A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3333 Uneasy

Song Ji'an swore that he had never added anything to the water, and no one had touched the bucket of water. Without the intervention of foreign substances, it continuously transformed into three completely different states in a short period of time. His knowledge is beyond comprehension.

Also, at this time, the outdoor temperature had reached about minus five or six degrees, but the water in the bucket showed no signs of freezing. All kinds of incredible reactions aroused Song Jian's strong curiosity, and he had a strong impulse in his heart. Carefully study the composition of this bucket of water.

Most people have the urge to explore when they encounter something they cannot understand. Song Ji'an is engaged in scientific research, so this urge is even more intense. He kept looking in the direction of the restaurant, as if there was a little devil seducing him. He wanted to take advantage of someone's surprise to get some water and study it, but in the end, the little devil was suppressed by his strong willpower.

This bucket of water must be extraordinary. Even the archaeological team members who have a good relationship with Lu Fei want to study it, but Lu Fei won't allow it, let alone himself. If he is discovered stealing water, his reputation will be damaged, Lu Fei will not allow it. He couldn't bear Fei's blame. If it ruined the competition between the teacher and Lu Fei, the consequences would be even more disastrous.

Although he had a strong impulse, Song Ji'an still endured it. He still knew that he would die if he did not commit suicide.

However, seeing the magical imagination of this bucket of water, Song Ji'an suddenly had a very bad feeling. What kind of changes would happen to that ordinary jujube branch under such a reflection?

Lu Fei said that the soaking time takes 24 hours. What will the jujube branches look like after 24 hours?

By then, our instruments won’t really make mistakes, right?

Thinking of this, Song Jian felt uneasy.

The time came to half past eight in the evening, and the restaurant was still bustling with activity. Several of the old guys from the archaeological team had their tongues curled up, but they still stood firm and refused to retreat. Wang Xinyi listened to Lu Fei turning his intestines with them, and passed by. The old sesame seeds and rotten millet were re-explained and discussed. Sometimes they were so noisy that they blushed, and sometimes they laughed out loud. Wang Xinyi found it particularly interesting.

Outside the restaurant, other senior brothers had already eaten and drank. They wanted to replace Song Ji'an, but he refused. He had been completely conquered by the magical imagination of this bucket of water and refused to leave for a while.

In the last hour or so, the water in the bucket has changed again. The blisters and foam have faded, and the bronze water has gradually turned into a pure black like ink.

Moreover, it seems that the temperature of the water inside has not dropped, but has actually increased. Although Song Ji'an did not use a thermometer to measure it, the heat visible to the naked eye can prove his guess. This magical change is simply incredible.

Song Ji'an couldn't move his legs anymore. It wasn't because he was numb from the cold, but because he didn't want to leave for a moment, for fear of missing the next reaction. In that case, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

After a while, Zhao Jinzhou came out with a water cup. Song Ji'an told the teacher about the several changes in the state of the water bucket. Zhao Jinzhou also frowned and was surprised.

He saw with his own eyes that Lu Fei only added a small packet of powder to the water. Apart from that, he never added anything else. It was normal for the packet of powder to react with water and branches, and it could happen several times in a row. Moreover, it was still a very obvious violent reaction. Even he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Could it be that there were several acidic substances in Lu Fei's packet of powder?

No, the powder was added at the same time. Even if there is a reaction, it will be at the same time. Even if there is a delay in individual substances, there will not be too much difference. It will only be an error of more than ten seconds at most. It will never be separated by what Song Ji'an said. Change every half an hour!


Zhao Jinzhou is an academician of the Academy of Sciences and has decades of work experience. Over the years, he has been exposed to almost all elements and has a deep understanding of all elements. However, when he filtered all the knowledge in his mind, he found that I found that I still couldn't explain this situation, and I couldn't help but be even more shocked.

"Go to the car and get my down jacket and hat."

Zhao Jinzhou decided to stay and see with his own eyes what that magical reaction looked like and whether it was really as magical as his disciple said.

"Teacher, Lu Fei's bucket of water is very unusual. I'm worried."

Zhao Jinzhou waved his hand and interrupted Song Ji'an: "I know what you are worried about. In fact, there is no need at all. Maybe Lu Fei's bucket of water is very special, but no matter what, it is the jujube branch that is soaked. No matter how it reacts, A branch is still a branch. Various reactions may change the appearance of the branch, but he absolutely cannot change the molecular structure of the tree.

This is like a piece of porcelain made by a skilled counterfeiter. He can artificially create bubbles and cracks in the enamel, and he can also artificially thicken the natural coating. However, no matter how hard he tries, all he can do is just Change the appearance of this piece of porcelain, but the root of this piece of porcelain is still the original piece of porcelain. "Song Ji'an swore that he never added anything to the water, and no one had touched this bucket of water. Without the intervention of foreign substances, it continuously changed into three completely different states in a short period of time. With his knowledge, he couldn't understand it.

