Seeing Li Chuang being knocked away, everyone's hearts twitched. Lu Fei jumped down from the tree and fired a few more shots. Finally, he killed all the running baskets that rushed up. At this moment, everyone had time to check. Li Chuang's injury.

At this sight, everyone was shocked.

Even though it was just a scrape, Li Chuang was still seriously injured. His thick leather jacket was torn to pieces by the fangs of the basket runner, and a large hole of more than 20 centimeters was opened in the flesh. The skin and flesh were rolled and bloody. The bleeding continued, and Li Chuang grimaced in pain, but he still thanked Lu Fei sincerely. He knew how powerful the wild boar was. If Lu Fei hadn't shot the wild boar to death and forcibly changed the direction of the wild boar, he would have been killed.

Lu Fei comforted him and was about to help him heal his injuries when suddenly there was a strong vibration on the ground. The other dozen wild boars, including the seven to eight hundred kilogram wild boar king, all rushed towards them.

"Fuck!" .??.

Wang Hailong was shocked, yelled, and quickly fired with a short gun. Others also became nervous. Even the injured Li Chuang stood up despite the pain.

Even though Li Biao had hunting experience, when faced with so many crazy wild boars, he still lost his sense of proportion and only focused on shooting on the spot. Although Lu Fei had never hunted much, he had led a team on missions more than once. In this situation, If they stayed in place and had a head-on conflict with so many wild boars, with just four of them and one injured person, they would definitely suffer a big loss.

"You can't stay where you are, you have to go up the tree and knock off as many heads as you can. Pay attention to your steps and don't fall down."

After Lu Fei roared, everyone calmed down and looked for a strong tree to climb quickly. Li Chuang learned the lesson this time and chose a sequoia tree with a diameter of one meter and a half. As a hunter, tree climbing is the most important thing. One of the skills that must be mastered. Although it is more than one meter in diameter, it is not difficult for them to climb up. However, Li Chuang was seriously injured just now, lost too much blood, and lost most of his strength. He still had to climb up according to his usual movements. Tree, but there is no more energy left.

The others didn't think much about it and were just climbing on their own, but Lu Fei noticed it and hurriedly ran to Li Chuang and squatted down, stretched out his hands and crossed them on his chest, shouting to Li Chuang: "Step on my hands, I'll send you away." You go up."

Li Chuang was stunned for a moment, moved to the point of being frightened: "Boss, this"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up."


Li Chuang also knew that this was not the time to be polite. After hesitating for a while, the wild boar group came closer. Not to mention him, even the boss had to explain here. He quickly followed Lu Fei's instructions and stepped on Lu Fei's handstand. Qi Chuang used all his strength to lift Li Chuang up to a height of more than two meters. Li Chuang grabbed a tree branch and gritted his teeth.

Guan tried his best and finally climbed up, but at this time, the wild boars were only forty or fifty meters away from everyone.

Forty or fifty meters away, according to the crazy speed of the wild boars, it would only take three or four seconds for them to rush over. Lu Fei still had no time to return to his own tree, so he could only break into a tree with Li.

Li Chuang obviously also discovered this problem. After going up, he stretched out his hand: "Boss, let me pull you."


Lu Fei jumped up and grabbed Li Chuang's hand, and rushed up quickly. Although he went up, he had no time to rest. Seeing that the first wave of impact was about to come, Li Chuang quickly shot with a short gun, while Lu Fei cruelly threw the bag He took out the grenade inside, pulled the safety catch, and threw it into the herd of wild boars.

Li Chuang only saw a dark guy thrown by the boss, but he didn't see clearly what it was. He was still a little confused. If the boss didn't shoot the wild boar, what was he doing by throwing something? But the next second, there was a loud noise. The herd of wild boars exploded, dust flew up, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the screams shook the sky. Two sows were even blown up two to three meters high. Others were completely shocked by this scene.

"Holy shit!"

"what is this?"

"Oh my god, who threw the grenade?"

This blow was quite powerful, killing at least three wild boars directly and injuring no fewer than five. Even the wild boar king screamed in agony and rushed away the menacing wild boars.

Although the Wild Boar King was injured, this angered the big guy even more. He raised his mouth and roared to the sky. The decibel level of this sound was definitely over 100, and it made everyone's eardrums hurt.

"Ho ho!!"

The Wild Boar King roared on the spot, digging two large holes in the ground with his two hind hooves. In the next second, he concentrated all his strength and rushed towards Lu Fei and Li Chuang with a roar.

The threat of the Wild Boar King was too great. The five people temporarily gave up other targets, locked their guns on the Wild Boar King, and shot him continuously.

But after several consecutive shots, not only was the Wild Boar King not killed, he didn't even slow down by half a minute. On the contrary, it angered the giant even more.

This Wild Boar King has lived for who knows how many years. The stone armor on his body is really invulnerable. Lu Fei can see clearly that in the round just now, at least five bullets hit the Wild Boar King's body, but there was not even a trace of blood. See, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick, how terrifying!

