A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3326 Urgent

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Lu Fei's cooperation with more than a dozen employees became more and more tacit, and the speed became faster and faster.

When the height of the "kiln" reaches 1.5 meters, it begins to close, and the internal diameter shrinks inward little by little. In this way, the speed becomes faster. When the height reaches about 2.5 meters, several employees carry it over. A steel pipe as thick as an arm was placed across the stone walls on both sides under Lu Fei's command.

Seeing this, Zhang Yanhe and others frowned slightly.

"What are you doing with the pipes? By the way, there doesn't seem to be such a design in the porcelain kiln, right?"

Everyone was confused. At this time, Fu Yuliang's eyes lit up: "Idiot, you don't understand this. This steel pipe is obviously a beam, used to stabilize the structure!!"

"Well, what Lao Fu said makes sense. With this beam, the overall frame is much more stable. After all, Bao Bao Fei is not a bricklayer, and he is not as meticulous as professional work. It is safer to use this stupid method."

"Pfft, hahaha!!"

At this time, Fatty Wang suddenly broke into laughter and startled the other old guys.

"Damn fat man, why are you so crazy? You scared me, you know?"

The fat man laughed so hard that tears came out: "Haha, I'm sorry everyone, after listening to what Lao Fu said, I suddenly thought of a joke. When I went to the countryside, there was a bricklayer named Ma San in our village. His grandson's craftsmanship Not good at all, but I just like to show off. Once, the village chief’s house wanted to build a tofu house and asked us to come over and help. It was an evil day and all the bricklayers in the village were not at home. In the end, we had to call Ma San over. , Masanda took it, and we worked as small laborers.

Ma San was in good condition that day and was very fast. During lunch, the four walls came up. When the village chief's wife called us to have lunch, there was a gust of wind. The wind was not too strong. As a result, with a bang, the south wall fell down. It frightened the village chief out of his wits. I thought, if Bao Bao Fei didn’t get a steel pipe to use as a beam, the quality might not be as good as Ma San. "


Everyone laughed when they heard this, and even Zhao Jinzhou, who was not far away, couldn't help laughing.

The fat man's voice was so loud that even Lu Fei inside the wall heard it clearly. He couldn't help but stand up and glared at the fat man fiercely. He snorted coldly: "Fat man, I have another recipe here. Do you want it?"


Fatty Wang's face immediately turned red, and he covered his mouth and did not dare to speak out.

Zhang Yanhe and everyone stared at Fatty and Lu Fei several times, nodded in unison, and thought to themselves: "There is indeed something going on between Fatty and Lu Fei!"

After the beam is set up, the closing opening becomes smaller and smaller, the area becomes smaller, and the speed

It came up. After about half an hour, the diameter of the closing mouth was only about 1.5 meters. Lu Fei finally stopped and jumped out of the round mouth above. At this time, two employees brought over a round iron plate. Lu Fei To help, the three people pressed the iron plate on the round mouth, sealing the entire exit tightly. Lu Fei clapped his hands and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, very good."

Lu Fei was very satisfied, but Guan Haishan was confused: "Hey, don't you feel that there is something missing at the entrance of Bao Bao Fei's kiln?"

"Uh, what's missing?"

"The kiln door, Lu Fei built up the entire kiln, leaving no kiln door at all. Without a kiln door, where would the porcelain blanks be put in?"


"It's true. Rags Flying is not a professional after all. He didn't leave the kiln door, so wouldn't this work be in vain?"

"No, look, isn't there a skylight on the top? I guess Baoshao Fei wants to unload materials from above."

"Fart, there is a flue up there, how do you cut the ingredients? Isn't this nonsense?"

"Why can't we cut materials? Don't expect to make porcelain every day? This is obviously a one-time kiln entrance. Cutting materials through the skylight is no big deal. The skylight is one meter and a half in diameter, and any blank can be put in." , there is no kiln opening underneath, so it has better sealing and better heat preservation. I think the design makes sense!"

Everyone expressed their opinions, and finally Gong Xiuliang's opinion was expressed. After thinking about it, everyone felt that it made sense, so the topic was temporarily dropped.

After the main body was completed, Lu Fei jumped down and mixed the yellow mud with the employees.

Loess and straw tied into two inches were mixed with warm water and coarse salt to make yellow mud. A layer was evenly applied on the surface of the "kiln", and then another layer was also applied on the inside. With these two layers of yellow mud, Mud can make the "kiln" more insulated. None of the "live audience" had objections to this, but the veterans couldn't stand Lu Fei's next operation.

I saw a group of employees pushing three large bundles of firewood. Lu Fei took it upon himself to throw the firewood, which was as thick as a calf, into the "kiln" to light it.

There is no problem with wood-fired kilns. In this era, natural gas or electric furnaces were generally used for firing porcelain. Before the 1960s, anthracite was used for firing. Before the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, wood was used for firing porcelain. However, The wood used for firing porcelain is very particular, and not all wood can be used.

The wood used for firing porcelain in ancient times was mostly mountain awn and red pine. These two types of wood have strong diesel properties and high temperatures.

When firing porcelain, temperature is particularly important. If the temperature is not reached, all the porcelain blanks in the kiln may be scrapped. There are many types of firewood transported by land, such as cypress and several fruit trees. These types of wood cannot reach the temperature at all. Several The old guys looked worried. Under everyone's watchful eyes, Lu Fei's cooperation with more than a dozen employees became more and more tacit, and the speed became faster and faster.

