A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3316 It’s not about money

"Friends, you can't leave, our car hasn't crossed the river yet!"

Seeing that the car in front of him disappeared into the woods, but his own car could not cross the river, Zhao Likun became anxious. He nodded and clasped his hands and begged "Little Red Flag".

Normally, he would not take a second look at such ordinary people, but not today. As the saying goes, people have to lower their heads when they are under the low edge!

However, "Little Hongqi" didn't seem to buy it. He glanced at Zhao Likun and curled his lips: "You didn't cross the river, it's none of my business, why did you go there earlier?"


Zhao Likun felt awkward in his heart. I was obviously following the cars in front of me, okay? You let them all go and only kept our car, okay?

At this time, Mr. Meng also ran over panting heavily. Business people are best at being tactful and sophisticated. In this regard, he was much better than Zhao Likun.

When he came closer, he took out the cigarettes without saying a word, lit them one by one, lowered his body and lit them for everyone, put the remaining cigarettes into the hands of "Little Red Flag", and then spoke. .??.??

"Brother, I'm sorry to detain you. The cars in front are with us. We have very important things to do. You guys are affected. Can you put the iron bridge across and let us cross the river? ?”

Seeing "Little Red Flag" frowning, Mr. Meng quickly opened his bag and grabbed a handful of banknotes: "Brother, I understand the rules. You spent money to build the iron bridge. It needs maintenance and the excavator also needs to be refueled. I will do all of this." I understand. I will use the money to refuel the excavator. Could you please help us get across?"

I have to say that compared to Zhao Likun, Mr. Meng felt very comfortable with these words of "Little Red Flag". Then he relaxed his brows, patted Mr. Meng's shoulder lightly and said with a smile: "You can see the city right away." The big boss knows the rules!"

When Mr. Meng heard that there was a way out, he took out another pack of cigarettes and stuffed it into it: "Brother, I am also a gangster. I know that it is not easy for everyone. Please help me!"

"Xiao Hongqi" stared at the banknotes for a few times, with a hint of helplessness on his face: "This boss, I heard that you are the person in charge. If in the past, based on your few words, I would not give you a penny." I can send you there, but I can't do it today.

To be honest, today is my old mother's seventieth birthday. The banquet has been set up at home, otherwise we can't just leave the business alone, right? So, if you guys are hungry, come with me to the house to have something to eat and drink. , how about I send you there early tomorrow morning? "


Zhao Likun became anxious when he heard that. Tomorrow, the day lilies will be extremely cold, and I am still interviewing them!

"No, absolutely not. My friend, we are really in a hurry. Please help us. In this way, we can save more money."

Can you give me money? "

With that said, Zhao Likun took out another bundle of banknotes, a total of 10,000 yuan.

"As long as you send us there, the money will be yours."

Zhao Likun believes that these are nothing more than bastards from poor and remote areas, who use their geographical advantages to become car gangs and road bullies to make huge profits. Although he has never experienced it personally, he has heard too much about similar times. Even their newspaper has reported it more than once. .

Why mom is in a hurry to go home for her birthday is all bullshit prevarication, just trying to extort money from someone else.

Isn't it just blackmail? I have something urgent to do today. I admit defeat and give you money if I ask for it. When I finish the work, I will make sure you look good when I look back. They are just a few unruly people in a remote valley, and I can't deal with you anymore?

But things seemed to be very different from what he thought. He took out a bundle of money. Instead of being excited, "Little Red Flag" raised his eyebrows.

Turning back to look at his own people, "Xiao Hongqi" suddenly laughed: "Haha, did you see this guy throwing money at me?

I have heard of such a good thing before, but I didn’t expect that I would actually do it today. "

The strong man who was with him also laughed, but when "Little Red Flag" turned his head to face Zhao Likun again, there was obviously evil in his eyes.

"Friend, you are quite rich. If you have money, you are awesome?

Bah, let me tell you, money is not necessarily easy to use here. I will go back and drink now. Aren't you rich and capable? Let your car float on your banknotes, hahaha! ! "

After "Xiao Hongqi" finished speaking, he glared at Zhao Likun with disgust, told his people to turn around and leave.

Seeing how disrespectful these unscrupulous people were, Zhao Likun's eyes turned red and his teeth clenched loudly. Seeing that Zhao Likun was about to have a seizure, Mr. Meng quickly pulled him aside and approached him again with a smile.

"Brother, please wait a moment. My guy can't speak. Don't mind."

As he said that, Mr. Meng took "Little Red Flag"'s hand and forced the banknotes in his hand into it: "Brother, let's not talk about crossing the river. We are friends when we go out. I heard that your old lady has her birthday today, so this money is Consider me a gift.

I am here to wish her happiness as long as the East China Sea and as long as the Nanshan Mountain, enjoy immortal blessings forever, and live as long as the sky. "

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. Mr. Meng's behavior cannot be criticized by "Little Red Flag" at all. No matter what he says, it sounds so comfortable. If he tries to give others face again, he will appear to be stingy.

"Xiao Hongqi" didn't show any pretense and collected the money smoothly: "Brother, what you said is pleasant, but I feel that it sounds familiar to me. Anyway, I, Xu San, have made you my friend. Come on, come back with me." Let’s go home for a drink.” “Friends, you can’t leave, our car hasn’t crossed the river yet!”

