A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3377 Make an offer

Although Jichun is the main producing area of ​​wild ginseng, for thousands of years, the entire Changbai Mountains has been plowed countless times by generations of ginseng collectors. To this day, the Hongxia Valley Medicine Garden can still retain so much wild ginseng. , it’s really rare.

The value of all eleven wild ginseng plants growing out may be limited, but the existence of these living wild ginseng plants is priceless.

There are so many wild ginsengs and such perfect natural conditions, which lays a good foundation for the reproduction of wild ginseng. Birds pick the fruits of wild ginseng, and the seeds scatter. When they encounter a suitable landscape environment, they can grow. The cycle continues again and again. If there is no human destruction, there will inevitably be more and more forests. Today, there are only a handful of virgin forests without human interference, and this place is even more precious.

"In addition to these eleven protected wild ginseng plants from the previous year, there are at least thirty-five more on the entire north slope. However, the vintage is too low. In order to allow them to adapt to the environment, we have not deliberately affected them yet. , five years ago, we found a total of forty-seven plants. How many of them can survive now depends on their fate.

In addition, in addition to ginseng, Bei Slope also has countless rare medicinal materials such as Panax notoginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, and Chi Kui, which are less valuable.

There are also a large number of wild sika deer in the forest. During the season, you can harvest some of the wild sika deer antlers. In short, the entire Hongxia Valley is full of treasures. Mr. Lu, you are an expert. I believe that I don’t need to introduce you in detail. You can see clearly. "

Lu Fei nodded and didn't say anything, but he was already quite shocked. Na Kewen didn't lie. Such a perfect and large-scale pure natural medicine garden, I'm afraid there really can't be anything comparable to it in this world. Lu Fei just sighed that he had never heard of such a treasure mountain and such a big industry in two lifetimes. It was really incredible. How low-key must Kewen and his family be to do this!

People live for a lifetime, and grass and trees fall for a lifetime. Pure men stand between heaven and earth. As long as there is a bit of blood, who doesn't want to be vigorous and leave a name in history. Who is willing to live a mediocre life?

Even Lu Fei's mentality in these two lives occasionally wanted to show off. Nakewen's family was once the largest nobleman in the Qing Dynasty and was respected by millions of people. However, such a big family quietly hides away. Lu Fei really couldn't understand what the point of living was if they were so forbearing!

Isn’t there such a saying, the greatest sorrow in life?

The money is there, but the people are gone. Lu Fei feels that Nakewen and his group are living a sadder and more aggrieved life than this kind of people. Anyway, Lu Fei can't understand what people like them think. So different.

Lu Fei shook his head and drove away these messy thoughts from his mind. How other people live has nothing to do with him. He has not traveled thousands of miles in the wind and snow to evaluate other people's way of living. He still has business to do. .

Before he finished watching the video, Lu Fei had already confirmed that this medicine garden was indeed a treasure mountain. In order to get it, he was stabbed several times by Na Kewen. He felt that it was worth a thousand dollars. If he missed this treasure, he would never miss it in his life. There was no chance of finding another one, it had to be taken.

In time, I am preparing to exchange with my old apprentice, but no matter what, we are one of our own after all. In my spare time, I can come here to see the treasures, mountains, rivers, and wild animals. In winter, I can also come here to watch the snow and play snowmobiles. It is better than now. Much more convenient.

"By the way, the mountain stream you saw is completely formed by the melting of ice and snow and the penetration of mountain water. At the root of the mountain at the end of the stream, there is a naturally formed water pool. The water in the pool never freezes, and the water in the pool is peaceful. In the creek, there are pure wild fine-scaled salmon, and there are also a lot of salamanders, which are rare delicacies!"

Na Kewen's words hit Lu Fei's weakness even more. Lu Fei has several hobbies. He likes to see babies first, followed by eating, then tasting tea and flying helicopters. To talk about delicious food, Lu Fei is even more moved. Yes, he has eaten both the fine-scaled fish and the giant salamander. They are indeed delicious. Thinking about them now, they still have endless aftertaste.

"Mr. Lu, you have seen the video, photos and all the data. Of course, watching the video and visiting the site are completely different concepts. Unfortunately, it is covered with heavy snow and it is temporarily impossible to view the whole picture. If you have any objections to the video, you can I’ll make another trip after May Day for on-the-spot investigation. As for this hotel, the property rights are entirely in my name and no one else has any shares.”

Nake Wen wanted to continue explaining, but was interrupted by Lu Fei waving his hand.

"It's not necessary. You and Lao Liang have been partners for many years. I believe you will not fool me with false videos. If that gentleman is interested in selling it, I want this Hongxia Valley Medicine Garden. Please make an offer!"


