A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3343 Is this a bit too much?

Zhao Likun was shivering all over, his head was in pain, and he couldn't wait to grab a life-saving straw: "Mr. Lu, you must have videotaped the production process. In a moment, can you let me make a copy of the video you shot?" share?"

At the moment, my team's instructors are no longer needed, so I can only hope to get the videos shot by Lu Fei internally. Although it is definitely not as good as their professional shots, it is still better than nothing. I will go back and edit it. If it is not possible, add some special effects. , can also be used!


We don’t have any video recording here? " Lu Fei said.


How could you not record such a big thing? "Zhao Likun is going crazy.

"Well, in fact, Zhao Jinzhou's students did want to record the video. However, I refused. The exclusive interview rights have been sold to you. It is impossible for me to let others record the video. If the video is leaked, it will bring huge consequences to you. I still have this awareness of loss."

Boom, boom, boom!

After Zhao Likun heard this, he banged his head on the car window three times. He didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

Lu Fei protected their interests, which was of course what they wanted to see, but the problem was that Lu Fei tried his best to protect them, but as a result, their interests were gone. Not to mention the interests, even the principal was lost. , If he had known this, before coming here, he would have reminded Lu Fei not to defend them. Anyone can record it. As long as he can give them a copy of the video, Amitabha will do it.

As a result, their plan was completely ruined, and other partners in the car also understood. Everyone looked bleak, and had a bad psychological quality. They had collapsed. Mr. Meng sighed, collapsed on the seat, and then Looking at Zhao Likun, his eyes were full of resentment and cruelty.

Feeling Mr. Meng's gaze, Zhao Likun couldn't help but shudder. Thinking of the worst possible outcome, Zhao Likun was about to collapse: "Mr. Lu, you have finished everything over there, what should we do? We spent thirty Five hundred million!"

On the phone, Lu Fei's voice also became serious: "Mr. Zhao, are you blaming me?

I have reminded you more than once to be prepared and to follow me closely. Now you have lost track of me. Can you blame me? Did I deliberately sabotage your interview? "


Zhao Likun was speechless. Lu Fei had reminded him twice before that he really couldn't blame Lu Fei, but the problem was that the only thing he could think of now was Lu Fei. If Lu Fei didn't help him, he would definitely die. Very miserable.

"Mr. Zhao, I can only say sorry for what happened to you. I am calling you now to inform you to come to Zhao Jinzhou's studio of the Academy of Sciences to meet us immediately for the final appraisal. Considering that you are relatively far away , I can wait for you for one more hour, I'm very busy, if you haven't arrived after an hour, we can only start the identification process."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhao Likun trembled, and then he remembered that he still had to go through the instrument identification process, and immediately ordered the driver to turn around and rush back to the city. At present, Lu Fei and the others had just entered the national highway, and they were not far away. They were half an hour away at most. , Lu Fei promised to wait for one hour, which was enough.

After the explanation, Zhao Likun slumped on the seat like a deflated rubber ball, his eyes dull, as if he were mourning for his heir.

Although there is still an important part of appraisal, Zhao Likun knows that this step alone, no matter how they operate, cannot recover their losses. Losing money is a foregone conclusion. Now it is just a question of how much to pay.

Damn it, everyone sees it as an opportunity to make a name for themselves and show off their ambitions, how could it end up like this!

Mr. Meng changed positions with the person next to Zhao Likun and said in a low voice: "Old Zhao, I have been doing my best to cooperate with you in the past two days, because we have a common goal. Now that there is an accident, none of us want it to happen." You see, but since we have signed a contract, we must act in accordance with the contract. After the losses are calculated, you must give us an explanation."

On the other side, after hanging up the phone, Lu Fei stretched out and lit a cigarette comfortably. He seemed to be in a good mood.

Last night, Wang Xinyi asked him if this was a bit too much. Three and a half billion was nothing to the Lu family, but to Zhao Likun and his company, they really couldn't afford to pay the loss. They had suffered such huge losses this time. , is it too cruel?

Lu Fei didn't think so.

What Lu Fei was dealing with this time was not Zhao Likun, let alone their "West China Society", but a warning to the Fang family behind them.

For more than half a year, from the mainland to Hong Kong Island and even in the island country, the special department has always been behind him. Through more than half a year of secret investigation, Lu Fei learned that all this was Fang Wenyuan's order. To create pressure on himself and force himself to stand on his side, Fang Wenyuan did this and brought huge troubles and hidden dangers to Lu Fei. He knew what Lu Fei did best. He was followed by the special department every day. If they were Some special evidence is obtained, and the consequences are disastrous. Zhao Likun was shivering all over, his head was in splitting pain, and he couldn't wait to grab a life-saving straw: "Mr. Lu, you must have videotaped the production process. In a moment, can you let me copy the video you shot?" share?"

