A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3382 has strength

Listening to what Lu Fei said, Na Kewen felt a little more at ease. If Lu Fei didn't want to give him the right of agency, there was no need to talk nonsense to him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I still have some energy over there. Due to historical reasons, our family has been walking on thin ice in China, but in order to survive, we have to think of other ways. After the change, I have been on the Heihe side, I have attracted some local forces and official forces to engage in border trade. I have been active in the Soviet Union all year round and have met many contacts. After so many years, we have always been in contact. After receiving the news that Tengfei Company was going to develop there, I went there in person. After a trip, I met with those old friends separately and weighed things up. There should be no problem for me to develop my career there. Otherwise, I would not have made this request to you without knowing what I can do. I hope Mr. Lu will grant it."

Although Lu Fei has not experienced what Nakewen said, he has some understanding of it. In the years after the reform, the Soviet Union was in turmoil and the country was extremely chaotic. This provided an opportunity for those traitors. , indeed a large number of people have become famous, but these people can only be called traitors.

Those who engage in border trade are much more advanced than the bad guys. People don't look down on small businesses at all. Those who engage in border trade only do large orders, and they are all large orders with huge profits, such as timber, minerals and other important materials. To move these things in large quantities, you must have an intermediary. An intermediary that can do such a large deal is by no means an idle person. It must be a person who can eat both ends.

What's even more awesome is that they don't even care about these materials, and they specialize in dumping military scrapped facilities, such as tanks, cannons, warships, and even airplanes.

It is said to be scrapped to the outside world, but in fact it depends on how to operate it. As long as you find the right person to go through the procedures, even if it is brand new, it can be purchased as scrapped equipment, which is awesome.

Na Kewen dared to tell himself that he was doing border trade there, which was enough to show how strong his relationship was there. Lu Fei couldn't help but look at him again. It seemed that he still underestimated him!

Lu Fei nodded: "Since that gentleman is confident, I have no objection. You can contact the company later, and the agency rights there will be handed over to you. But I have a word first. I will let you do it for half a year. Within half a year, If you can successfully open the Russian market, we can safely hand over the agency rights to you. Half a year is indeed a bit rushed, but there is nothing we can do about it. The market over there is very important to the company, and we don’t have time to waste it. If Mr. Na has connections there, If it’s good, I believe half a year will be enough.”

It is indeed a bit difficult to open the market within half a year. Lu Fei also wants to test him to see what the relationship between Nake and Wen is.

No matter how hard it is, if we can do the best, the company will have peace of mind. If it can't be done, then quickly replace it and find another way.

Na Kewen was full of confidence and promised repeatedly with excitement on his face: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for giving me the opportunity. Don't worry, half a year is enough."

"That's good. As for the agency fees and rebates, you can negotiate with the company. I won't participate." Lu Fei said.

"no problem."

Lu Fei smiled and stretched out his hand: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation?"

"Thank you, happy cooperation!"

"I will sort out all the procedures for Hongxia Valley later. Please take a look at it tonight. If there are no problems, the legal affairs of both parties can immediately change the property rights." Na Kewen said.

Lu Fei waved his hand: "Don't worry, I will have someone call you the money in a while. All the employees here will remain unchanged for the time being. Please help me take care of it for the time being. I will notify you when the formalities are completed."

After acquiring this place, Lu Fei wanted to give it to Xue Taihe, to hand it over to himself, and finally to Lao Xue. Going through it one more time would be troublesome and waste a lot of money. It was completely redundant.

Na Kewen managed the place well, so he temporarily asked him to help take care of it. Later, he thought about how to make Lao Xue accept it happily, and then transferred the ownership directly to his name.

Na Kewen was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what Lu Fei meant: "No problem. Don't worry, Mr. Lu. After many years of operation, this place has long been on the right track and there will be no problems."

"Ah That's good!"


Finally getting what he wanted, Nakewen let out a long breath, his face full of excitement and excitement that couldn't be concealed.

"I'll send someone to arrange what Mr. Lu will have for dinner right away. I also have a few bottles of fine wine that I have collected for many years. Let's have a good celebration tonight."

Lu Fei pointed at him and said with a smile: "You can arrange whatever you want. You can eat anything. As for the good wine, forget about it. Pack it up and I will take it away later."

The medicine garden and property were given to Lao Xue. However, the old apprentice had no research on wine. It would be a waste to leave it to him. He might as well move it back by himself. Ke Wen was no ordinary person. The good wine he said came from his mouth. It won't be ordinary either.

