A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3351 Features

When the identification results came out, Zhao Jinzhou and his students were stunned.

Lu Fei smiled, asked for Wang Xinyi's mask and handed over the instrument again, twenty seconds later.


"Identification result: The opinion of the pure cotton utensil, the production year is within three months, the error is about two days, the identification is completed, you are welcome to use it."

At this time, the veterans of the archaeological team were also dumbfounded. Guan Haishan held his head in his hands and his intestines were green with regret.

He clearly understood the principles of Zhao Jinzhou's instrument. He gave the green light to the process of collecting data. However, he did not expect to use objects outside the scope of the instrument's database for testing. As a result, he was disgraced. How could he You're so stupid, why didn't you think of such a simple truth? I'm really confused.

Could it be that I am really old?

Zhao Jinzhou had nothing to say. He had lost his energy and looked much older.

Lu Fei spread his hands and said: "Have you seen it? I want to prove that your instrument is not working. In fact, it is that simple. If you test it on the street, ordinary people will use all kinds of weird objects to test it. In that way, the weakness of your instrument will have long been Exposed.”

Zhao Jinzhou held his forehead in pain and shook his head with a wry smile: "Haha, we spent more than eight years and wasted countless energy, but in the end the research results were useless. What a huge irony."

Zhao Jinzhou was extremely disappointed, and his team could not accept this fact. Many people were already in tears.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said: "Academician Zhao, actually you don't have to be so disappointed. The instruments you research do have many loopholes, but they are not useless. You set up a database for comparison. This idea is correct, but our Chinese civilization data is too It is too large and artificial collection will never be comprehensive. There are various identification instruments on the market, including carbon 14 and so on. Although the identification types are relatively comprehensive, the accuracy is far worse than your instrument. It’s just that , your positioning of the instrument is not accurate enough.

When you were studying this instrument, your original intention was to have the instrument completely replace manual work in daily work, thereby liberating the labor force and saving money for the country. This idea is good, but it is almost impossible to achieve this.

If you are engaged in scientific research, you may not know much about archaeological work. In fact, archaeological work is more than just identifying cultural relics and digging graves. It includes identifying categories, comparing traces, inferring history, scrutinizing facts, etc., and many other aspects. are interlocking, each link

Every step is indispensable, and no mistakes can be made. Often a mistake in one link will impair all links. Therefore, it requires the joint efforts of a large number of professionals, which cannot be replaced by any instrument.

However, your instrument has its own characteristics. All the data collected by your instrument is official data, and it is extremely accurate in identifying official cultural relics. This can also bring great help to the archaeological team. For example, your instrument can comprehensively Station in an official museum and use the characteristics of your instruments to help the museum identify the authenticity, age, condition and classification. This can relieve the pressure of the staff and externally, it can help tourists understand each cultural relic more accurately. Within the team, It can help staff accurately understand the status of cultural relics, so as to carry out maintenance and collection, etc. With the help of instruments, I think it will play a major role in protecting cultural relics.

In China, tens of thousands of cultural relics are destroyed every year due to weather, human errors and various reasons, causing immeasurable losses to the country. Your instruments stationed in the museum can greatly reduce this number, which cannot be ignored. What a great achievement! "

Speaking of this, Lu Fei smiled: "Academician Zhao, this time I, Lu Fei, have stood up and stood up in such a high-profile manner. You must think that I am colluding with the archaeological team and deliberately suppressing your research results, right?"

Zhao Jinzhou raised his head and looked at Lu Fei with a frown. The answer was self-evident.

"Haha, if you think about me so much, there's nothing I can do about it. In fact, it's not just you, but many people in the outside world probably have the same opinion as you."

Lu Fei suddenly said this. Not to mention that Zhao Jinzhou was puzzled, even the veterans of the archaeological team were confused. Didn't they agree to deal with this bastard Zhao Jinzhou to avenge us? What does it mean now?

"So, who are you, Mr. Lu?" Song Ji'an couldn't even guess what medicine Lu Fei was selling in his gourd.

Lu Fei drank some water and smiled: "I, Lu Fei, am from China. As a person from China, I, like everyone else, hope that China will grow older and better. To take credit, for our China, I, Lu Fei, have done the same. Many contributions, but everything I have done is within the scope of my ability. However, even if I am not able to contribute to the country, I will never hold back the country. The reason is very simple, because I am a Chinese. The roots are here.

Whether it is the Chinese Archaeological Team or the Chinese Academy of Sciences, they are all key units of our Chinese state, especially the Academy of Sciences, which is the backbone of the country. We are all the same kind of people. If you think that I, Lu Fei, am deliberately targeting you, then you are too young. It depends on my pattern, Lu Fei. "When the identification results came out, Zhao Jinzhou and his students were stunned.