Also, at this time, the outdoor temperature had reached about minus five or six degrees, but the water in the bucket showed no signs of freezing. All kinds of incredible reactions aroused Song Jian's strong curiosity, and he had a strong impulse in his heart. Carefully study the composition of this bucket of water.

Most people have the urge to explore when they encounter something they cannot understand. Song Ji'an is engaged in scientific research, so this urge is even more intense. He kept looking in the direction of the restaurant, as if there was a little devil seducing him. He wanted to take advantage of someone's surprise to get some water and study it, but in the end, the little devil was suppressed by his strong willpower.

This bucket of water must be extraordinary. Even the archaeological team members who have a good relationship with Lu Fei want to study it, but Lu Fei won't allow it, let alone himself. If he is discovered stealing water, his reputation will be damaged, Lu Fei will not allow it. He couldn't bear Fei's blame. If it ruined the competition between the teacher and Lu Fei, the consequences would be even more disastrous. ??

Although he had a strong impulse, Song Ji'an still endured it. He still knew that he would die if he did not commit suicide.

However, seeing the magical imagination of this bucket of water, Song Ji'an suddenly had a very bad feeling. What kind of changes would happen to that ordinary jujube branch under such a reflection?

Lu Fei said that the soaking time takes 24 hours. What will the jujube branches look like after 24 hours?

By then, our instruments won’t really make mistakes, right?

Thinking of this, Song Jian felt uneasy.

The time came to half past eight in the evening, and the restaurant was still bustling with activity. Several of the old guys from the archaeological team had their tongues curled up, but they still stood firm and refused to retreat. Wang Xinyi listened to Lu Fei turning his intestines with them, and passed by. The old sesame seeds and rotten millet were re-explained and discussed. Sometimes they were so noisy that they blushed, and sometimes they laughed out loud. Wang Xinyi found it particularly interesting.

Outside the restaurant, other senior brothers had already eaten and drank. They wanted to replace Song Ji'an, but he refused. He had been completely conquered by the magical imagination of this bucket of water and refused to leave for a while.

In the last hour or so, the water in the bucket has changed again. The blisters and foam have faded, and the bronze water has gradually turned into a pure black like ink.

Moreover, it seems that the temperature of the water inside has not dropped, but has actually increased. Although Song Ji'an did not use a thermometer to measure it, the heat visible to the naked eye can prove his guess. This magical change is simply incredible.

Song Ji'an couldn't move his legs anymore. It wasn't because he was numb from the cold, but because he didn't want to leave for a moment, for fear of missing the next reaction. In that case, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

After a while, Zhao Jinzhou came out with a water cup. Song Ji'an told the teacher about the several changes in the state of the water bucket. Zhao Jinzhou also frowned and was surprised.

He saw with his own eyes that Lu Fei only added a small packet of powder to the water. Apart from that, he never added anything else. It was normal for the packet of powder to react with water and branches, and it could happen several times in a row. Moreover, it was still a very obvious violent reaction. Even he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Could it be that there were several acidic substances in Lu Fei's packet of powder?

No, the powder was added at the same time. Even if there is a reaction, it will be at the same time. Even if there is a delay in individual substances, there will not be too much difference. It will only be an error of more than ten seconds at most. It will never be separated by what Song Ji'an said. Change every half an hour!


Zhao Jinzhou is an academician of the Academy of Sciences and has decades of work experience. Over the years, he has been exposed to almost all elements and has a deep understanding of all elements. However, when he filtered all the knowledge in his mind, he found that I found that I still couldn't explain this situation, and I couldn't help but be even more shocked.

"Go to the car and get my down jacket and hat."

Zhao Jinzhou decided to stay and see with his own eyes what that magical reaction looked like and whether it was really as magical as his disciple said.

"Teacher, Lu Fei's bucket of water is very unusual. I'm worried."

Zhao Jinzhou waved his hand and interrupted Song Ji'an: "I know what you are worried about. In fact, there is no need at all. Maybe Lu Fei's bucket of water is very special, but no matter what, it is the jujube branch that is soaked. No matter how it reacts, A branch is still a branch. Various reactions may change the appearance of the branch, but he absolutely cannot change the molecular structure of the tree.

This is like a piece of porcelain made by a skilled counterfeiter. He can artificially create bubbles and cracks in the enamel, and he can also artificially thicken the natural coating. However, no matter how hard he tries, all he can do is just Change the appearance of this piece of porcelain, but the root of this piece of porcelain is still the original piece of porcelain. "

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