A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3318 Blockade

"Turn around and go back the way you came!"

Zhao Likun didn't have the energy to dwell on the name "Nihang Town" at the moment. The most important thing right now was to meet up with Lu Fei. If Lu Fei couldn't be found, Zhao Likun couldn't even imagine how serious the consequences would be.

Following the direction guided by the "little red flag", the two cars galloped wildly, raising dust and smoke all over the sky. Three miles away, the road suddenly narrowed and became bumpy. Everyone was dizzy due to the bumps and bumps, and many people began to get carsick. Even so, they all Don't dare to slow down.

But after walking for a few miles, snow began to appear on the road, and there were almost no ruts on the road. Obviously, few cars passed by here. The previous bumpy road section, we can endure all kinds of discomfort and drive at full speed. But the snowy road was slippery, and no matter how anxious we were, we had to slow down. As a result, Zhao Likun's two cars walked for more than 40 miles for a full hour before they saw the intersection described by "Little Red Flag" .

Zhao Likun was so anxious that he immediately ordered the driver to turn in and get out of the woods. It was exactly as described by "Little Red Flag". The river here was four or five times wider than downstream. For the same river, the river is wider and the water is relatively shallow. At this moment, the river surface has been completely frozen, the river bank is low, almost level with the river bed, and there are obvious ruts on the road. It is obvious that more than one car has passed here, which shows that "Little Red Flag" did not deceive himself. However, Zhao Likun and Mr. Meng were still not happy because there were two camouflage off-road vehicles parked on the shore here. The vehicles were in starting mode and thick white mist rose from the exhaust pipes.

Zhao and Meng looked at each other, and saw a trace of bitterness in each other's eyes: "Damn it, Xiao Hongqi." Although the grandson of "Little Hongqi" told us about this road, he didn't tell us that there is also a wave of car bandits and road bullies here. Just now I thought "Xiao Hongqi" was a nice person, but now it seems that I have been fooled. I guess this is all from their group. Not only did they accept our "gift" over there, but I still want to do it here again. Killing us with a knife is really abominable!"

It's true that bad things come out of poverty. You're really cheating. That's all. If you're going to be slaughtered, you'll be slaughtered. We're anxious to meet up with Mr. Lu. We'll admit defeat today. When we finish our work, we'll deal with you later.

As the car approached, Zhao Likun opened his handbag and looked at it. There was still 20,000 in cash. In other places, 20,000 in cash could do a lot of things, but here, Zhao Likun didn't feel confident.

The "Little Red Flag" over there not only has more than a dozen strong men and excavator equipment and homemade steel bridges, this kind of "equipment" is already very high-end, but here, there are two military camouflage off-road vehicles. , the quality is not inferior to that side at all, such an impressive team, I don’t know if I can afford the 20,000 yuan.

It works.

While talking, the car approached the shore. Zhao Likun grabbed his handbag and prepared to go down to "get slaughtered". But at this moment, the door of one of the camouflage off-road vehicles on the shore opened, and two people jumped out, wearing camouflage and standing tall. The fierce warriors, one of whom was holding a standard semi-automatic rifle, and the other holding two pennants in both hands, stood in the middle of the road, waved the pennants in their hands in a very standard posture, and gave the order to prohibit passage.

"Not Roadhog!"

While Zhao and Meng were surprised, the driver had stopped the car, and the soldier holding the red flag trotted to the car window and gave a military salute and loudly said: "I'm sorry, there will be an exercise here soon, and the road is temporarily blocked. Please go back the way you came." .”


Zhao and Meng looked at each other and were stunned at the same time.

They are well-informed. Judging from the military appearance and equipment of these two soldiers, it is absolutely true. It stands to reason that facing soldiers is much better than facing road tyrants. But at this moment, Zhao and Meng's His face was even uglier than his dead mother.

It was obviously a convoy. At the intersection ahead, Lu Fei and his group's cars all passed smoothly, but they "kept" two of his company's cars. They begged that damn road bully for a long time, and even gave him a big gift. Not even a single amount of cash could be passed through, and they were already feeling very depressed.

Fortunately, Roadhog had some principles and paid them to guide them to another road. However, after being bumpy for an hour, his intestines were almost knotted. He finally found the road, but was stopped by the military again. What a lot of luck!

But now, they have no time to lament. If they can no longer cross the river, it may be too late. If Lu Fei over there can't wait anymore and starts making objects, even if he arrives, it will be too late.

Zhao and Meng got out of the car at the same time, lowered their posture to discuss with the soldiers.

"This brother smokes!"


"Comrade, we are in an emergency and must cross the river immediately. It is a matter of life and death, could you please be accommodating?"

"I'm sorry, the front is under martial law. All personnel except for exercises are prohibited from entering. This is an order from above. Please understand." The soldier said seriously.

Zhao Likun was so worried that he almost cried: "Comrade, the thing is like this, there are six cars of us going to the kiln factory inside. The four cars in front of us have already passed, but we were stopped by the road bully from Nikeng Town. Come down, we have no choice but to find this road. We have no choice but to do so. I can assure you that we will never cause you any trouble. Just let us pass!" "Turn around and go back the way we came!"

