Song Ji'an guessed that Lu Fei would answer like this. Secret recipes and patents are the foundation of a life and a life, and they cannot be easily told to others. However, he was so curious that he was still very disappointed when Lu Fei rejected him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, I was rude. By the way, what are you two doing?"

The outfits worn by Lu Fei and his wife were so shocking that Song Jian couldn't help but ask.

"I haven't hunted for a long time. I heard pheasants crow in the mountains yesterday. Let's go have a look. If we're lucky, we can get a few back for lunch," Lu Fei said.


Are you two carrying air rifles? "

Lu Fei smiled, took out the magazine and looked at him: "Man, just play with real guys, air guns are not enough."

Seeing the bright bullets, Song Ji'an almost screamed. This guy's eyes widened. Good guy, it's a real gun. Lu Fei and the others dared to bring the real gun with them. They weren't afraid.

"Haha, don't think blindly. We both have gun licenses and it's legal. I won't talk to you anymore. Let's go now!"

When Lu Fei saw it, Song Ji'an immediately blushed: "Goodbye, Mr. Lu, please be safe. Oh, by the way, Mr. Lu, pheasants are protected animals, and hunting pheasants is illegal!"

Lu Fei turned his back and waved his hand. He was really too lazy to talk nonsense with him. Literary people have a lot of things to do and talk too much, which makes people annoying. This is why the friends around Lu Fei are either from a rough background or have a straightforward personality. It means that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together.

We went hunting in the mountains today, but my wife specifically requested it. Although there is a shooting range at home, target shooting is completely different from hunting live animals. The former is mechanized, while the latter is more exciting.

When Wang Xinyi was working in the Special Branch, she was always active on the front line. She was thrown out in a hail of bullets. It was not until she was injured that she returned to the rear and finally resigned from the Special Branch. In total, Wang Xinyi has been working on the front line for more than two years. I have never played with a gun before. Of course, Lu Fei would not refuse this offer of hunting. Before coming, Lu Fei and I had made full preparations. As for hunting a few pheasants, was that a big deal for Lu Fei?

Not long after Lu Fei and his wife left, Zhao Jinzhou got up and replaced Song Ji'an himself. When he came closer, he immediately looked at the bucket, but unfortunately, the state of the water in the bucket was the same as when he was resting, and there was no change. , it seems that this should be the final state.

At 8:30 in the morning, the hungover Guan Haishan and others got up one after another. Although Lu Fei’s good wine would not cause a headache, drinking too much

It's also uncomfortable. When I woke up this morning, all the old guys were listless and their faces were not very good.

But when passing by the courtyard, I overheard disciple Zhao Jinzhou saying that Lu Fei's bucket of water had several different reactions overnight, and the old guys suddenly came back to life with full health.

They guessed that Lu Fei's products must be high-quality. Lu Fei was so careful that he even burned the newspapers containing the powder to be wary of them. But the more this happened, the more curious they became. Don't look at all the people who drank last night. There were too many, but they didn’t forget about the powder.

In the past, the antiseptic, sizing and other potions prepared by Lu Fei would cause some reactions, but they were all one-time reactions. Only when he was in Zhongzhou last time, the protective agent prepared by Lu Fei had two reactions in a row. That's it. They all felt that it was very magical. They tried every means, even without shame, so they secretly made some potions and took them back for study. But after the study, they were dumbfounded. Three of the ingredients could not be analyzed. As a result, the blind man lit the lamp in vain. However, they always remembered Lu Fei's protective agent.

This time I heard that the half bucket of water given by Lu Fei reacted five times in a row overnight, and the reaction was quite violent. The old guys had a collective orgasm and rushed to the bucket like crazy. Zhang Yanhe had just returned from brushing his teeth. He was about to scoop some water out of a dental vat and take it away, but was stopped by Zhao Jinzhou and Song Ji'an.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Jinzhou asked with a sullen face.

"Hey, good morning, Academician Zhao. Well, I see that the water has not frozen after being left overnight. I am very curious. I will study it." Zhang Yanhe said with a playful smile.

Although they were dissatisfied with Zhao Jinzhou, he was willing to do anything in order to understand the ingredients of the potion. Not to mention greeting them with a smile, it didn't matter to him even if he was scolded by Zhao Jinzhou.


Unfortunately, Zhao Jinzhou couldn't tolerate him and sternly refused.

When Zhang Yanhe got up, he heard that Lu Fei was taking his wife into the mountains for hunting. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. How could he let it go?

"I'll just make a little bit, and I'll make sure it doesn't affect you, okay?"

"No, Lu Fei asked me to watch you, and I specifically asked you not to touch the bucket."

"Hey, Old Zhao, you are so stubborn. Bao Bao Fei was just joking, but you took it seriously. You have also seen our relationship with Lu Fei. It can be said that there is no distinction between us. His things are our things. You saw the Wuyishan Dahongpao you drank yesterday, right? When we go to his house, we pack it up and give him some water. He won't be angry. If he complains about you, can I carry it for you?" Song Ji'an guessed that Lu Fei would He answered like this. Secret recipes and patents are the foundation of a life and a life. They cannot be easily told to others. However, he was so curious that he was still very disappointed when Lu Fei rejected him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, I was rude. By the way, what are you two doing?"

