A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3321 Cannery in the Mountains

Zhao Likun always felt that something was wrong. He once suspected that it was Lu Fei's fault, but this idea was quickly rejected by him.

Lu Fei and Zhao Jinzhou fight each other to achieve his goal, which requires vigorous publicity. His company is the only media following him. He is blocked from the outside. What the hell is he doing?

Besides, he spent an astronomical price of 3.5 billion to get the exclusive interview rights. This incident has already caused a sensation in the whole country. How could Lu Fei set himself up regardless of the impact?

What's more, he has no grievances against Lu Fei, and he has no reason against himself for spending so much money to "support" Lu Fei. The most important point is that Lu Fei has reminded himself more than once that he must keep up with him. , for being so enthusiastic about him, he still doubted Boss Lu. He was going too far, and he was so heartless!

In addition to Lu Fei, he also suspected "Little Red Flag", but if he thought about it carefully, this was not true at all. He had pointed out another path for him, and that path did exist. If it hadn't been for the military blockade, it would have been a possible path. Passing through the place is free, which means that people are not deceiving themselves at all. If they really want to deceive themselves, they can just point out the direction and let themselves run around like a headless fly. Anyway, I am not familiar with this area. , why go to such trouble?

As for not finding the "Little Red Flag" group, I can't blame them. The main reason is that I am too unfamiliar with the terrain in this area. Let me calm down and think about it carefully. Everything I have experienced seems to be a coincidence. It seems that my luck is too bad today.

But Mr. Meng didn't care about this. On the way back, he continued to complain all over the place. When he walked out of the woods and saw the strange eyes of his subordinates, Mr. Meng stopped complaining, but the anger on his face made people shudder. .

Regardless of the fact that these sponsors have contracts with Zhao Likun, they will not suffer losses if there is an accident. But after all, Mr. Meng does not want accidents to happen. His purpose is not only to promote his company, but more importantly, through this This opportunity to get to know Lu Fei will help pave the way for future business. If he really has the opportunity to get acquainted with Lu Fei, the benefits he will bring to him in the future will not be comparable to the one billion or eighty million.

Back in the car, the two bosses sighed. The driver and employees did not dare to bring up the grievances they had felt before.

After being silent for a while, Mr. Meng raised his head and focused his eyes on the excavator by the woods. However, after looking at it for a while, he began to shake his head in disappointment.

He wanted to let his own people drive the excavator to build the iron bridge, but he didn't

The key to the excavator. Even if there is a key, no one will play with that thing. In private, everyone makes fun of the certain excavator school. But in terms of technical content, driving this thing is much more difficult than driving a car. , I really can’t control it within a year or two.

Looking at the sky, Mr. Meng said in a hoarse voice: "Old Zhao, there are so many things going on. I lost my temper and spoke a little too hastily. Please be more patient. The sun is about to set. We can't. If you just sit back and wait for death, you have to find a way!"

Zhao Likun nodded, lit a cigarette and took a puff: "We are not familiar with the terrain here. This is too passive for us. It would be a waste of time to continue searching. I think we should go back the same way and go to the nearest We need to find someone in the town who is familiar with this place to guide us. In such a large forest, these two intersections cannot be the only ones. There must be other ways out."

Mr. Meng thought for a moment, and it seemed that this was all he could do now. He immediately made a decision and returned the same way.


On the other side, there are two completely different situations.

After Lu Fei and his car passed through smoothly, they walked for more than half an hour and came to a wide valley. In this valley, there was a modern building with a large courtyard, and a sign was hung at the door. It says "Nikeng Town Cannery". In the yard, which covers an area of ​​ten acres, there are two large factories and a two-story dormitory building opposite. There is also a national flag erected in the middle of the yard. The cannery It seems simple, but it gives people a very formal look.

As for the kiln that "Little Red Flag" mentioned, there really isn't one here. There is only this one building within a radius of thirty kilometers. This is also Lu Fei's destination.

Although this "cannery" is located in a remote location, it is quite lively here. It is lunch time at the moment. Many men and women are carrying plates and lunch boxes towards the restaurant on the far left of the dormitory building. The other window of the restaurant is steaming with steam and white mist is curling up. , wafting out a tempting aroma that makes people want to stop.

Lu Fei took the lead and drove the car into the courtyard. Many "employees" stopped and looked over, and two middle-aged men with strong bodies trotted out to greet them.

"Haha, Boss Lu, you're here. I couldn't get through to you even if I called you. The food in the cafeteria is ready and waiting for you."

Lu Fei smiled and walked up to shake hands with the two men respectively: "Mr. Leng, Mr. Yue, you can't blame me. The road conditions here are really bad. As for the phone, there has been no signal since we entered the forest farm. I thought My phone is broken." Zhao Likun always felt that something was wrong. He once suspected that it was Lu Fei's fault, but this idea was quickly rejected by him.