Na Kewen didn't waste any words and immediately agreed. Now as long as he makes a lot of money, this place will no longer be his property. No matter how much Lu Fei tries, he won't be able to express his opinion. Besides, although Lu Fei agreed verbally, the agency contract has not yet been signed after all. As for the lottery, he didn't dare to make Lu Fei unhappy at this time, so as not to beat him to pieces. Listening to what Lu Fei said, Na Kewen felt a little more at ease. If Lu Fei didn't want to give him the right of agency, there was no need to talk nonsense to him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I still have some energy over there. Due to historical reasons, our family has been walking on thin ice in China, but in order to survive, we have to think of other ways. After the change, I have been on the Heihe side, I have attracted some local forces and official forces to engage in border trade. I have been active in the Soviet Union all year round and have met many contacts. After so many years, we have always been in contact. After receiving the news that Tengfei Company was going to develop there, I went there in person. After a trip, I met with those old friends separately and weighed things up. There should be no problem for me to develop my career there. Otherwise, I would not have made this request to you without knowing what I can do. I hope Mr. Lu will grant it."

Although Lu Fei has not experienced what Nakewen said, he has some understanding of it. In the years after the reform, the Soviet Union was in turmoil and the country was extremely chaotic. This provided an opportunity for those traitors. , indeed a large number of people have become famous, but these people can only be called traitors.

Those who engage in border trade are much more advanced than the bad guys. People don't look down on small businesses at all. Those who engage in border trade only do large orders, and they are all large orders with huge profits, such as timber, minerals and other important materials. To move these things in large quantities, you must have an intermediary. An intermediary that can do such a large deal is by no means an idle person. It must be a person who can eat both ends.

What's even more awesome is that they don't even care about these materials, and they specialize in dumping military scrapped facilities, such as tanks, cannons, warships, and even airplanes.

It is said to be scrapped to the outside world, but in fact it depends on how to operate it. As long as you find the right person to go through the procedures, even if it is brand new, it can be purchased as scrapped equipment, which is awesome.

Na Kewen dared to tell himself that he was doing border trade there, which was enough to show how strong his relationship was there. Lu Fei couldn't help but look at him again. It seemed that he still underestimated him!

Lu Fei nodded: "Since that gentleman is confident, I have no objection. You can contact the company later, and the agency rights there will be handed over to you. But I have a word first. I will let you do it for half a year. Within half a year, If you can successfully open the Russian market, we can safely hand over the agency rights to you. Half a year is indeed a bit rushed, but there is nothing we can do about it. The market over there is very important to the company, and we don’t have time to waste it. If Mr. Na has connections there, If it’s good, I believe half a year will be enough.”

It is indeed a bit difficult to open the market within half a year. Lu Fei also wants to test him to see what the relationship between Nake and Wen is.

No matter how hard it is, if we can do the best, the company will have peace of mind. If it can't be done, then quickly replace it and find another way.

Na Kewen was full of confidence and promised repeatedly with excitement on his face: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for giving me the opportunity. Don't worry, half a year is enough."

"That's good. As for the agency fees and rebates, you can negotiate with the company. I won't participate." Lu Fei said.

"no problem."

Lu Fei smiled and stretched out his hand: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation?"

"Thank you, happy cooperation!"

"I will sort out all the procedures for Hongxia Valley later. Please take a look at it tonight. If there are no problems, the legal affairs of both parties can immediately change the property rights." Na Kewen said.

Lu Fei waved his hand: "Don't worry, I will have someone call you the money in a while. All the employees here will remain unchanged for the time being. Please help me take care of it for the time being. I will notify you when the formalities are completed."

After acquiring this place, Lu Fei wanted to give it to Xue Taihe, to hand it over to himself, and finally to Lao Xue. Going through it one more time would be troublesome and waste a lot of money. It was completely redundant.

Na Kewen managed the place well, so he temporarily asked him to help take care of it. Later, he thought about how to make Lao Xue accept it happily, and then transferred the ownership directly to his name.

Na Kewen was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what Lu Fei meant: "No problem. Don't worry, Mr. Lu. After many years of operation, this place has long been on the right track and there will be no problems."

"Ah That's good!"


Finally getting what he wanted, Nakewen let out a long breath, his face full of excitement and excitement that couldn't be concealed.

"I'll send someone to arrange what Mr. Lu will have for dinner right away. I also have a few bottles of good wine that I have collected for many years. Let's have a good celebration tonight."

Lu Fei pointed at him and said with a smile: "You can arrange whatever you want. You can eat anything. As for the good wine, forget about it. Pack it up and I will take it away later."

The medicine garden and property were given to Lao Xue. However, the old apprentice had no research on wine. It would be a waste to leave it to him. He might as well move it back by himself. Ke Wen was not an idle person. The good wine he said came from his mouth. It won't be ordinary either.

Na Kewen didn't waste any words and immediately agreed. Now as long as he makes a lot of money, this place will no longer be his property. No matter how much Lu Fei tries, he won't be able to express his opinion. Besides, although Lu Fei agreed verbally, the agency contract has not yet been signed after all. As for the lottery, he didn't dare to make Lu Fei unhappy at this time, so as not to cause a fight.

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