Lu Fei smiled, asked for Wang Xinyi's mask and handed over the instrument again, twenty seconds later.


"Identification result: The opinion of the pure cotton utensil, the production year is within three months, the error is about two days, the identification is completed, you are welcome to use it."

At this time, the veterans of the archaeological team were also dumbfounded. Guan Haishan held his head in his hands and his intestines were green with regret.

He clearly understood the principles of Zhao Jinzhou's instrument. He gave the green light to the process of collecting data. However, he did not expect to use objects outside the scope of the instrument's database for testing. As a result, he was disgraced. How could he You're so stupid, why didn't you think of such a simple truth? I'm really confused.

Could it be that I am really old?

Zhao Jinzhou had nothing to say. He had lost his energy and looked much older.

Lu Fei spread his hands and said: "Have you seen it? I want to prove that your instrument is not working. In fact, it is that simple. If you test it on the street, ordinary people will use all kinds of weird objects to test it. In that way, the weakness of your instrument will have long been Exposed."

Zhao Jinzhou held his forehead in pain and shook his head with a wry smile: "Haha, we spent more than eight years and wasted countless energy, but in the end the research results were useless. What a huge irony."

Zhao Jinzhou was extremely disappointed, and his team could not accept this fact. Many people were already in tears.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said: "Academician Zhao, actually you don't have to be so disappointed. The instruments you research do have many loopholes, but they are not useless. You set up a database for comparison. This idea is correct, but our Chinese civilization data is too It is too large and artificial collection will never be comprehensive. There are various identification instruments on the market, including carbon 14 and so on. Although the identification types are relatively comprehensive, the accuracy is far worse than your instrument. It’s just that , your positioning of the instrument is not accurate enough.

When you were studying this instrument, your original intention was to have the instrument completely replace manual work in daily work, thereby liberating the labor force and saving money for the country. This idea is good, but it is almost impossible to achieve this.

If you are engaged in scientific research, you may not know much about archaeological work. In fact, archaeological work is more than just identifying cultural relics and digging graves. It includes identifying categories, comparing traces, inferring history, scrutinizing facts, etc., and many other aspects. are interlocking, each link

Every step is indispensable, and no mistakes can be made. Often a mistake in one link will impair all links. Therefore, it requires the joint efforts of a large number of professionals, which cannot be replaced by any instrument.

However, your instrument has its own characteristics. All the data collected by your instrument is official data, and it is extremely accurate in identifying official cultural relics. This can also bring great help to the archaeological team. For example, your instrument can comprehensively Station in an official museum and use the characteristics of your instruments to help the museum identify the authenticity, age, condition and classification. This can relieve the pressure of the staff and externally, it can help tourists understand each cultural relic more accurately. Within the team, It can help staff accurately understand the status of cultural relics, so as to carry out maintenance and collection, etc. With the help of instruments, I think it will play a major role in protecting cultural relics.

In China, tens of thousands of cultural relics are destroyed every year due to weather, human errors and various reasons, causing immeasurable losses to the country. Your instruments stationed in the museum can greatly reduce this number, which cannot be ignored. What a great achievement! "

Speaking of this, Lu Fei smiled: "Academician Zhao, this time I, Lu Fei, have stood up and stood up in such a high-profile manner. You must think that I am colluding with the archaeological team and deliberately suppressing your research results, right?"

Zhao Jinzhou raised his head and looked at Lu Fei with a frown. The answer was self-evident.

"Haha, if you think about me so much, there's nothing I can do about it. In fact, it's not just you, but many people in the outside world probably have the same opinion as you."

Lu Fei suddenly said this. Not to mention that Zhao Jinzhou was puzzled, even the veterans of the archaeological team were confused. Didn't they agree to deal with this bastard Zhao Jinzhou to avenge us? What does it mean now?

"So, who are you, Mr. Lu?" Song Ji'an couldn't even guess what medicine Lu Fei was selling in his gourd.

Lu Fei drank some water and smiled: "I, Lu Fei, am from China. As a person from China, I, like everyone else, hope that China will grow older and better. To take credit, for our China, I, Lu Fei, have done the same. Many contributions, but everything I have done is within the scope of my ability. However, even if I am not able to contribute to the country, I will never hold back the country. The reason is very simple, because I am a Chinese. The roots are here.

Whether it is the Chinese Archaeological Team or the Chinese Academy of Sciences, they are all key units of our Chinese state, especially the Academy of Sciences, which is the backbone of the country. We are all the same kind of people. If you think that I, Lu Fei, am deliberately targeting you, then you are too young. It depends on my pattern, Lu Fei. "

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