A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3426 Wolf King, died

Looking at the Wolf King again, Lu Fei knew why this wolf team was so cunning.

This wolf king is nearly one meter tall and has a strong build. It is at least two times bigger than other gray wolves. The average gray wolf only weighs sixty or seventy kilograms. A seventy or eighty kilogram one is considered very strong, and this one is considered very strong. Wolf King, Lu Fei visually estimated that he weighs at least 110 pounds. It is not easy to grow so big.

This sturdy wolf king had spotted fur and old wounds everywhere. There was a two-inch long scratch on his hip. However, Lu Fei could tell at a glance that this scratch was not a wolf. Not scratches from branches and other wild beasts, but from the trajectory of bullets.

Moreover, this wolf only has one ear, well, I should say one and a half. Not only was half of the left ear bitten off by someone, but only about half an inch of flat stubble was left.

Judging from the scars on its body and half of its ears, this wolf must be brave and good at fighting. It has experienced countless life-and-death fights and is extremely experienced. It is the most difficult mature wolf to deal with.

A cooked wolf is not a cooked wolf!

There are two types of wild wolves: raw wolves and mature wolves. Raw wolves refer to wolves that have never had a direct confrontation with a hunter, while mature wolves refer to wolves that have fought with humans, seen the hunter's methods, and luckily escaped from the hunter's hands. wolf.

When a wolf encounters a human, it has no obvious advantage. Unless it is starving to death, it will generally not actively attack humans, but will stay away from them.

This is not the case with mature wolves. Mature wolves have a natural hatred for people. When they see people, they will try their best to attack and retaliate. This kind of wolf is not only cunning and experienced, but also extremely violent. It is the most difficult to deal with.

Now Lu Fei could see that if he wanted to support Hai Long and the others, he had to kill the wolf king. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to do so. Moreover, he must not let the wolf king run away. If he let it run away, this guy would definitely haunt him. Bu San stared at his group and tried every means to find an opportunity to deal with them, so this scourge must not be allowed to stay.

After making up his mind and looking at the equipment in his hands, Lu Fei had an idea. He held the gun in his hand and loaded the bullets. He lowered his body and quietly approached the Wolf King. With the help of the night vision device, Lu Fei could see the surrounding situation clearly. At the wind outlet, pay attention to the dead branches and leaves under your feet, and slowly approach the Wolf King through the woods, observing Hai Long from time to time.

The situation at Hai Long continues to be particularly bad. Although the gray wolves are cunning and use the corpses of their companions as cover to advance, no matter how cunning these wolves are, they are still beasts after all. How could they know that the Type 56 semi-automatic and 7.62mm bullets are so powerful? How old?

The bullet came out and hit the gray wolf's body. When it entered, there was a small hole of about one centimeter. But after it penetrated, there was a hole as big as a fist on the other side. Such a powerful force can still be exerted at a distance. Some effects, within a range of twenty meters, easily penetrated the sugar-coated haws. Not only did the gray wolf fail to advance much, but it left more corpses of its companions behind. For a time, miserable howls and gunshots resounded throughout the valley.

Li Tuozi's three hunting dogs barked like crazy. However, Li Tuozi held the dog leash tightly and did not give them a chance, which made the three hunting dogs very anxious.

Hunting dogs are warlike, but facing wolves, if you let them go, you will definitely suffer losses. The hunting dogs that were finally dragged out, Li Tuozi was reluctant to let them die in vain.

Seeing that there was not much danger there, Lu Fei was not in a hurry. He used the cover of trees and cautiously approached the Wolf King. Two minutes later, Lu Fei had already touched the Wolf King about 150 meters away. The effective range of the Desert Eagle was 200 meters. rice, but facing the cunning Wolf King, we are downwind, and the recoil of this gun is super strong. Even Lu Fei is not sure. If the Wolf King is not killed with one shot, it will not be easy to get close to it, but again As we move forward, we are afraid of being discovered by the Wolf King, which makes it even more difficult.

Lu Fei looked at the terrain and then at the Wolf King. At this moment, the Wolf King was all focused on the battlefield and had not noticed Lu Fei approaching it. It was a good opportunity to steal the plane.

After making up his mind, Lu Fei suddenly jumped out of the woods and ran forward, keeping his gun aimed at the Wolf King's head.

Lu Fei only advanced a dozen meters. The sound of stepping on the snow alerted the Wolf King and the two queen wolves. The three wolves looked over at the same time. While they were stunned, Lu Fei advanced another five or six meters. , shot decisively.


This shot was always too accurate. What Lu Fei wanted to do was to seize the moment when the wolf king turned to look at him and hit it between the eyebrows to ensure that it would kill him with one shot. However, Lu Fei didn't play with this gun much, so he didn't play with it much. It was not very skilled, and there was a slight deviation. It missed the center of the eyebrow and was nailed right on the Wolf King's nose. But the Desert Eagle 9.1 mm bullet only needed to hit the head range. In an instant, half of the Wolf King's head looked like It was the watermelon that was hit by a heavy object and exploded directly.

No matter what kind of copper heads, iron bones, or tofu waist, they are all useless in front of large-caliber bullets. They don't even have a chance to scream, and they die in an instant.

The two wolf queens did not expect that the wolf king would be suddenly killed. After a moment of confusion, Lu Fei fired again and killed another one. The other one finally woke up and jumped down from the ridge. Looking at the Wolf King again, Lu Fei knew why this wolf team was so cunning.

