A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3370 A trip in vain?

Feeling that she had been rash, Liang Ruyi stuck out her tongue playfully, quickly lowered her head and continued to destroy her delicious food.

This girl likes to eat fish the most. This is the first time she has tasted wild yellow croaker. She may have to pretend to be reserved in other places, but there is no need to follow Grandpa and Brother Fei out.

Na Kewen didn't care that Liang Ruyi interrupted, and laughed loudly and continued: "The medicinal material trading market mainly targets wholesalers from various places. These medicinal material merchants mainly purchase traditional Chinese medicine and mountain products. There are only large Chinese medicine clinics across the country. and pharmacies, will purchase real pure wild medicinal materials. There are not many customers in this category, but every one of them is a high-quality customer. There are now 1,207 customers in this category. For these customers, we implement It’s a membership system, and only members are eligible to come to Hongxia Valley to purchase medicinal materials.”

As he said that, Na Kewen looked at Liang Guanxing and said, "Five years ago, I gave Mr. Liang a membership card and USB flash drive. Unfortunately, Mr. Liang has never been here once."

Liang Guanxing frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly realized that something like this was really happening: "Is it that black card?"

Nakewen nodded: "Yes, that is our first-generation membership card."

Liang Guanxing slapped his thigh and said, "You just gave me a card and USB flash drive. You didn't say it was a membership card for purchasing medicinal materials?"

"Mr. Liang, you can't blame me for this. The attached USB flash drive contains a detailed introduction, including the year and type of all our medicinal materials, as well as preferential policies and points. We apply for membership cards not just for business. The biggest thing is The advantage is that they can be exchanged. ??

Members gather several times a year to integrate their resources and get what they need. They also hold several special auctions. In the past five years, you are the only one who has never been here. Even Xue Tai and seniors have not come. Been here several times! "

Lu Fei and Liang Guanxing were stunned at the same time, looked at each other, and asked in surprise: "Is Lao Xue also a member of yours?"

Na Kewen nodded: "Yes, except that Mr. Xue has something to do this year and is unable to come. In the past, he came to Hongxia Valley several times every year. This year he did not attend, but sent his granddaughter Miss Xue Meimei to participate in two medicinal materials auctions. It’s been quite a harvest!

With the support of so many members, our hotel not only does not lose money, but also makes a small profit every year. This hotel alone can almost support the expenses of all employees. "

"Depend on!"

Liang Guanxing looked at Lu Fei awkwardly. Lu Fei curled his lips and cursed in his heart. The eldest disciple was a member here, and he didn't even know it.

This damn old thing

, there was such a place that he didn’t even report to himself. Unfortunately for him, he still wanted to find a large medicinal garden to compensate for the loss of his family’s birth valley. He traveled thousands of miles and traveled a lot to come to inspect it in person. As a result, Xue Tai and that old guy were better than himself. It’s so funny that I have to go all the way to get to know this place in vain.

After hearing the news, Lu Fei lost all interest in the table full of fine wine and delicacies.

Lu Fei still had some questions in his mind, but he was no longer interested in understanding them at the moment. He lit a cigarette, smoked half of it, and said, "Sir, you should know about my relationship with Xue Taihe!"

"Of course, when Mr. Xue became your disciple, he told the whole world of Chinese medicine that no one in this industry doesn't know about it."

Lu Fei nodded and said to himself that you know our relationship. Just now you had so many ink marks on dry wool. Why didn't you tell Xue Taihe that he knew this earlier?

It seems that although this guy Na Kewen is low-key, he is very cunning!

"Sir, have you had much contact with Lao Xue?" Lu Fei asked.

"Well, anyway, every time Mr. Xue comes, I personally receive him."

"Have Lao Xue been to your medicine garden? I don't mean those plantations outside." Lu Fei asked.

"Of course, every time he comes, he has to visit."

"So, what is Lao Xue's opinion of your medicine garden?" Lu Fei asked.

Na Kewen frowned and thought for a while, then laughed: "How do you put this? Although Mr. Xue has never commented directly on my medicine garden, he has repeatedly proposed to purchase the medicine garden at a high price. However, he was always rejected. I refused."

This statement is already very obvious. I have made many purchases because I am optimistic about it. If I am not optimistic about it, I will tell you if I am full and full.

Speaking of this, Lu Fei didn't want to talk nonsense to him anymore. He glanced at everyone at the table and said, "Are you all full?"

At this kind of wine party, the real purpose is to drink and chat, and just taste the dishes. Some of the dishes are even untouched. Only Liang Ruyi is enjoying the meal. At this time, Lu Fei asked them if they were full. Everyone except Liang Ruyi Besides, I'm afraid no one is really full, but no one is stupid. Lu Fei asked, obviously asking them to avoid it. Even though his stomach was still growling, he could only stand up with a smile on his face and a look of enjoyment on his face.

"Eat, you've all eaten. Sir, Brother Fei, you guys can chat slowly. We're a little tired along the way. Let's go back to the room and rest first!"