When the height of the "kiln" reaches 1.5 meters, it begins to close, and the internal diameter shrinks inward little by little. In this way, the speed becomes faster. When the height reaches about 2.5 meters, several employees carry it over. A steel pipe as thick as an arm was placed across the stone walls on both sides under Lu Fei's command.

Seeing this, Zhang Yanhe and others frowned slightly.

"What are you doing with the pipes? By the way, there doesn't seem to be such a design in the porcelain kiln, right?"

Everyone was confused. At this time, Fu Yuliang's eyes lit up: "Idiot, you don't understand this. This steel pipe is obviously a beam, used to stabilize the structure!!"

"Well, what Lao Fu said makes sense. With this beam, the overall frame is much more stable. After all, Bao Bao Fei is not a bricklayer, and he is not as meticulous as professional work. It is safer to use this stupid method."

"Pfft, hahaha!!"

At this time, Fatty Wang suddenly broke into laughter and startled the other old guys.

"Damn fat man, why are you so crazy? You scared me, you know?"

The fat man laughed so hard that tears came out: "Haha, I'm sorry everyone, after listening to what Lao Fu said, I suddenly thought of a joke. When I went to the countryside, there was a bricklayer named Ma San in our village. His grandson's craftsmanship Not good at all, but I just like to show off. Once, the village chief’s house wanted to build a tofu house and asked us to come over and help. It was an evil day and all the bricklayers in the village were not at home. In the end, we had to call Ma San over. , Masanda took it, and we worked as small laborers.

Ma San was in good condition that day and was very fast. During lunch, the four walls came up. When the village chief's wife called us to have lunch, there was a gust of wind. The wind was not too strong. As a result, with a bang, the south wall fell down. It frightened the village chief out of his wits. I thought, if Bao Bao Fei didn’t get a steel pipe to use as a beam, the quality might not be as good as Ma San. "


Everyone laughed when they heard this, and even Zhao Jinzhou, who was not far away, couldn't help laughing.

The fat man's voice was so loud that even Lu Fei inside the wall heard it clearly. He couldn't help but stand up and glared at the fat man fiercely. He snorted coldly: "Fat man, I have another recipe here. Do you want it?"


Fatty Wang's face immediately turned red, and he covered his mouth and did not dare to speak out.

Zhang Yanhe and everyone stared at Fatty and Lu Fei several times, nodded in unison, and thought to themselves: "There is indeed something going on between Fatty and Lu Fei!"

After the beam is set up, the closing opening becomes smaller and smaller, the area becomes smaller, and the speed

It came up. After about half an hour, the diameter of the closing mouth was only about 1.5 meters. Lu Fei finally stopped and jumped out of the round mouth above. At this time, two employees brought over a round iron plate. Lu Fei To help, the three people pressed the iron plate on the round mouth, sealing the entire exit tightly. Lu Fei clapped his hands and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, very good."

Lu Fei was very satisfied, but Guan Haishan was confused: "Hey, don't you feel that there is something missing at the entrance of Bao Bao Fei's kiln?"

"Uh, what's missing?"

"The kiln door, Lu Fei built up the entire kiln, leaving no kiln door at all. Without a kiln door, where would the porcelain blanks be put in?"


"It's true. Rags Flying is not a professional after all. He didn't leave the kiln door, so wouldn't this work be in vain?"

"No, look, isn't there a skylight on the top? I guess Baoshao Fei wants to unload materials from above."

"Fart, there is a flue up there, how do you cut the ingredients? Isn't this nonsense?"

"Why can't we cut materials? Don't expect to make porcelain every day? This is obviously a one-time kiln entrance. Cutting materials through the skylight is no big deal. The skylight is one meter and a half in diameter, and any blank can be put in." , there is no kiln opening underneath, so it has better sealing and better heat preservation. I think the design makes sense!"

Everyone expressed their opinions, and finally Gong Xiuliang's opinion was expressed. After thinking about it, everyone felt that it made sense, so the topic was temporarily dropped.

After the main body was completed, Lu Fei jumped down and mixed the yellow mud with the employees.

Loess and straw tied into two inches were mixed with warm water and coarse salt to make yellow mud. A layer was evenly applied on the surface of the "kiln", and then another layer was also applied on the inside. With these two layers of yellow mud, Mud can make the "kiln" more insulated. None of the "live audience" had objections to this, but the veterans couldn't stand Lu Fei's next operation.

I saw a group of employees pushing three large bundles of firewood. Lu Fei took it upon himself to throw the firewood, which was as thick as a calf, into the "kiln" to light it.

There is no problem with wood-fired kilns. In this era, natural gas or electric furnaces were generally used for firing porcelain. Before the 1960s, anthracite was used for firing. Before the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, wood was used for firing porcelain. However, The wood used for firing porcelain is very particular, and not all wood can be used.

The wood used for firing porcelain in ancient times was mostly mountain awn and red pine. These two types of wood have strong diesel properties and high temperatures.

When firing porcelain, temperature is particularly important. If the temperature is not reached, all the porcelain blanks in the kiln may be scrapped. However, there are many types of firewood transported by land, such as cypress and several fruit trees. These types of firewood cannot reach the temperature at all. Several The old guys looked worried.

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