Na Kewen saw that Lu Fei liked it, and he expected that Lu Fei would eventually win, but he didn't expect that Lu Fei would do things so simply and without even asking the price. This was a clear opportunity to give him a big chance, and it was indeed inhumane! Although Jichun is the main producing area of ​​wild ginseng, for thousands of years, the entire Changbai Mountains has been plowed countless times by generations of ginseng collectors. To this day, the Hongxia Valley Medicine Garden can still retain so much wild ginseng. , it’s really rare.

The value of all eleven wild ginseng plants growing out may be limited, but the existence of these living wild ginseng plants is priceless.

There are so many wild ginsengs and such perfect natural conditions, which lays a good foundation for the reproduction of wild ginseng. Birds pick the fruits of wild ginseng, and the seeds scatter. When they encounter a suitable landscape environment, they can grow. The cycle continues again and again. If there is no human destruction, there will inevitably be more and more forests. Today, there are only a handful of virgin forests without human interference, and this place is even more precious.

"In addition to these eleven protected wild ginseng plants from the previous year, there are at least thirty-five more on the entire north slope. However, the vintage is too low. In order to allow them to adapt to the environment, we have not deliberately affected them yet. , five years ago, we found a total of forty-seven plants. How many of them can survive now depends on their fate.

In addition, in addition to ginseng, Bei Slope also has countless rare medicinal materials such as Panax notoginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, and Chi Kui, which are less valuable.

There are also a large number of wild sika deer in the forest. During the season, you can harvest some of the wild sika deer antlers. In short, the entire Hongxia Valley is full of treasures. Mr. Lu, you are an expert. I believe that I don’t need to introduce you in detail. You can see clearly. "

Lu Fei nodded and didn't say anything, but he was already quite shocked. Na Kewen didn't lie. Such a perfect and large-scale pure natural medicine garden, I'm afraid there really can't be anything comparable to it in this world. Lu Fei just sighed that he had never heard of such a treasure mountain and such a big industry in two lifetimes. It was really incredible. How low-key must Kewen and his family be to do this!

People live for a lifetime, and grass and trees fall for a lifetime. Pure men stand between heaven and earth. As long as there is a bit of blood, who doesn't want to be vigorous and leave a name in history. Who is willing to live a mediocre life?

Even Lu Fei's mentality in these two lives occasionally wanted to show off. Nakewen's family was once the largest nobleman in the Qing Dynasty and was respected by millions of people. However, such a big family quietly hides away. Lu Fei really couldn't understand what the point of living was if they were so forbearing!

Isn’t there such a saying, the greatest sorrow in life?

The money is there, but the people are gone. Lu Fei feels that Nakewen and his group are living a sadder and more aggrieved life than this kind of people. Anyway, Lu Fei can't understand what people like them think. So different.

Lu Fei shook his head and drove away these messy thoughts from his mind. How other people live has nothing to do with him. He has not traveled thousands of miles in the wind and snow to evaluate other people's way of living. He still has business to do. .

Before he finished watching the video, Lu Fei had already confirmed that this medicine garden was indeed a treasure mountain. In order to get it, he was stabbed several times by Na Kewen. He felt that it was worth a thousand dollars. If he missed this treasure, he would never miss it in his life. There was no chance of finding another one, it had to be taken.

In time, I am preparing to exchange with my old apprentice, but no matter what, we are one of our own after all. In my spare time, I can come here to see the treasures, mountains, rivers, and wild animals. In winter, I can also come here to watch the snow and play snowmobiles. It is better than now. Much more convenient.

"By the way, the mountain stream you saw is completely formed by the melting of ice and snow and the penetration of mountain water. At the root of the mountain at the end of the stream, there is a naturally formed water pool. The water in the pool never freezes, and the water in the pool is peaceful. In the creek, there are pure wild fine-scaled salmon, and there are also a lot of salamanders, which are rare delicacies!"

Na Kewen's words hit Lu Fei's weakness even more. Lu Fei has several hobbies. He likes to see babies first, followed by eating, then tasting tea and flying helicopters. To talk about delicious food, Lu Fei is even more moved. Yes, he has eaten both the fine-scaled fish and the giant salamander. They are indeed delicious. Thinking about them now, they still have endless aftertaste.

"Mr. Lu, you have seen the video, photos and all the data. Of course, watching the video and visiting the site are completely different concepts. Unfortunately, it is covered with heavy snow and it is temporarily impossible to view the whole picture. If you have any objections to the video, you can I’ll make another trip after May Day for on-the-spot investigation. As for this hotel, the property rights are entirely in my name and no one else has any shares.”

Nake Wen wanted to continue explaining, but was interrupted by Lu Fei waving his hand.

"It's not necessary. You and Lao Liang have been partners for many years. I believe you will not fool me with false videos. If that gentleman is interested in selling it, I want this Hongxia Valley Medicine Garden. Please make an offer!"


Na Kewen saw that Lu Fei liked it, and he expected that Lu Fei would eventually win, but he didn't expect that Lu Fei would do things so simply and without even asking the price. This was a clear opportunity to give him a big chance, and it was indeed inhumane!

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