Na Kewen also understood what it meant, and with a token courtesy, he immediately asked people to arrange rooms for everyone, leaving space for Lu Fei and Lu Fei. Feeling that she had been rash, Liang Ruyi stuck out her tongue playfully, quickly lowered her head and continued to destroy her delicious food.

This girl likes to eat fish the most. This is the first time she has tasted wild yellow croaker. She may have to pretend to be reserved in other places, but there is no need to follow Grandpa and Brother Fei out.

Na Kewen didn't care that Liang Ruyi interrupted, and laughed loudly and continued: "The medicinal material trading market mainly targets wholesalers from various places. These medicinal material merchants mainly purchase traditional Chinese medicine and mountain products. There are only large Chinese medicine clinics across the country. and pharmacies, will purchase real pure wild medicinal materials. There are not many customers in this category, but every one of them is a high-quality customer. There are now 1,207 customers in this category. For these customers, we implement It’s a membership system, and only members are eligible to come to Hongxia Valley to purchase medicinal materials.”

As he said that, Na Kewen looked at Liang Guanxing and said, "Five years ago, I gave Mr. Liang a membership card and USB flash drive. Unfortunately, Mr. Liang has never been here once."

Liang Guanxing frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly realized that something like this was really happening: "Is it that black card?"

Nakewen nodded: "Yes, that is our first-generation membership card."

Liang Guanxing slapped his thigh and said, "You just gave me a card and USB flash drive. You didn't say it was a membership card for purchasing medicinal materials?"

"Mr. Liang, you can't blame me for this. The attached USB flash drive contains a detailed introduction, including the year and type of all our medicinal materials, as well as preferential policies and points. We apply for membership cards not just for business. The biggest thing is The advantage is that they can be used interchangeably.

Members gather several times a year to integrate their resources and get what they need. They also hold several special auctions. In the past five years, you are the only one who has never been here. Even Xue Tai and seniors have not come. Been here several times! "

Lu Fei and Liang Guanxing were stunned at the same time, looked at each other, and asked in surprise: "Is Lao Xue also a member of yours?"

Na Kewen nodded: "Yes, except that Mr. Xue has something to do this year and is unable to come. In the past, he came to Hongxia Valley several times every year. This year he did not attend, but sent his granddaughter Miss Xue Meimei to participate in two medicinal materials auctions. It’s been quite a harvest!

With the support of so many members, our hotel not only does not lose money, but also makes a small profit every year. This hotel alone can almost support the expenses of all employees. "

"Depend on!"

Liang Guanxing looked at Lu Fei awkwardly. Lu Fei curled his lips and cursed in his heart. The eldest disciple was a member here, and he didn't even know it.

This damn old thing

, there was such a place that he didn’t even report to himself. Unfortunately for him, he still wanted to find a large medicinal garden to compensate for the loss of his family’s birth valley. He traveled thousands of miles and traveled a lot to come to inspect it in person. As a result, Xue Tai and that old guy were better than himself. It’s so funny that I have to go all the way to get to know this place in vain.

After hearing the news, Lu Fei lost all interest in the table full of fine wine and delicacies.

Lu Fei still had some questions in his mind, but he was no longer interested in understanding them at the moment. He lit a cigarette, smoked half of it, and said, "Sir, you should know about my relationship with Xue Taihe!"

"Of course, when Mr. Xue became your disciple, he told the whole world of Chinese medicine that no one in this industry doesn't know about it."

Lu Fei nodded and said to himself that you know our relationship. Just now you had so many ink marks on dry wool. Why didn't you tell Xue Taihe that he knew this earlier?

It seems that although this guy Na Kewen is low-key, he is very cunning!

"Sir, have you had much contact with Lao Xue?" Lu Fei asked.

"Well, anyway, every time Mr. Xue comes, I personally receive him."

"Have Lao Xue been to your medicine garden? I don't mean those plantations outside." Lu Fei asked.

"Of course, every time he comes, he has to visit."

"So, what is Lao Xue's opinion of your medicine garden?" Lu Fei asked.

Na Kewen frowned and thought for a while, then laughed: "How do you put this? Although Mr. Xue has never commented directly on my medicine garden, he has repeatedly proposed to purchase the medicine garden at a high price. However, he was always rejected. I refused."

This statement is already very obvious. I have made many purchases because I am optimistic about it. If I am not optimistic about it, I will tell you if I am full and full.

Speaking of this, Lu Fei didn't want to talk nonsense to him anymore. He glanced at everyone at the table and said, "Are you all full?"

At this kind of wine party, the real purpose is to drink and chat, and just taste the dishes. Some of the dishes are even untouched. Only Liang Ruyi is enjoying the meal. At this time, Lu Fei asked them if they were full. Everyone except Liang Ruyi Besides, I'm afraid no one is really full, but no one is stupid. Lu Fei asked, obviously asking them to avoid it. Even though his stomach was still growling, he could only stand up with a smile on his face and a look of enjoyment on his face.

"Eat, you've all eaten. Sir, Brother Fei, you guys can chat slowly. We're a little tired along the way. Let's go back to the room and rest first!"

Na Kewen also understood what it meant, and with a token courtesy, he immediately asked people to arrange rooms for everyone, leaving space for Lu Fei and Lu Fei.

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