A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3398 Have fun

Li Tuozi was indeed an experienced hunter, and he was very particular about choosing this ambush point.

The creek gurgled, braving white water vapor as it flowed downstream. There were flat open areas on both sides of the creek, and then extending to both sides were the mountains.

They followed the stream into the mountains all the way, and the landscape was basically like this. However, the area of ​​open land beside the stream varied.

There is no cover in the open land and it is inconvenient to ambush, so we can only hide in the mountains and forests. However, the mountains and forests are too far away from the creek and will be out of shooting range. This is very contradictory.

Li Tuozi chose this location, which looks like a gourd neck. The open area is very large in front and back, but it is very narrow. The nearest place, Linzikou, is only fifty or sixty meters away from the creek. Find a grass nest. Use boulders or big trees as cover, and don't have too wide a view. It's perfect.

Several people hid their motorcycles and sledges and came to rest behind the stone nest at Linzikou.

Along the way, several people's eyebrows, beards, and hat brims were all covered with hoarfrost. Fortunately, they wore thick clothes, so except for their exposed cheeks, they didn't feel particularly cold.

"Don't tell me, although these clothes are heavy, they are really anti-freeze!" Hai Long said with a smile.

Li Biao rolled his eyes at him and said: "Nonsense, who can wear this thing if you don't resist freezing? Don't we know Shen?"

Having been in contact with this guy several times, Hai Long had already figured out Li Biao's temper. He knew that this guy was just like this when he spoke, so he smiled and was not angry at all.

"Old man, are we here early? I think it's still a while before dawn. Should we go into the woods for a walk?"

It was Hailong's first time to go hunting in the mountains, especially the vast forests and snowfields in the Northeast. Everything he saw was new and he couldn't wait.


Before Li Tuozi could answer, the sound of wild beasts howling suddenly came from deep in the forest. The motorcycle made a lot of noise when it came, so he didn't pay attention to other sounds. When he heard the movement unexpectedly, Hai Long was startled.

"Damn, what's the movement? It can't be a tiger, right?"

Hai Long looked nervous and stood up suddenly, looking around with his gun in hand.

"Fart tiger!"

Li Biao snorted, and the others also sneered.

"Beat Xing, how dare you to enter the mountain?"

Wang Hailong has always been fearless. He was nervous just now because of the sudden sound, and he had never heard such a movement before. The Li brothers would question his courage. Hailong's face suddenly fell, and he was about to have a fit while glaring at Li Biao.

Lu Fei stretched out his hand and pulled him to the ground, saying

: "This is not a tiger, it should be a green wolf. Besides, if you hear the noise, stay away from us. Don't be nervous."

“Brother Fei, I’m not afraid, why should we be afraid if we have guys?

I just hadn't heard the movement before and it was a bit surprising. "

As he said that, Hai Long glared at Li Biao fiercely: "Brother, don't think that you are awesome just because you have hunted. When you get outside, you are no better than a dog. I can take care of you alone with your beating nature." Five, don’t be dissatisfied, if you don’t accept it, wait until we go back and let’s make a show of it!”

Hai Long publicly challenged Li Biao, who was furious. Just as he was about to stand up, his uncle stopped him.

"Okay, no matter what the quarrel is, we all came together, so it wouldn't be a big deal.

Let me tell you the rules. The six of us will go into the mountain together. No matter what our status is outside, it will be the same inside the mountain. Everything must be under my command. If you are dissatisfied with each other, just tell this little brother. After we go out, you can do whatever you want. It's hard work, but it doesn't work in the mountains. "

Li Tuozi said and looked at Lu Fei: "Boss, do you think this is okay? If it's okay, let's continue. If not, I'll turn around and leave. If there are no rules, there will be no rules. Encirclement is a dangerous job. People must work together and horses must work together. If It’s not a big deal if you twist your butt and can’t hit anything, but it will be bad if something goes wrong.”

Lu Fei nodded: "We have no problem."

"That's good, but there is one more thing I want to make clear. According to the rules of entering the mountain, the mountain wealth cannot be used exclusively. No matter what we encounter, the six of us will share it equally." Li Tuozi said.

Lu Fei knew this rule. However, under normal circumstances, the big head should be taken. It may be because the four people on Li Tuozi's side were still his bosses, so they proposed an equal share. Lu Fei had no objection. Originally, he was not doing it for make money.

"Okay, I'll talk later. No matter what you catch this time, your share belongs to you men alone and has nothing to do with the hunting team."

Li Tuozi laughed when he heard this: "Boss is very open, then I will thank the boss first. In addition, I will say a few words. Boss, do you plan to play for a few days and what is the target? We must make plans in advance to avoid numb claws." .”

Lu Fei originally planned to go back yesterday, but the road was blocked due to heavy snowfall. Na Kewen said that traffic would be restored in about two days, but who can say for sure. Once you come, make peace with it and don't delay your return home for the Chinese New Year.

"Of course my target is the big guys. Even if we don't have dry food in the mountains, we still have to eat and drink. If we want to play, let's have fun. Just follow the five-day arrangement. Is it okay with you?"

When Li Tuozi heard this, he felt happy. Of course he looked forward to his boss playing for a few more days. The longer the time, the more detailed his observations would be, so of course he would not object. Li Tuozi was indeed an experienced hunter, and he was very particular about choosing this ambush point.