This wolf king is nearly one meter tall and has a strong build. It is at least two times bigger than other gray wolves. The average gray wolf only weighs sixty or seventy kilograms. A seventy or eighty kilogram one is considered very strong, and this one is considered very strong. Wolf King, Lu Fei visually estimated that he weighs at least 110 pounds. It is not easy to grow so big.

This sturdy wolf king had spots on his body and old wounds everywhere. There was a two-inch long scratch on his hip. However, Lu Fei could tell at a glance that this scratch was not a wolf. Not scratches from branches and other wild beasts, but from the trajectory of bullets.

Moreover, this wolf only has one ear, well, I should say one and a half. Not only was half of the left ear bitten off by someone, but only about half an inch of flat stubble was left. .??.

Judging from the scars on its body and half of its ears, this wolf must be brave and good at fighting. It has experienced countless life-and-death fights and is extremely experienced. It is the most difficult mature wolf to deal with.

A cooked wolf is not a cooked wolf!

There are two types of wild wolves: raw wolves and mature wolves. Raw wolves refer to wolves that have never had a direct confrontation with a hunter, while mature wolves refer to wolves that have fought with people, seen the hunter's methods, and escaped from the hunter's hands by luck. wolf.

When a wolf encounters a human, it has no obvious advantage. Unless it is starving to death, it will generally not actively attack humans, but will stay away from them.

This is not the case with mature wolves. Mature wolves have a natural hatred for people. When they see people, they will try their best to attack and retaliate. This kind of wolf is not only cunning and experienced, but also extremely violent. It is the most difficult to deal with.

Now Lu Fei could see that if he wanted to support Hai Long and the others, he had to kill the wolf king. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to do so. Moreover, he must not let the wolf king run away. If he let it run away, this guy would definitely haunt him. Bu San stared at his group and tried every means to find an opportunity to deal with them, so this scourge must not be allowed to stay.

After making up his mind and looking at the equipment in his hands, Lu Fei had an idea. He held the gun in his hand and loaded the bullets. He lowered his body and quietly approached the Wolf King. With the help of the night vision device, Lu Fei could see the surrounding situation clearly. At the wind outlet, pay attention to the dead branches and leaves under your feet, and slowly approach the Wolf King through the woods, observing Hai Long from time to time.

The situation at Hai Long continues to be particularly bad. Although the gray wolves are cunning and use the corpses of their companions as cover to advance, no matter how cunning these wolves are, they are still beasts after all. How could they know that the Type 56 semi-automatic and 7.62mm bullets are so powerful? How old?

The bullet came out and hit the gray wolf's body. When it entered, there was a small hole of about one centimeter. But after it penetrated, there was a hole as big as a fist on the other side. Such a powerful force can still be exerted at a distance. Some effects, within a range of twenty meters, easily penetrated the sugar-coated haws. Not only did the gray wolf fail to advance much, but it left more corpses of its companions behind. For a time, miserable howls and gunshots resounded throughout the valley.

Li Tuozi's three hunting dogs barked like crazy. However, Li Tuozi held the dog leash tightly and did not give them a chance, which made the three hunting dogs very anxious.

Hunting dogs are warlike, but facing wolves, if you let them go, you will definitely suffer losses. The hunting dogs that were finally dragged out, Li Tuozi was reluctant to let them die in vain.

Seeing that there was not much danger there, Lu Fei was not in a hurry. He used the cover of trees and cautiously approached the Wolf King. Two minutes later, Lu Fei had already touched the Wolf King about 150 meters away. The effective range of the Desert Eagle was 200 meters. rice, but facing the cunning Wolf King, we are downwind, and the recoil of this gun is super strong. Even Lu Fei is not sure. If the Wolf King is not killed with one shot, it will not be easy to get close to it, but again As we move forward, we are afraid of being discovered by the Wolf King, which makes it even more difficult.

Lu Fei looked at the terrain and then at the Wolf King. At this moment, the Wolf King was all focused on the battlefield and had not noticed Lu Fei approaching it. It was a good opportunity to steal the plane.

After making up his mind, Lu Fei suddenly jumped out of the woods and ran forward, keeping his gun aimed at the Wolf King's head.

Lu Fei only advanced a dozen meters. The sound of stepping on the snow alerted the Wolf King and the two queen wolves. The three wolves looked over at the same time. While they were stunned, Lu Fei advanced another five or six meters. , shot decisively.


This shot was always too accurate. What Lu Fei wanted to do was to seize the moment when the wolf king turned to look at him and hit it between the eyebrows to ensure that it would kill him with one shot. However, Lu Fei didn't play with this gun much, so he didn't play with it much. It was not very skilled, and there was a slight deviation. It missed the center of the eyebrow and was nailed right on the Wolf King's nose. But the Desert Eagle 9.1 mm bullet only needed to hit the head range. In an instant, half of the Wolf King's head looked like It was the watermelon that was hit by a heavy object and exploded directly.

No matter what kind of copper heads, iron bones, or tofu waist, they are all useless in front of large-caliber bullets. They don't even have a chance to scream, and they die in an instant.

The two wolf queens did not expect that the wolf king would be suddenly killed. After a moment of confusion, Lu Fei fired again and killed another one. The other one finally woke up and jumped down from the ridge.

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