Zhao Likun didn't have the energy to dwell on the name "Nihang Town" at the moment. The most important thing right now was to meet up with Lu Fei. If Lu Fei couldn't be found, then Zhao Likun couldn't even imagine how serious the consequences would be.

Following the direction guided by the "little red flag", the two cars galloped wildly, raising dust and smoke all over the sky. Three miles away, the road suddenly narrowed and became bumpy. Everyone was dizzy due to the bumps and bumps, and many people began to get carsick. Even so, they all Don't dare to slow down.

But after walking for a few miles, snow began to appear on the road, and there were almost no ruts on the road. Obviously, few cars passed by here. The previous bumpy road section, we can endure all kinds of discomfort and drive at full speed. But the snowy road was slippery, and no matter how anxious we were, we had to slow down. As a result, Zhao Likun's two cars walked for more than 40 miles for a full hour before they saw the intersection described by "Little Red Flag" .

Zhao Likun was so anxious that he immediately ordered the driver to turn in and get out of the woods. It was exactly as described by "Little Red Flag". The river here was four or five times wider than downstream. For the same river, the river is wider and the water is relatively shallow. At this moment, the river surface has been completely frozen, the river bank is low, almost level with the river bed, and there are obvious ruts on the road. It is obvious that more than one car has passed here, which shows that "Little Red Flag" did not deceive himself. However, Zhao Likun and Mr. Meng were still not happy because there were two camouflage off-road vehicles parked on the shore here. The vehicles were in starting mode and thick white mist rose from the exhaust pipes.

Zhao and Meng looked at each other, and saw a trace of bitterness in each other's eyes: "Damn it, Xiao Hongqi." Although the grandson of "Little Hongqi" told us about this road, he didn't tell us that there is also a wave of car bandits and road bullies here. Just now I thought "Xiao Hongqi" was a nice person, but now it seems that I have been fooled. I guess this is all from their group. Not only did they accept our "gift" over there, but I still want to do it here again. Killing us with a knife is really abominable!"

It's true that bad things come out of poverty. You're really cheating. That's all. If you're going to be slaughtered, you'll be slaughtered. We're anxious to meet up with Mr. Lu. We'll admit defeat today. When we finish our work, we'll deal with you later.

As the car approached, Zhao Likun opened his handbag and looked at it. There was still 20,000 in cash. In other places, 20,000 in cash could do a lot of things, but here, Zhao Likun didn't feel confident.

The "Little Red Flag" over there not only has more than a dozen strong men and excavator equipment and homemade steel bridges, this kind of "equipment" is already very high-end, but here, there are two military camouflage off-road vehicles. , the quality is not inferior to that side at all, such an impressive team, I don’t know if I can afford the 20,000 yuan.

It works.

While talking, the car approached the shore. Zhao Likun grabbed his handbag and prepared to go down to "get slaughtered". But at this moment, the door of one of the camouflage off-road vehicles on the shore opened, and two people jumped out, wearing camouflage and standing tall. The fierce warriors, one of whom was holding a standard semi-automatic rifle, and the other holding two pennants in both hands, stood in the middle of the road, waved the pennants in their hands in a very standard posture, and gave the order to prohibit passage.

"Not Roadhog!"

While Zhao and Meng were surprised, the driver had stopped the car, and the soldier holding the red flag trotted to the car window and gave a military salute and loudly said: "I'm sorry, there will be an exercise here soon, and the road is temporarily blocked. Please go back the way you came." .”


Zhao and Meng looked at each other and were stunned at the same time.

They are well-informed. Judging from the military appearance and equipment of these two soldiers, it is absolutely true. It stands to reason that facing soldiers is much better than facing road tyrants. But at this moment, Zhao and Meng's His face was even uglier than his dead mother.

It was obviously a convoy. At the intersection ahead, Lu Fei and his group's cars all passed smoothly, but they "kept" two of his company's cars. They begged that damn road bully for a long time, and even gave him a big gift. Not even a single amount of cash could be passed through, and they were already feeling very depressed.

Fortunately, Roadhog had some principles and paid them to guide them to another road. However, after being bumpy for an hour, his intestines were about to be knotted. He finally found the road, but was stopped by the military again. What a lot of luck!

But now, they have no time to lament. If they can no longer cross the river, it may be too late. If Lu Fei over there can't wait anymore and starts making objects, even if he arrives, it will be too late.

Zhao and Meng got out of the car at the same time, lowered their posture to discuss with the soldiers.

"This brother smokes!"


"Comrade, we are in an emergency and must cross the river immediately. It is a matter of life and death, could you please be accommodating?"

"I'm sorry, the front is under martial law. All personnel except for exercises are prohibited from entering. This is an order from above. Please understand." The soldier said seriously.

Zhao Likun was so worried that he almost cried: "Comrade, the thing is like this, there are six cars of us going to the kiln factory inside. The four cars in front of us have already passed, but we were stopped by the road bully from Nikeng Town. Come down, we have no choice but to find this road. We have no choice but to do so. I can assure you that we will never cause you any trouble, so just let us pass!"

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