This guy even has thick stone armor on his head. The only fatal spots are between the eyebrows, eyes and ears. But this is a wild boar running at high speed. How awesome is his marksmanship to survive in this situation? Hitting such a small target accurately! Seeing Li Chuang being knocked away, everyone's hearts tightened. Lu Fei jumped down from the tree and fired a few more shots. Finally, he killed all the running baskets that rushed up. At this moment, everyone had time to check. Li Chuang's injury.

At this sight, everyone was shocked.

Even though it was just a scrape, Li Chuang was still seriously injured. His thick leather jacket was torn to pieces by the fangs of the basket runner, and a large hole of more than 20 centimeters was opened in the flesh. The skin and flesh were rolled and bloody. The bleeding continued, and Li Chuang grimaced in pain, but he still thanked Lu Fei sincerely. He knew how powerful the wild boar was. If Lu Fei hadn't shot the wild boar to death and forcibly changed the direction of the wild boar, he would have been killed.

Lu Fei comforted him and was about to help him heal his injuries when suddenly there was a strong vibration on the ground. The other dozen wild boars, including the seven to eight hundred kilogram wild boar king, all rushed towards them.


Wang Hailong was shocked, yelled, and quickly fired with a short gun. Others also became nervous. Even the injured Li Chuang stood up despite the pain.

Even though Li Biao had hunting experience, when faced with so many crazy wild boars, he still lost his sense of proportion and only focused on shooting on the spot. Although Lu Fei had never hunted much, he had led a team on missions more than once. In this situation, If they stayed in place and had a head-on conflict with so many wild boars, with just four of them and one injured person, they would definitely suffer a big loss.

"You can't stay where you are, you have to go up the tree and knock off as many heads as you can. Pay attention to your steps and don't fall down."

After Lu Fei roared, everyone calmed down and looked for a strong tree to climb quickly. Li Chuang learned the lesson this time and chose a sequoia tree with a diameter of one meter and a half. As a hunter, tree climbing is the most important thing. One of the skills that must be mastered. Although it is more than one meter in diameter, it is not difficult for them to climb up. However, Li Chuang was seriously injured just now, lost too much blood, and lost most of his strength. He still had to climb up according to his usual movements. Tree, but there is no more energy left.

The others didn't think much about it and were just climbing on their own, but Lu Fei noticed it and hurriedly ran to Li Chuang and squatted down, stretched out his hands and crossed them on his chest, shouting to Li Chuang: "Step on my hands, I'll send you away." You go up."

Li Chuang was stunned for a moment, moved to the point of being frightened: "Boss, this"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up."


Li Chuang also knew that this was not the time to be polite. After hesitating for a while, the wild boar group came closer. Not to mention him, even the boss had to explain here. He quickly followed Lu Fei's instructions and stepped on Lu Fei's handstand. Qi Chuang used all his strength to lift Li Chuang up to a height of more than two meters. Li Chuang grabbed a tree branch and gritted his teeth.

Guan tried his best and finally climbed up, but at this time, the wild boars were only forty or fifty meters away from everyone.

Forty or fifty meters away, according to the crazy speed of the wild boars, it would only take three or four seconds for them to rush over. Lu Fei still had no time to return to his own tree, so he could only break into a tree with Li.

Li Chuang obviously also discovered this problem. After going up, he stretched out his hand: "Boss, let me pull you."


Lu Fei jumped up and grabbed Li Chuang's hand, and rushed up quickly. Although he went up, he had no time to rest. Seeing that the first wave of impact was about to come, Li Chuang quickly shot with a short gun, while Lu Fei cruelly threw the bag He took out the grenade inside, pulled the safety catch, and threw it into the herd of wild boars.

Li Chuang only saw a dark guy thrown by the boss, but he didn't see clearly what it was. He was still a little confused. If the boss didn't shoot the wild boar, what was he doing by throwing something? But the next second, there was a loud noise. The herd of wild boars exploded, dust flew up, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the screams shook the sky. Two sows were even blown up two to three meters high. Others were completely shocked by this scene.

"Holy shit!"

"what is this?"

"Oh my god, who threw the grenade?"

This blow was quite powerful, killing at least three wild boars directly and injuring no fewer than five. Even the wild boar king screamed in agony and rushed away the menacing wild boars.

Although the Wild Boar King was injured, this angered the big guy even more. He raised his mouth and roared to the sky. The decibel level of this sound was definitely over 100, and it made everyone's eardrums hurt.

"Ho ho!!"

The Wild Boar King roared on the spot, digging two large holes in the ground with his two hind hooves. In the next second, he concentrated all his strength and rushed towards Lu Fei and Li Chuang with a roar.

The threat of the Wild Boar King was too great. The five people temporarily gave up other targets, locked their guns on the Wild Boar King, and shot him continuously.

But after several consecutive shots, not only was the Wild Boar King not killed, he didn't even slow down by half a minute. On the contrary, it angered the giant even more.

This Wild Boar King has lived for who knows how many years. The stone armor on his body is really invulnerable. Lu Fei can see clearly that in the round just now, at least five bullets hit the Wild Boar King's body, but there was not even a trace of blood. See, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick, how terrifying!

This guy even has thick stone armor on his head. The only fatal spots are between the eyebrows, eyes and ears. But this is a wild boar running at high speed. How awesome is his marksmanship to survive in this situation? Hitting such a small target accurately!

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