The outfits worn by Lu Fei and his wife were so shocking that Song Jian couldn't help but ask.

"I haven't hunted for a long time. I heard pheasants crow in the mountains yesterday. Let's go have a look. If we're lucky, we can get a few back for lunch," Lu Fei said.


Are you two carrying air rifles? "

Lu Fei smiled, took out the magazine and looked at him: "Man, just play with real guys, air guns are not enough."

Seeing the bright bullets, Song Ji'an almost screamed. This guy's eyes widened. Good guy, it's a real gun. Lu Fei and the others dared to bring the real gun with them. They weren't afraid.

"Haha, don't think blindly. We both have gun licenses and it's legal. I won't talk to you anymore. Let's go now!"

When Lu Fei saw it, Song Ji'an immediately blushed: "Goodbye, Mr. Lu, please be safe. Oh, by the way, Mr. Lu, pheasants are protected animals, and hunting pheasants is illegal!"

Lu Fei turned his back and waved his hand. He was really too lazy to talk nonsense with him. Literary people have a lot of things to do and talk too much, which makes people annoying. This is why the friends around Lu Fei are either from a rough background or have a straightforward personality. It means that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together.

We went hunting in the mountains today, but my wife specifically requested it. Although there is a shooting range at home, target shooting is completely different from hunting live animals. The former is mechanized, while the latter is more exciting.

When Wang Xinyi was working in the Special Branch, she was always active on the front line. She was thrown out in a hail of bullets. It was not until she was injured that she returned to the rear and finally resigned from the Special Branch. In total, Wang Xinyi has been working on the front line for more than two years. I have never played with a gun before. Of course, Lu Fei would not refuse this offer of hunting. Before coming, Lu Fei and I had made full preparations. As for hunting a few pheasants, was that a big deal for Lu Fei?

Not long after Lu Fei and his wife left, Zhao Jinzhou got up and replaced Song Ji'an himself. When he came closer, he immediately looked at the bucket, but unfortunately, the state of the water in the bucket was the same as when he was resting, and there was no change. , it seems that this should be the final state.

At 8:30 in the morning, the hungover Guan Haishan and others got up one after another. Although Lu Fei’s good wine would not cause a headache, drinking too much

It's also uncomfortable. When I woke up this morning, all the old guys were listless and their faces were not very good.

But when passing by the courtyard, I overheard disciple Zhao Jinzhou saying that Lu Fei's bucket of water had several different reactions overnight, and the old guys suddenly came back to life with full health.

They guessed that Lu Fei's products must be high-quality. Lu Fei was so careful that he even burned the newspapers containing the powder to be wary of them. But the more this happened, the more curious they became. Don't look at all the people who drank last night. There were too many, but they didn’t forget about the powder.

In the past, the antiseptic, sizing and other potions prepared by Lu Fei would cause some reactions, but they were all one-time reactions. Only when he was in Zhongzhou last time, the protective agent prepared by Lu Fei had two reactions in a row. That's it. They all felt it was very magical. They tried every means, even without shame, so they secretly made some potions and took them back for study. But after studying, they were dumbfounded. Three of the ingredients could not be analyzed. As a result, the blind man lit the lamp in vain. However, they always remembered Lu Fei's protective agent.

This time I heard that the half bucket of water given by Lu Fei reacted five times in a row overnight, and the reaction was quite violent. The old guys had a collective orgasm and rushed to the bucket like crazy. Zhang Yanhe had just returned from brushing his teeth. He was about to scoop some water out of a dental vat and take it away, but was stopped by Zhao Jinzhou and Song Ji'an.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Jinzhou asked with a sullen face.

"Hey, good morning, Academician Zhao. Well, I see that the water has not frozen after being left overnight. I am very curious. I will study it." Zhang Yanhe said with a playful smile.

Although they were dissatisfied with Zhao Jinzhou, he was willing to do anything to find out the ingredients of the potion. Not to mention greeting them with a smile, it didn't matter to him even if he was scolded by Zhao Jinzhou.


Unfortunately, Zhao Jinzhou couldn't tolerate him and sternly refused.

When Zhang Yanhe got up, he heard that Lu Fei was taking his wife into the mountains for hunting. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. How could he let it go?

"I'll just make a little bit, and I'll make sure it doesn't affect you, okay?"

"No, Lu Fei asked me to watch you, and I specifically asked you not to touch the bucket."

"Hey, Old Zhao, you are so stubborn. Bao Bao Fei was just joking, but you took it seriously. You have also seen our relationship with Lu Fei. It can be said that there is no distinction between us. His things are our things. You saw the Wuyishan Dahongpao you drank yesterday. When we go to his house, we can pack it up and give him some water. He won’t be angry. If he complains about you, can I carry it for you?"

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