A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3402 What did you hear?

During this month, the antlers have been ossified and have little medicinal value. The antlers of wild sika deer grow slowly and are not as beautiful as artificially bred antlers, so they are of little use. However, the blood in the antlers is a good thing. It is the blood of the whole deer. The essence has a very good effect on men with kidney deficiency. Of course, Lu Fei wants to keep such a good thing. If he doesn't use it himself, it would be good to keep it and give it to others.

Seeing Lu Fei's skillful operation, Li Tuozi couldn't help but frown. He had long seen that this new boss was not simple. Now it seems that he is much more awesome than he thought!

After absorbing the blood of the two antlers, Lu Fei began to skillfully perform anatomy on the deer, disemboweling it, removing its internal organs, removing its whip, tail, tendons, and skinning. The whole set of actions was so exciting that he was even more excited than Li Tuozi, an old hunter. Much faster. What’s even more surprising is that Lu Fei is not only faster, but also of much better quality than them. When the entire deer hide is peeled off, the skin is clean, and the deer bones and tendons are almost invisible. Meat star, simply incredible.

The uncle and nephew of the Li family were very surprised, but Hai Long was not surprised at all. Nonsense, with Fei Ge's medical skills, he could tell the exact location of the bone rings and bone seams with his hands. The rest could be done even if he closed his eyes. These were all routine operations. Hai Long had to sigh, the people in the mountains really have long hair but short knowledge!

It would be no problem to disembowel all nine wild deer, grab a few handfuls of snow and stuff them into the hollows to quickly cool them down.

The three hunting dogs stuck out their long tongues and circled around the food on the floor, drooling all over the floor, but their owner Li Tuozi didn't even look at them.

This is also a rule. If hunting dogs want to eat meat, they must work hard. Hunting these prey just now has nothing to do with hunting dogs. Of course, they will not be rewarded. Otherwise, after eating and drinking enough, they will have no motivation when it is time to make their debut.

Li Tuozi and his three nephews dragged the prey into the bunker. Lu Fei looked at the time and saw that it was just noon.

"Old Li, I think it's still early. How about we put these offal by the river as bait, maybe we can kill a few big ones!" Lu Fei said.

Li Tuozi nodded: "What the boss said is absolutely true. We two thought about it together. I took a look just now. The footprints left in this area are very messy. There are many kinds of prey. Just now I saw two rows of what looked like lynxes. Footprints, the fur of this thing is very valuable, if you attract lynx, you can make a lot of money."


Brother Fei, what is a lynx? Hai Long asked curiously.

"A cat that looks a bit like a leopard, but is much smaller than a leopard. The most obvious sign of this thing is its extremely short tail.

The fur of lynx is second only to sable

, it is indeed a good thing, but it is not easy to shoot. The lynx is extremely fast and has extremely sensitive reactions. When hunting a lynx, no matter how good your marksmanship is, you only have one chance to shoot. If you can’t hit the target with one shot, don’t Want to keep it longer. " Lu Fei said.

"Hey, no matter how cunning the prey is, it can't beat a good hunter. Our six guns fired at the same time. It was like a hail of bullets. No matter how agile the lynx is, it can't escape." Wang Hailong said.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes at him with disdain: "To hunt a lynx, all you need is its fur. So many people are shooting at the same time, and the fur has been beaten into a sieve. What's the use of it?"

Li Tuozi also nodded: "The boss is right, hunting lynx is a one-man job. It's getting late, so let's stop talking and arrange the arrangements quickly. Maybe we can catch up before dark."

"Yes, get to work quickly."

Everyone worked together to drag all the internal organs to the creek, and then returned to the bunker. The hot water they had boiled in the morning was poured into the thermos cup. It was still burning their mouths at this moment. In the virgin forest covered with ice and snow, one gulp of hot water was poured into it. Not to mention how comfortable it is.

Lu Fei opened his bag and took out a few bottles of Maotai and gave each person one bottle. He also took out some peanuts, beef jerky, fried silkworm chrysalises and other snacks. Everyone drank a few sips and it was really good.

Perhaps it was because there was too much noise from the wild deer hunt before. For more than three hours in the afternoon, no prey was seen. Seeing that the sun was about to set, Li Tuozi arranged for Hai Long and his three nephews to go into the forest to collect firewood. To deal with a night here, we must be prepared while it is still light.

Wang Hailong and the others had no objection and stood up and were about to enter the forest when their boss Lu Fei suddenly stood up and grabbed a few people.

"Hush, there's movement!"

Everyone is a smart person. When Lu Fei said it, he immediately stopped all movements and held his breath to listen carefully.

Li Tuozi listened for a few seconds, smiled, gave Lu Fei a thumbs up, and gestured to everyone. Everyone understood and immediately dispersed and ambush quietly according to the formation in the morning. Hai Long was still left in the middle to follow. Li Biao and two others.

Everyone was in their places, but at this time, Wang Hailong still looked confused. He pulled Li Biao and asked in a low voice: "No, what is going on with you? Why didn't I hear anything?"

Li Biao chuckled: "Xiao Sha, your hair is still young, it's too late."

"Damn, it's like you heard something."

"Nonsense, of course I heard it."

"What did you hear?"

