except for this three-acre area in the mainland, Lu Fei belongs to the world. Overseas, although Lu Fei dare not say that he can cover the sky with one hand, if he wants to Dealing with the Fang family is simply not easy.

Lu Fei had investigated the Fang family before joining forces with No. 3. The Fang family has businesses in Hong Kong Island, Macao Island, and many overseas developed countries. Overseas is also their main source of income.

Not just the Fang family, in fact, more than 60% of the senior leaders have their own businesses overseas.

After reaching a certain level as a leader, if you want to move up the ladder, it is not just about having connections. You must also have huge financial support.

Based on China's national conditions, when a leader does business in the mainland, it is definitely seeking death. Therefore, many leaders will choose to find a reliable white glove and use their social connections to open the door to convenience and seek benefits.

The benefits obtained will be temporarily stored overseas, and then transferred back in various ways when needed. This is already a mainstream unspoken rule among high-level officials. No one will say it out loud, but everyone knows it.

In fact, it doesn't matter. As long as it doesn't harm the interests of China, Lu Fei doesn't think there is anything wrong with doing this. Even ordinary people living at home will leave themselves with backup, let alone senior leaders, right?

Before cooperating with Leader No. 3, he even thoroughly investigated Leader No. 3 and his family's overseas business. This is one of the reasons why Lu Fei is so confident in front of Leader No. 3.

Lu Fei dared to make conditions to No. 3, even some excessive ones. Moreover, Lu Fei was not afraid that he would go back on his word. If he really dared to violate the spirit of the contract, Lu Fei would dare to let his family's overseas business group be destroyed. Lu Fei I believe that even if everything goes wrong, the ones who will suffer the most will not be themselves and the Chen family. Lu Fei told Wang Xinyi that he wanted to take this opportunity to clean up several first-tier media companies such as West China News Agency, Jinghua News Agency, and Beichen Daily. The reason why he did this was because during this time, Zhao Jinzhou and the archaeological team In the competition, these media companies are the most active.

They tried their best to stir up trouble and stir up trouble among them, which made the grassroots employees of the archaeological team panic and their work was paralyzed for a time. Those big-mouthed media are the culprits for these consequences. If Lu Fei wants to uphold justice for the archaeological team, he must let these companies The media companies were punished so that they would never dare to mess around when facing the archaeological team and the collecting community in the future.

Of course, there is also "People's Daily", which is China's official mainstream media. Lu Fei has nothing to do with them, and for the time being he can only operate on those individual companies.

Lu Fei said it easily, but as Lu Fei's good wife, Wang Xinyi couldn't think of things too simply.

Lu Fei, the Wang family, and the Chen family have considerable influence in China. Moreover, these three families have many direct relatives, friends, and partners in the mainland. It would be a joke if they accidentally hurt one of their own.

Therefore, after listening to Lu Fei's words, Wang Xinyi mobilized her own connections to investigate these "listed" media companies. As expected from this investigation, each company's background was not simple, and almost every one of them had similar backgrounds. The official has direct connections, especially "West China News". The official boss of this company is called Zhao Yunlei. Just looking at this person's resume is unremarkable, but when he digs deeper, Wang Xinyi is surprised to find that this company The real owner behind it turned out to be the Tiandu Fang family.

Today's Fang family is in full swing, especially the new generation head of the Fang family, Fang Wenyuan. He is a super boss who is competing with leader No. 3 to be the next No. 1. With Fang Wenyuan backing him up, this "West China News" can It's said that the background is astounding.

Wang Xinyi knew that some time ago, Lu Fei and the Chen family clearly supported No. 3, thus offending Fang Wenyuan. But they are super bosses after all. Even if the competition fails, the current Chen family and Lu Fei are not comparable in power. For Such a trivial matter could further offend Fang Wenyuan, and might even become a mortal enemy because of this matter. Wang Xinyi felt that it was not worth it. Therefore, she had just vaguely reminded Lu Fei, hoping that Lu Fei could stay calm.

Of course Lu Fei understood Wang Xinyi's intention, but Lu Fei was not afraid and instead laughed.

Of course he knew that "West China News" belonged to the Chen family. No. 3 had told Lu Fei in a vague way, and Lu Fei had also investigated it privately.

If Wenyuan's name can scare him, it would be a big mistake.

In the current situation, Fang Wenyuan's defeat is a foregone conclusion. Although a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, even if he loses the competition with No. 3, Fang Wenyuan is still a super boss. But if Fang Wenyuan wants to deal with Lu Fei and the Chen family, it is definitely not possible. Easy.

Nowadays, the Chen family and leader No. 3 have become grasshoppers on a rope, both prospering and losing. If Fang Wenyuan wants to deal with the Chen family, No. 3 will never sit idly by. With No. 3 as the platform, Fang Wenyuan cannot yet make trouble.

Dealing with Lu Fei is even more impossible. Not to mention that leader No. 3 will definitely support Lu Fei. Even Lu Fei himself will never be afraid of Fang Wenyuan.

The Fang family is indeed powerful in the mainland of China, but your abilities are limited to the mainland. Except for this three-acre area in the mainland, Lu Fei belongs to the world. Overseas, although Lu Fei dare not say that he can cover the sky with one hand, if he wants to Dealing with the Fang family is simply not easy.

Lu Fei had investigated the Fang family before joining forces with No. 3. The Fang family has businesses in Hong Kong Island, Macao Island, and many overseas developed countries. Overseas is also their main source of income.

Not just the Fang family, in fact, more than 60% of the senior leaders have their own businesses overseas.

After reaching a certain level as a leader, if you want to move up the ladder, it is not just about having connections. You must also have huge financial support.

Based on China's national conditions, when a leader does business in the mainland, it is definitely seeking death. Therefore, many leaders will choose to find a reliable white glove and use their social connections to open the door to convenience and seek benefits.

The benefits obtained will be temporarily stored overseas, and then transferred back in various ways when needed. This is already a mainstream unspoken rule among high-level officials. No one will say it out loud, but everyone knows it.

In fact, it doesn't matter. As long as it doesn't harm the interests of China, Lu Fei doesn't think there is anything wrong with doing this. Even ordinary people living at home will leave themselves with backup, let alone senior leaders, right?

Before cooperating with Leader No. 3, he even thoroughly investigated Leader No. 3 and his family's overseas business. This is one of the reasons why Lu Fei is so confident in front of Leader No. 3.

Lu Fei dared to make conditions to No. 3, even some excessive ones. Moreover, Lu Fei was not afraid that he would go back on his word. If he really dared to violate the spirit of the contract, Lu Fei would dare to let his family's overseas business group be destroyed. Lu Fei I believe that even if everything goes wrong, the ones who will suffer the most will not be themselves and the Chen family.

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