A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3415 Too cruel

"Boss, do you have any better idea?" Li Tuozi asked.

Lu Fei raised his head and looked at the entrance of the cave, smiled at him and said, "Old Li, will you listen to me this time?"

Lu Fei respected Li Tuozi's opinion all the way, and now he patiently suggested to him a different hunting method. Of course, Li Tuozi had no objection, and he was not dissatisfied at all.

"no problem."

Anyway, the black blind man in the barn is already meat on the chopping board.

Lu Fei asked Li Biao and Li Chuang to chop down two branches that were as thick as an arm and more than three meters long. He then arranged for Hai Long and the Li brothers to be divided into two groups, with each two people responsible for one branch. They crossed the two branches at the entrance of the cave and He held it firmly, leaving only a small space for the black bear's head to come out, but the upper limbs and arms could not get out.

When he was ready, Lu Fei took out a few pieces of solid alcohol from his bag, rubbed it with a towel, then wrapped the remaining alcohol, picked up a corner, lit the towel and threw it into the air, landing accurately. Enter the tree hole.


At this time, everyone understood what Lu Fei was going to do. Everyone subconsciously curled their lips and cursed in their hearts. The uncles and nephews of the Li family did not dare to say anything, but Wang Hailong did not have so many scruples.

"Brother Fei, you're in too much trouble!"

The three brothers Li Biao nodded subconsciously and said to themselves that the boss was not trying to make the bear angry, but was trying to make the black blind man angry to death. Wang Hailong's words were quite insightful. The boss's move was indeed too damaging, it was so damaging. Well, most people would never think of this missing solution. The boss is really a genius.

While he was talking, there was already movement in the barn. A male black bear weighing more than 300 pounds was indeed sleeping inside. Last fall, this guy ate like crazy and accumulated a lot of fat. Later, he found such a luxurious place that was quite suitable for hibernation. The villa, I lived in it contentedly.

The size of the tree hole is just right, and the height of the hole is just right. The air is circulated, but it is not that cold. Not to mention how comfortable it is. The black bear slept for nearly three months. However, the temperature suddenly dropped several degrees in the past two days. The black bear The black bear instinctively curled up to resist the cold, but just now, a burst of warmth suddenly came from his head. The black bear was extremely happy. However, the warmth contained a smell of burnt beetles, which was not very pleasant. Fortunately, the warmth was getting stronger. The more intense it is, the less likely it is that a few imperfections will matter.

The black bear yawned happily, but soon felt something was wrong. In just two or three seconds, the warmth suddenly escalated to burning, followed by a burning sting on his head, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

\u003eWhat’s even worse is that the burning sensation is getting stronger and stronger. It’s so painful that it can’t bear the pain. The black bear is unhappy and reluctant to open its eyes. This sight scares it. Damn it, no wonder there’s burning. As for the feeling, it turned out that the top of my head was on fire!

There were several small "fireballs" on its head. When the black bear shook its head, the "fireballs" fell from its head but did not go out. Instead, they ignited the fur on its body.


The black bear was so frightened that it quickly hit the fireball with its paw as big as a cattail leaf fan. As a result, its invincible bear paw that hit all over the forest encountered waterloo this time. Although the fireball was scattered, the fire became more and more intense, causing the entire barn to be damaged. They all burned, and this time it would cost me my life.

The black bear sensed the danger of death and woke up completely. It screamed and tried to escape. But when it stood up, it was confused. Why did the door to its house suddenly become narrower?

What's happening here?

In its desperation, it didn't have time to think too much and rushed out screaming.

The two groups of people waiting outside were stunned when they saw the black bear's head come out, because the black bear's current condition was so miserable. The fur on its head was burned away in a flash. Logically speaking, the fur on its head would be burned away. When a fire breaks out, it should be extinguished, but the fire this black bear is facing is unusual. It is high-quality solid alcohol. This thing is even more resistant to burning than charcoal. The alcohol pot in the hotel is a piece of alcohol. It can burn for more than an hour. Lufei's solid alcohol is specially made for outdoor activities. Its quality and quality are much better than those in restaurants. Even in a windy outdoor environment, it will not be a problem to burn for two hours.

This thing is the same as gasoline. If you want to extinguish it, you have to cover it with something to cut off the air. There is no other way. The black bear is in unbearable pain. He smashes the solid alcohol into fine pieces, and the burning area becomes larger. At this moment, this A black bear faced the ancient torture of lighting up a sky lantern. The hair burned out and continued to burn the scalp. The scalp was rich in oil and made a sizzling sound. Thick black smoke was emitting. It was really terrible. When had the three hounds ever seen this scene? , the dog's hair stood up in fright, and he jumped on his feet and barked like crazy.

"Woof woof woof, woof woof, woof woof~~"

The hunting dogs barked wildly, and Wang Hailong and the other four finally came to their senses. Good guy, the blind man almost broke through the obstacle and got out due to his stunned efforts. Fortunately, two branches were stuck in advance, otherwise it would have been hard to say.

Just as Lu Fei expected, except for the head, the black blind man's shoulders and arms could not come out at all. The black bear in unbearable pain went completely crazy. He opened his bloody mouth and roared hoarsely with all his strength. The strength of the struggle made the whole withered bear The trees shook violently. "Boss, do you have any better idea?" Li Tuozi asked.

