A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3337 Please understand

As soon as Lu Fei got out of the car, he was quickly surrounded by Fatty Wang and others.

"Bao Bao Fei, what is the trick of your bucket of water? It can delay the reaction. Could it be something evil?" Fatty Wang asked in a loud voice.

Lu Fei handed the prey to the restaurant chef, and surrounded by the veterans, he walked to the bucket. He gave Fatty a white look and said, "Even if there is evil, it is still a pig demon. Fatty, don't you think that's a relative of yours?"

"Pfft hahaha!!"

The others burst into laughter, and Fatty Wang angrily raised his middle finger at Lu Fei.

"Having said that, what is the mystery behind the water in the bucket? Why does it react several times after such a long interval? This is unscientific!" Zhang Yanhe asked curiously.


"why are you laughing?"

"I can only say that your poor knowledge reserves limit your imagination."

"Depend on!" .??.

Lu Fei's words hit a bit hard, and this time he got more than a dozen middle fingers. Even Zhao Jinzhou and his students felt awkward.

"Lu Fei, this guy just wanted to steal the water in the bucket. As you told me, I won't allow it. They even threatened me." It was time for Zhao Jinzhou to add insult to injury. Fu Yuliang and Zhang Yanhe's expression suddenly turned bad.

Lu Fei nodded: "Thank you, I can understand their behavior as a group of guys who have never seen the world."

This sentence drew countless eye rolls, and Wang Xinyi next to her covered her mouth and snickered. She really enjoyed seeing Lu Feilai's ability to attract hatred, and the scene of him bickering with the old-timers from the archaeological team, and found it very interesting.

"By the way, how long will your piece of wood need to be soaked? When can you go back for appraisal?"

Witnessing several miraculous reactions in the barrel, Zhao Jinzhou felt inexplicably guilty and wanted to conduct an appraisal immediately to avoid unnecessary complications.

In addition, their unit's work schedule is very full, and it lasts only two days. If it continues like this, they really can't afford it.

Lu Fei squatted down and looked at the state of the water in the bucket, then reached in to feel it, shaking his head slightly: "The outdoor temperature is too low, the original plan was to soak for 24 hours, but now it seems that it will be delayed, it is estimated to be until nine o'clock tonight Let’s stay here for another night, and we can return early tomorrow morning.”

Lu Fei's arrangement was to ask Zhao Jinzhou's people to bring the buckets into the house and take care of them. Every room here had hidden cameras. Lu Fei was not afraid of them getting in the way, but he didn't expect to meet real people like Song Ji'an. They spent a night guarding outside. Not only did they suffer, but they also disrupted their own rhythm, so they had no choice but to delay.

Zhao Jinzhou nodded. If he delayed for another night, he could

Accept, as for the effect of soaking, it's hard to say yet, but he still has confidence in the instrument he developed, but...

"By the way, Mr. Lu, haven't we contacted the media who came with us yet? Nothing unexpected will happen, right?"

A day and a night passed, and the two media cars had not followed. Zhao Jinzhou vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette, took a puff and said, "I guess they won't be able to come."

"What happened?"

Not only Zhao Jinzhou, but everyone in Guan Haishan also pricked up their ears.

"When we went out in the morning, we encountered a group of military vehicles. The military blocked the road three miles away from us. Therefore, even if we feel better, we can't go back for the time being. I asked about it and found that there was something going on in the woods outside. A military confrontation exercise is conducted, and all external factors are prohibited from entering the exercise area. Their exercise will last for two days and will end at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, and normal traffic will resume.

I asked carefully. When martial law started, it happened to be shortly after we arrived. I guess the two media vehicles might have been delayed for some reasons, and then they happened to be isolated on the other side of the river by the military and couldn't get through. "

"Military drill?"

"The media can't get through this. Isn't this media's idea too memorized?"

Zhao Jinzhou's students were shocked when they heard this, and started talking quietly. Zhao Jinzhou also frowned and stared at Lu Fei suspiciously: "What a coincidence?"

Lu Fei shrugged: "It's such a coincidence. If you don't believe me, you can drive out and have a look."

Lu Fei's expression was calm, impeccable, and Zhao Jinzhou finally chose to believe that maybe it was just a coincidence.

However, this is too much of a coincidence. The coincidence is a bit unbelievable. When we arrived, we did not see any shadow of the military. As a result, as soon as we arrived, the military came back. This is a place for exercises in the wilderness. Why did you get together with us? Is this fate?

Fate is such a wonderful thing!

Zhao Jinzhou no longer had any doubts, because even military exercises would not affect the competition between him and Lu Fei. Moreover, the competition between him and Lu Fei was a battle between strengths, not something that could be controlled by conspiracy. Therefore, , he believed that Lu Fei did not need to deliberately cause trouble. Besides, the military exercises were of great importance and were definitely not something Lu Fei could manipulate.

His doubts were dispelled, but after the veterans of the archaeological team looked at each other, they collectively had an epiphany.