Seeing that the car in front of him disappeared into the woods, but his own car could not cross the river, Zhao Likun became anxious. He nodded and clasped his hands and begged "Little Red Flag".

Normally, he would not take a second look at such ordinary people, but not today. As the saying goes, people have to lower their heads when they are under the low edge!

However, "Little Hongqi" didn't seem to buy it. He glanced at Zhao Likun and curled his lips: "You didn't cross the river, it's none of my business, why did you go there earlier?"


Zhao Likun felt awkward in his heart. I was obviously following the cars in front of me, okay? You let them all go and only kept our car, okay? .??.

At this time, Mr. Meng also ran over panting heavily. Business people are best at being tactful and sophisticated. In this regard, he was much better than Zhao Likun.

When he came closer, he took out the cigarettes without saying a word, lit them one by one, lowered his body and lit them for everyone, put the remaining cigarettes into the hands of "Little Red Flag", and then spoke.

"Brother, I'm sorry to detain you. The cars in front are with us. We have very important things to do. You guys are affected. Can you put the iron bridge across and let us cross the river? ?”

Seeing "Little Red Flag" frowning, Mr. Meng quickly opened his bag and grabbed a handful of banknotes: "Brother, I understand the rules. You spent money to build the iron bridge. It needs maintenance and the excavator also needs to be refueled. I will do all of this." I understand. I will use the money to refuel the excavator. Could you please help us get across?"

I have to say that compared to Zhao Likun, Mr. Meng felt very comfortable with these words of "Little Red Flag". Then he relaxed his brows, patted Mr. Meng's shoulder lightly and said with a smile: "You can see the city right away." The big boss knows the rules!"

When Mr. Meng heard that there was a way out, he took out another pack of cigarettes and stuffed it into it: "Brother, I am also a gangster. I know that it is not easy for everyone. Please help me!"

"Xiao Hongqi" stared at the banknotes for a few times, with a hint of helplessness on his face: "This boss, I heard that you are the person in charge. If in the past, based on your few words, I would not give you a penny." I can send you there, but I can't do it today.

To be honest, today is my old mother's seventieth birthday. The banquet has been set up at home, otherwise we can't just leave the business alone, right? So, if you guys are hungry, come with me to the house to have something to eat and drink. , how about I send you there early tomorrow morning? "


Zhao Likun became anxious when he heard that. Tomorrow, the day lilies will be extremely cold, and I am still interviewing them!

"No, absolutely not. My friend, we are really in a hurry. Please help us. In this way, we can save more money."

Can you give me money? "

With that said, Zhao Likun took out another bundle of banknotes, a total of 10,000 yuan.

"As long as you send us there, the money will be yours."

Zhao Likun believes that these are nothing more than bastards from poor and remote areas, who use their geographical advantages to become car gangs and road bullies to make huge profits. Although he has never experienced it personally, he has heard too much about similar times. Even their newspaper has reported it more than once. .

Why mom is in a hurry to go home for her birthday is all bullshit prevarication, just trying to extort money from someone else.

Isn't it just blackmail? I have something urgent to do today. I admit defeat and give you money if I ask for it. When I finish the work, I will make sure you look good when I look back. They are just a few unruly people in a remote valley, and I can't deal with you anymore?

But things seemed to be very different from what he thought. He took out a bundle of money. Instead of being excited, "Little Red Flag" raised his eyebrows.

Turning back to look at his own people, "Xiao Hongqi" suddenly laughed: "Haha, did you see this guy throwing money at me?

I have heard of such a good thing before, but I didn’t expect that I would actually do it today. "

The strong man who was with him also laughed, but when "Little Red Flag" turned his head to face Zhao Likun again, there was obviously evil in his eyes.

"Friend, you are quite rich. If you have money, you are awesome?

Bah, let me tell you, money is not necessarily easy to use here. I will go back and drink now. Aren't you rich and capable? Let your car float on your banknotes, hahaha! ! "

After "Xiao Hongqi" finished speaking, he glared at Zhao Likun with disgust, told his people to turn around and leave.

Seeing how disrespectful these unscrupulous people were, Zhao Likun's eyes turned red and his teeth clenched loudly. Seeing that Zhao Likun was about to have a seizure, Mr. Meng quickly pulled him aside and approached him again with a smile.

"Brother, please wait a moment. My guy can't speak. Don't mind."

As he said that, Mr. Meng took "Little Red Flag"'s hand and forced the banknotes in his hand into it: "Brother, let's not talk about crossing the river. We are friends when we go out. I heard that your old lady has her birthday today, so this money is Treat me as a gift.

I am here to wish her happiness as long as the East China Sea and as long as the Nanshan Mountain, enjoy immortal blessings forever, and live as long as the sky. "

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. Mr. Meng's behavior cannot be criticized by "Little Red Flag" at all. No matter what he says, it sounds so comfortable. If he tries to give others face again, he will appear stingy.

"Xiao Hongqi" didn't show any pretense and collected the money smoothly: "Brother, what you said is pleasant, but I feel that it sounds familiar to me. Anyway, I, Xu San, have made you a friend. Come on, come back with me." Go home and have a drink.”

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