Lu Fei and Zhao Jinzhou fight each other to achieve his goal, which requires vigorous publicity. His company is the only media following him. He is blocked from the outside. What the hell is he doing?

Besides, he spent an astronomical price of 3.5 billion to get the exclusive interview rights. This incident has already caused a sensation in the whole country. How could Lu Fei set himself up regardless of the impact?

What's more, he has no grievances against Lu Fei, and he has no reason against himself for spending so much money to "praise" Lu Fei. The most important point is that Lu Fei has reminded himself more than once that he must keep up with him. , for being so enthusiastic about him, he still doubted Boss Lu. He was going too far, and he was so heartless!

In addition to Lu Fei, he also suspected "Little Red Flag", but if he thought about it carefully, this was not true at all. He had pointed out another path for him, and that path did exist. If it hadn't been for the military blockade, it would have been a possible path. Passing through the place is free, which means that people are not deceiving themselves at all. If they really want to deceive themselves, they can just point out the direction and let themselves run around like a headless fly. Anyway, I am not familiar with this area. , why go to such trouble?

As for not finding the "Little Red Flag" group, I can't blame them. The main reason is that I am too unfamiliar with the terrain in this area. Let me calm down and think about it carefully. Everything I have experienced seems to be a coincidence. It seems that my luck is too bad today.

But Mr. Meng didn't care about this. On the way back, he continued to complain all over the place. When he walked out of the woods and saw the strange eyes of his subordinates, Mr. Meng stopped complaining, but the anger on his face made people shudder. .

Regardless of the fact that these sponsors have contracts with Zhao Likun, they will not suffer losses if there is an accident. But after all, Mr. Meng does not want accidents to happen. His purpose is not only to promote his company, but more importantly, through this This opportunity to get to know Lu Fei will help pave the way for future business. If he really has the opportunity to get acquainted with Lu Fei, the benefits he will bring to him in the future will not be comparable to the one billion or eighty million.

Back in the car, the two bosses sighed. The driver and employees did not dare to bring up the grievances they had felt before.

After being silent for a while, Mr. Meng raised his head and focused his eyes on the excavator by the woods. However, after looking at it for a while, he began to shake his head in disappointment.

He wanted to let his own people drive the excavator to build the iron bridge, but he didn't

The key to the excavator. Even if there is a key, no one will play with that thing. In private, everyone makes fun of the certain excavator school. But in terms of technical content, driving this thing is much more difficult than driving a car. , I really can’t control it within a year or two.

Looking at the sky, Mr. Meng said in a hoarse voice: "Old Zhao, there are so many things going on. I lost my temper and spoke a little too hastily. Please be more patient. The sun is about to set. We can't. If you just sit back and wait for death, you have to find a way!"

Zhao Likun nodded, lit a cigarette and took a puff: "We are not familiar with the terrain here. This is too passive for us. It would be a waste of time to continue searching. I think we should go back the same way and go to the nearest We need to find someone in the town who is familiar with this place to guide us. In such a large forest, these two intersections cannot be the only ones. There must be other ways out."

Mr. Meng thought for a moment, and it seemed that this was all he could do now. He immediately made a decision and returned the same way.


On the other side, there are two completely different situations.

After Lu Fei and his car passed through smoothly, they walked for more than half an hour and came to a wide valley. In this valley, there was a modern building with a large courtyard, and a sign was hung at the door. It says "Nikeng Town Cannery". In the yard, which covers an area of ​​ten acres, there are two large factories and a two-story dormitory building opposite. There is also a national flag erected in the middle of the yard. The cannery It seems simple, but it gives people a very formal look.

As for the kiln that "Little Red Flag" mentioned, there really isn't one here. There is only this one building within a radius of thirty kilometers. This is also Lu Fei's destination.

Although this "cannery" is located in a remote location, it is quite lively here. It is lunch time at the moment. Many men and women are carrying plates and lunch boxes towards the restaurant on the far left of the dormitory building. The other window of the restaurant is steaming with steam and white mist is curling up. , wafting out a tempting aroma that makes people want to stop.

Lu Fei took the lead and drove the car into the courtyard. Many "employees" stopped and looked over, and two middle-aged men with strong bodies trotted out to greet them.

"Haha, Boss Lu, you're here. I couldn't get through to you even if I called you. The food in the cafeteria is ready and waiting for you."

Lu Fei smiled and walked up to shake hands with the two men respectively: "Mr. Leng, Mr. Yue, you can't blame me. The road conditions here are really bad. As for the phone, there has been no signal since we entered the forest farm. I thought My phone is broken."

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