"Wild boar, here comes the wild boar. They come in all sizes. There are at least five or six of them. Get ready to work!" This month, the antlers have been ossified and have little medicinal value. The antlers of wild sika deer grow slowly, and there are no artificially bred antlers. It's so beautiful, so it's of no use, but the antler blood inside is a good thing. It's the essence of the whole deer's blood. It has a very good effect on men with kidney deficiency. Of course, Lu Fei must keep such a good thing, and he won't use it. , it’s also a good idea to keep it and give it away.

Seeing Lu Fei's skillful operation, Li Tuozi couldn't help but frown. He had long seen that this new boss was not simple. Now it seems that he is much more awesome than he thought!

After absorbing the blood of the two antlers, Lu Fei began to skillfully perform anatomy on the deer, disemboweling it, removing its internal organs, removing its whip, tail, tendons, and skinning. The whole set of actions was so exciting that he was even more excited than Li Tuozi, an old hunter. Much faster. What’s even more surprising is that Lu Fei is not only faster, but also of much better quality than them. When the entire deer hide is peeled off, the skin is clean, and the deer bones and tendons are almost invisible. Meat star, simply incredible.

The uncle and nephew of the Li family were very surprised, but Hai Long was not surprised at all. Nonsense, with Fei Ge's medical skills, he could tell the exact location of the bone rings and bone seams with his hands. The rest could be done even if he closed his eyes. These were all routine operations. Hai Long had to sigh, the people in the mountains really have long hair but short knowledge! .??.

It would be no problem to disembowel all nine wild deer, grab a few handfuls of snow and stuff them into the hollows to quickly cool them down.

The three hunting dogs stuck out their long tongues and circled around the food on the floor, drooling all over the floor, but their owner Li Tuozi didn't even look at them.

This is also a rule. If hunting dogs want to eat meat, they must work hard. Hunting these prey just now has nothing to do with hunting dogs. Of course, they will not be rewarded. Otherwise, after eating and drinking enough, they will have no motivation when it is time to make their debut.

Li Tuozi and his three nephews dragged the prey into the bunker. Lu Fei looked at the time and saw that it was just noon.

"Old Li, I think it's still early. How about we put these offal by the river as bait, maybe we can kill a few big ones!" Lu Fei said.

Li Tuozi nodded: "What the boss said is absolutely true. We two thought about it together. I took a look just now. The footprints left in this area are very messy. There are many kinds of prey. Just now I saw two rows of what looked like lynxes. Footprints, the fur of this thing is very valuable, if you attract lynx, you can make a lot of money."


Brother Fei, what is a lynx? Hai Long asked curiously.

"A cat that looks a bit like a leopard, but is much smaller than a leopard. The most obvious sign of this thing is its extremely short tail.

The fur of lynx is second only to sable

, it is indeed a good thing, but it is not easy to shoot. The lynx is extremely fast and has extremely sensitive reactions. When hunting a lynx, no matter how good your marksmanship is, you only have one chance to shoot. If you can’t hit the target with one shot, don’t Want to keep it longer. " Lu Fei said.

"Hey, no matter how cunning the prey is, it can't beat a good hunter. Our six guns fired at the same time. It was like a hail of bullets. No matter how agile the lynx is, it can't escape." Wang Hailong said.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes at him with disdain: "To hunt a lynx, all you need is its fur. So many people are shooting at the same time, and the fur has been beaten into a sieve. What's the use of it?"

Li Tuozi also nodded: "The boss is right, hunting lynx is a one-man job. It's getting late, so let's stop talking and arrange the arrangements quickly. Maybe we can catch up before dark."

"Yes, get to work quickly."

Everyone worked together to drag all the internal organs to the creek, and then returned to the bunker. The hot water they had boiled in the morning was poured into the thermos cup. It was still burning their mouths at this moment. In the virgin forest covered with ice and snow, one gulp of hot water was poured into it. Not to mention how comfortable it is.

Lu Fei opened his bag and took out a few bottles of Maotai and gave each person one bottle. He also took out some peanuts, beef jerky, fried silkworm chrysalises and other snacks. Everyone drank a few sips and it was really good.

Perhaps it was because there was too much noise from the wild deer hunt before. For more than three hours in the afternoon, no prey was seen. Seeing that the sun was about to set, Li Tuozi arranged for Hai Long and his three nephews to go into the forest to collect firewood. To deal with a night here, we must be prepared while it is still light.

Wang Hailong and the others had no objection and stood up and were about to enter the forest when their boss Lu Fei suddenly stood up and grabbed a few people.

"Hush, there's movement!"

Everyone is a smart person. When Lu Fei said it, he immediately stopped all movements and held his breath to listen carefully.

Li Tuozi listened for a few seconds, smiled, gave Lu Fei a thumbs up, and gestured to everyone. Everyone understood and immediately dispersed and ambush quietly according to the formation in the morning. Hai Long was still left in the middle to follow. Li Biao and two others.

Everyone was in their places, but at this time, Wang Hailong still looked confused. He pulled Li Biao and asked in a low voice: "No, what is going on with you? Why didn't I hear anything?"

Li Biao chuckled: "Xiao Sha, your hair is still young, it's too late."

"Damn, it's like you heard something."

"Nonsense, of course I heard it."

"What did you hear?"

"Wild boars, here are the wild boars, big and small, at least five or six of them. Get ready to work!"

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