The creek gurgled, braving white water vapor as it flowed downstream. There were flat open areas on both sides of the creek, and then extending to both sides were the mountains.

They followed the stream into the mountains all the way, and the landscape was basically like this. However, the area of ​​open land beside the stream varied.

There is no cover in the open land and it is inconvenient to ambush, so we can only hide in the mountains and forests. However, the mountains and forests are too far away from the creek and will be out of shooting range. This is very contradictory.

Li Tuozi chose this location, which looks like a gourd neck. The open area is very large in front and back, but it is very narrow. The nearest place, Linzikou, is only fifty or sixty meters away from the creek. Find a grass nest. Use boulders or big trees as cover, and don't have too wide a view. It's perfect.

Several people hid their motorcycles and sledges and came to rest behind the stone nest at Linzikou.

Along the way, several people's eyebrows, beards, and hat brims were all covered with hoarfrost. Fortunately, they wore thick clothes, so except for their exposed cheeks, they didn't feel particularly cold.

"Don't tell me, although these clothes are heavy, they are really anti-freeze!" Hai Long said with a smile.

Li Biao rolled his eyes at him and said: "Nonsense, who can wear this thing if you don't resist freezing? Don't we know Shen?"

Having been in contact with this guy several times, Hai Long had already figured out Li Biao's temper. He knew that this guy was just like this when he spoke, so he smiled and was not angry at all.

"Old man, are we here early? I think it's still a while before dawn. Should we go into the woods for a walk?"

It was Hailong's first time to go hunting in the mountains, especially the vast forests and snowfields in the Northeast. Everything he saw was new and he couldn't wait.


Before Li Tuozi could answer, the sound of wild beasts howling suddenly came from deep in the forest. The motorcycle made a lot of noise when it came, so he didn't pay attention to other sounds. When he heard the movement unexpectedly, Hai Long was startled.

"Damn, what's the movement? It can't be a tiger, right?"

Hai Long looked nervous and stood up suddenly, looking around with his gun in hand.

"Fart tiger!"

Li Biao snorted, and the others also sneered.

"Beat Xing, how dare you to enter the mountain?"

Wang Hailong has always been fearless. He was nervous just now because of the sudden sound, and he had never heard such a movement before. The Li brothers would question his courage. Hailong's face suddenly fell, and he was about to have a fit while glaring at Li Biao.

Lu Fei stretched out his hand and pulled him to the ground, saying

: "This is not a tiger, it should be a green wolf. Besides, if you hear the noise, stay away from us. Don't be nervous."

“Brother Fei, I’m not afraid, why should we be afraid if we have guys?

I just hadn't heard the movement before and it was a bit surprising. "

As he said that, Hai Long glared at Li Biao fiercely: "Brother, don't think that you are awesome just because you have hunted. When you get outside, you are no better than a dog. I can take care of you alone with your beating nature." Five, don’t be dissatisfied, if you don’t accept it, wait until we go back and let’s make a show of it!”

Hai Long publicly challenged Li Biao, who was furious. Just as he was about to stand up, his uncle stopped him.

"Okay, no matter what the quarrel is, we all came together, so it wouldn't be a big deal.

Let me tell you the rules. The six of us will go into the mountain together. No matter what our status is outside, it will be the same inside the mountain. Everything must be under my command. If you are dissatisfied with each other, just tell this little brother. After we go out, you can do whatever you want. It's hard work, but it doesn't work in the mountains. "

Li Tuozi said and looked at Lu Fei: "Boss, do you think this is okay? If it's okay, let's continue. If not, I'll turn around and leave. If there are no rules, there will be no rules. Encirclement is a dangerous job. People must work together and horses must work together. If It’s not a big deal if you twist your butt and can’t hit anything, but it will be bad if something goes wrong.”

Lu Fei nodded: "We have no problem."

"That's good, but there is one more thing I want to make clear. According to the rules of entering the mountain, the mountain wealth cannot be used exclusively. No matter what we encounter, the six of us will share it equally." Li Tuozi said.

Lu Fei knew this rule. However, under normal circumstances, the big head should be taken. It may be because the four people on Li Tuozi's side were still his bosses, so they proposed an equal share. Lu Fei had no objection. Originally, he was not doing it for make money.

"Okay, I'll talk later. No matter what you catch this time, your share belongs to you men alone and has nothing to do with the hunting team."

Li Tuozi laughed when he heard this: "Boss is very open, then I will thank the boss first. In addition, I will say a few words. Boss, do you plan to play for a few days and what is the target? We must make plans in advance to avoid numb claws." ."

Lu Fei originally planned to go back yesterday, but the road was blocked due to heavy snowfall. Na Kewen said that traffic would be restored in about two days, but who can say for sure. Once you come, make peace with it and don't delay your return home for the Chinese New Year.

"Of course my target is the big guys. Even if we don't have dry food in the mountains, we still have to eat and drink. If we want to play, let's have fun. Just follow the five-day arrangement. Is it okay with you?"

When Li Tuozi heard this, he felt happy. Of course he looked forward to his boss playing for a few more days. The longer the time, the more detailed his observations would be, so of course he would not object.

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