At the moment, my team's instructors are no longer needed, so I can only hope to get the videos shot by Lu Fei internally. Although it is definitely not as good as their professional shots, it is still better than nothing. I will go back and edit it. If it is not possible, add some special effects. , can also be used!


We don’t have any video recording here? " Lu Fei said.


How could you not record such a big thing? "Zhao Likun is going crazy.

"Well, in fact, Zhao Jinzhou's students did want to record the video. However, I refused. The exclusive interview rights have been sold to you. It is impossible for me to let others record the video. If the video is leaked, it will bring huge consequences to you. I still have this awareness of loss."

Boom, boom, boom! .??.

After Zhao Likun heard this, he banged his head on the car window three times. He didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

Lu Fei protected their interests, which was of course what they wanted to see, but the problem was that Lu Fei tried his best to protect them, but as a result, their interests were gone. Not to mention the interests, even the principal was lost. , If he had known this, before coming here, he would have reminded Lu Fei not to defend them. Anyone can record the video. As long as he can give them a copy of the video, Amitabha will do it.

As a result, their plan was completely ruined, and other partners in the car also understood. Everyone looked bleak, and had a bad psychological quality. They had collapsed. Mr. Meng sighed, collapsed on the seat, and then Looking at Zhao Likun, his eyes were full of resentment and cruelty.

Feeling Mr. Meng's gaze, Zhao Likun couldn't help but shudder. Thinking of the worst possible outcome, Zhao Likun was about to collapse: "Mr. Lu, you have finished everything, what should we do? We spent thirty Five hundred million!"

On the phone, Lu Fei's voice also became serious: "Mr. Zhao, are you blaming me?

I have reminded you more than once to be prepared and to follow me closely. Now you have lost track of me. Can you blame me? Did I deliberately sabotage your interview? "


Zhao Likun was speechless. Lu Fei had reminded him twice that he really couldn't blame Lu Fei, but the problem was that all he could think of now was Lu Fei. If Lu Fei didn't help him, he would definitely die. Very miserable.

"Mr. Zhao, I can only say sorry for what happened to you. I am calling you now to inform you to come to Zhao Jinzhou's studio of the Academy of Sciences to meet us immediately for the final appraisal. Considering that you are relatively far away , I can wait for you for one more hour, I'm very busy, if you haven't arrived after an hour, we can only start the identification process."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhao Likun trembled, and then he remembered that he still had to go through the instrument identification process, and immediately ordered the driver to turn around and rush back to the city. At present, Lu Fei and the others had just entered the national highway, and they were not far away. They were half an hour away at most. , Lu Fei promised to wait for one hour, which was enough.

After the explanation, Zhao Likun slumped on the seat like a deflated rubber ball, his eyes dull, as if he were mourning for his heir.

Although there is still an important part of appraisal, Zhao Likun knows that this step alone, no matter how they operate, cannot recover their losses. Losing money is a foregone conclusion. Now it is just a question of how much to pay.

Damn it, everyone sees it as an opportunity to make a name for themselves and show off their ambitions, how could it end up like this!

Mr. Meng changed positions with the person next to Zhao Likun and said in a low voice: "Old Zhao, I have been doing my best to cooperate with you in the past two days, because we have a common goal. Now that there is an accident, none of us want it to happen." You see, however, since we have signed a contract, we must act in accordance with the contract, and you must give us an explanation after the losses are calculated."

On the other side, after hanging up the phone, Lu Fei stretched out and lit a cigarette comfortably. He seemed to be in a good mood.

Last night, Wang Xinyi asked him if this was a bit too much. Three and a half billion was nothing to the Lu family, but to Zhao Likun and his company, they really couldn't afford to pay the loss this time. , is it too cruel?

Lu Fei didn't think so.

What Lu Fei was dealing with this time was not Zhao Likun, let alone their "West China Society", but a warning to the Fang family behind them.

For more than half a year, from the mainland to Hong Kong Island and even in the island country, the special department has always been behind him. Through more than half a year of secret investigation, Lu Fei learned that all this was Fang Wenyuan's order. This is what he did. To create pressure on himself and force himself to stand on his side, Fang Wenyuan did this and brought huge troubles and hidden dangers to Lu Fei. He knew what Lu Fei did best. Being followed by the special department every day, if they were Some special evidence is obtained, and the consequences are disastrous.

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