If it's due to other factors, maybe it's a coincidence, but if it's a military exercise, please find out what this guy Bao Bao Fei does part time. As soon as Lu Fei got out of the car, he was quickly surrounded by Fatty Wang and others.

"Bao Bao Fei, what is the trick of your bucket of water? It can delay the reaction. Could it be something evil?" Fatty Wang asked in a loud voice.

Lu Fei handed the prey to the restaurant chef, and surrounded by the veterans, he walked to the bucket. He gave Fatty a white look and said, "Even if there is evil, it is still a pig demon. Fatty, don't you think that's a relative of yours?"

"Pfft hahaha!!"

The others burst into laughter, and Fatty Wang angrily raised his middle finger at Lu Fei.

"Having said that, what is the mystery behind the water in the bucket? Why does it react several times after such a long interval? This is unscientific!" Zhang Yanhe asked curiously.


"why are you laughing?"

"I can only say that your poor knowledge reserves limit your imagination."

"Depend on!"

Lu Fei's words hit a bit hard, and this time he got more than a dozen middle fingers. Even Zhao Jinzhou and his students felt awkward.

"Lu Fei, this guy just wanted to steal the water in the bucket. As you told me, I won't allow it. They even threatened me." It was time for Zhao Jinzhou to add insult to injury. Fu Yuliang and Zhang Yanhe's expression suddenly turned bad.

Lu Fei nodded: "Thank you, I can understand their behavior as a group of guys who have never seen the world."

This sentence drew countless eye rolls, and Wang Xinyi next to her covered her mouth and snickered. She really enjoyed seeing Lu Feilai's ability to attract hatred, and the scene of him bickering with the old-timers from the archaeological team, and found it very interesting.

"By the way, how long will your piece of wood need to be soaked? When can you go back for appraisal?"

Witnessing several miraculous reactions in the barrel, Zhao Jinzhou felt inexplicably guilty and wanted to conduct an appraisal immediately to avoid unnecessary complications.

In addition, their unit's work schedule is very full, and it lasts only two days. If it continues like this, they really can't afford it.

Lu Fei squatted down and looked at the state of the water in the bucket, then reached in to feel it, shaking his head slightly: "The outdoor temperature is too low, the original plan was to soak for 24 hours, but now it seems that it will be delayed, it is estimated to be until nine o'clock tonight Let’s stay here for another night, and we can return early tomorrow morning.”

Lu Fei's arrangement was to ask Zhao Jinzhou's people to bring the buckets into the house and take care of them. Every room here had hidden cameras. Lu Fei was not afraid of them getting in the way, but he didn't expect to meet real people like Song Ji'an. They spent a night guarding outside. Not only did they suffer, but they also disrupted their own rhythm, so they had no choice but to delay.

Zhao Jinzhou nodded. If he delayed for another night, he could

Accept, as for the effect of soaking, it's hard to say yet, but he still has confidence in the instrument he developed, but...

"By the way, Mr. Lu, haven't we contacted the media who came with us yet? Nothing unexpected will happen, right?"

A day and a night passed, and the two media cars had not followed. Zhao Jinzhou vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette, took a puff and said, "I guess they won't be able to come."

"What happened?"

Not only Zhao Jinzhou, but everyone in Guan Haishan also pricked up their ears.

"When we went out in the morning, we encountered a group of military vehicles. The military blocked the road three miles away from us. Therefore, even if we feel better, we can't go back for the time being. I asked about it and found that there was something going on in the woods outside. A military confrontation exercise is conducted, and all external factors are prohibited from entering the exercise area. Their exercise will last for two days and will end at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, and normal traffic will resume.

I asked carefully. When martial law started, it happened to be shortly after we arrived. I guess the two media vehicles might have been delayed for some reasons, and then they happened to be isolated on the other side of the river by the military and couldn't get through. "

"Military drill?"

"The media can't get through this. Isn't this media's idea too memorized?"

Zhao Jinzhou's students were shocked when they heard this, and started talking quietly. Zhao Jinzhou also frowned and stared at Lu Fei suspiciously: "What a coincidence?"

Lu Fei shrugged: "It's such a coincidence. If you don't believe me, you can drive out and have a look."

Lu Fei's expression was calm, impeccable, and Zhao Jinzhou finally chose to believe that maybe it was just a coincidence.

However, this is too much of a coincidence. The coincidence is a bit unbelievable. When we came, we didn't see any shadow of the military. As a result, as soon as we arrived, the military came back. This is a place for exercises in the wilderness. Why did you get together with us? Is this fate?

Fate is such a wonderful thing!

Zhao Jinzhou no longer had any doubts, because even military exercises would not affect the competition between him and Lu Fei. Moreover, the competition between him and Lu Fei was a battle between strengths, not something that could be controlled by conspiracy. Therefore, , he believed that Lu Fei did not need to deliberately cause trouble. Besides, the military exercises were of great importance and were definitely not something Lu Fei could manipulate.

His doubts were dispelled, but after the veterans of the archaeological team looked at each other, they collectively had an epiphany.


If it's due to other factors, maybe it's a coincidence, but if it's a military exercise, please find out what this guy Bao Bao Fei does part time.

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