Lu Fei raised his head and looked at the entrance of the cave, smiled at him and said, "Old Li, will you listen to me this time?"

Lu Fei respected Li Tuozi's opinion all the way, and now he patiently suggested to him a different hunting method. Of course, Li Tuozi had no objection, and he was not dissatisfied at all.

"no problem."

Anyway, the black blind man in the barn is already meat on the chopping board.

Lu Fei asked Li Biao and Li Chuang to chop down two branches that were as thick as an arm and more than three meters long. He then arranged for Hai Long and the Li brothers to be divided into two groups, with each two people responsible for one branch. They crossed the two branches at the entrance of the cave and He held it firmly, leaving only a small space for the black bear's head to come out, but the upper limbs and arms could not get out.

When he was ready, Lu Fei took out a few pieces of solid alcohol from his bag, rubbed it with a towel, then wrapped the remaining alcohol, picked up a corner, lit the towel and threw it into the air, landing accurately. Enter the tree hole.


At this time, everyone understood what Lu Fei was going to do. Everyone subconsciously curled their lips and cursed in their hearts. The uncles and nephews of the Li family did not dare to say anything, but Wang Hailong did not have so many scruples.

"Brother Fei, you're in too much trouble!"

The three brothers Li Biao nodded subconsciously and said to themselves that the boss was not trying to make the bear angry, but was trying to make the black blind man angry to death. Wang Hailong's words were quite insightful. The boss's move was indeed too damaging, it was so damaging. Well, most people would never think of this missing solution. The boss is really a genius.

While he was talking, there was already movement in the barn. A male black bear weighing more than 300 pounds was indeed sleeping inside. Last fall, this guy ate like crazy and accumulated a lot of fat. Later, he found such a luxurious place that was quite suitable for hibernation. The villa, I lived in it contentedly.

The size of the tree hole is just right, and the height of the hole is just right. The air is circulated, but it is not that cold. Not to mention how comfortable it is. The black bear slept for nearly three months. However, the temperature suddenly dropped several degrees in the past two days. The black bear The black bear instinctively curled up to resist the cold, but just now, a burst of warmth suddenly came from his head. The black bear was extremely happy. However, the warmth contained a burnt smell, which was not very pleasant. Fortunately, the warmth was getting stronger. The more intense it is, the less likely it is that a few imperfections will matter.

The black bear yawned happily, but soon felt something was wrong. In just two or three seconds, the warmth suddenly escalated to burning, followed by a burning sting on his head, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

\u003eWhat’s even worse is that the burning sensation is getting stronger and stronger. It’s so painful that it can’t bear the pain. The black bear is unhappy and reluctant to open its eyes. This sight scares it. Damn it, no wonder there’s burning. As for the feeling, it turned out that the top of my head was on fire!

There were several small "fireballs" on its head. When the black bear shook its head, the "fireballs" fell from its head but did not go out. Instead, they ignited the fur on its body.


The black bear was so frightened that it quickly hit the fireball with its paw as big as a cattail leaf fan. As a result, its invincible bear paw that hit all over the forest encountered waterloo this time. Although the fireball was scattered, the fire became more and more intense, causing the entire barn to be damaged. They all burned, and this time it would cost me my life.

The black bear sensed the danger of death and woke up completely. It screamed and tried to escape. But when it stood up, it was confused. Why did the door to its house suddenly become narrower?

What's happening here?

In its desperation, it didn't have time to think too much and rushed out screaming.

The two groups of people waiting outside were stunned when they saw the black bear's head come out, because the black bear's current condition was so miserable. The fur on its head was burned away in a flash. Logically speaking, the fur on its head would be burned away. When a fire breaks out, it should be extinguished, but the fire this black bear is facing is unusual. It is high-quality solid alcohol. This thing is even more resistant to burning than charcoal. The alcohol pot in the hotel is all about alcohol. It can burn for more than an hour. Lufei's solid alcohol is specially made for outdoor activities. Its quality and quality are much better than those in restaurants. Even in a windy outdoor environment, it will not be a problem to burn for two hours.

This thing is the same as gasoline. If you want to extinguish it, you have to cover it with something to cut off the air. There is no other way. The black bear is in unbearable pain. He smashes the solid alcohol into fine pieces, and the burning area becomes larger. At this moment, this A black bear faced the ancient torture of lighting up a sky lantern. The hair burned out and continued to burn the scalp. The scalp was rich in oil and made a sizzling sound. Thick black smoke was emitting. It was really terrible. When had the three hounds ever seen this scene? , the dog's hair stood up in fright, and he jumped on his feet and barked like crazy.

"Woof woof woof, woof woof, woof woof~~"

The hunting dogs barked wildly, and Wang Hailong and the other four finally came to their senses. Good guy, the blind man almost broke through the obstacle and got out due to his stunned efforts. Fortunately, two branches were stuck in advance, otherwise it would have been hard to say.

Just as Lu Fei expected, except for his head, the black bear's shoulders and arms could not come out at all. The painful black bear went completely crazy, opened its bloody mouth, and roared hoarsely with all its strength. The strength of the struggle made the whole withered bear The trees shook violently.

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