A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3556 There is equipment

"That's a good question. It's true that many wooden boats built from the founding of the People's Republic of China to around the 1980s still used teak. However, looking at the degree of decay of this small piece of wood, the sinking time cannot be so short.

Therefore, shipwrecks after the founding of the People's Republic of China can basically be ruled out. "

Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi nodded lightly. Their men's thinking was still as rigorous and their analysis was well-founded. Although they didn't understand, they believed that Lu Fei's judgment was correct.

"Then what should we do next?" Di Ruilong asked.

"Next..." Putting aside the excitement just now, Lu Fei's mind started to spin. The water is more than 150 meters deep. Without professional equipment, it is almost impossible to dive that deep. The bottom of the water is still unclear. In this case, find a professional salvage team

It seemed too reckless again.

"Xiaolong, you get an underwater camera and put it down. Let's take a look at the situation below." "Okay, we have underwater cameras on board. Brother, we not only have underwater cameras, but also unmanned diving. What about submarines and underwater robots? My submarine can dive 1,200 meters. The working efficiency of the robot is

It’s also awesome. Di Ruilong said proudly.

"Oh? You still have that thing?" Lu Fei was surprised and excited.

He had heard of underwater robots and unmanned submarines, but he had never seen one or how that kind of equipment was operated. From his introduction, it seemed very awesome. If it was really that convenient, then Simple.

"Hey, I bought that at a big price."

"How much does it cost?"

"The unmanned submarine seems to cost 3.3 million U.S. dollars. I remember the underwater robot very clearly. Mine was a customized model and cost me 1.5 million U.S. dollars."

"Why did you order that thing? Is it to find sunken ships?" Wang Xinyi asked. Di Ruilong touched his nose in embarrassment and said with an awkward smile: "No, I don't have the same interest as my brother. Our deep-sea sea cucumbers and sea urchins are very delicious. I bought a submarine to look for sea cucumbers, and the robot uses Come and pick it up

I pick up sea cucumbers, sea urchins, and pry abalone and conches. My robot once helped me pry a nine-and-a-half-pound big rattlesnake. It was nine and a half pounds. The meat was so fragrant. "

"Depend on!"


Lu Fei and his wife raised their middle fingers at the same time. Damn you, you are a prodigal son. To spend millions of dollars on a set of professional equipment just for one bite of food is so wasteful, but...

"Xiaolong, are there any good things from the big rattle snail you dug up?" Wang Xinyi asked enthusiastically. "Yes, there's just one that weighs nine and a half kilograms. There are a lot of smaller ones. There are also many other shellfish, such as conchs, in flakes. There is also a place where the abalone is as big as my face. It's almost done, I guess it'll be dry

Show it out and you'll see that it's all a piece of abalone. "


"Where is that place? It's not far away. Take me to see it someday. I also like to eat snails, especially those grilled with Moutai wine and sliced ​​and grilled. They are delicious. Yes, sashimi is also Very good.”

"Hahaha, my sister-in-law knows how to eat as soon as she sees you, and I like it too. There is a Michelin chef on my yacht who is very good at making snails. He marinates them raw in red wine. They are sweet and crispy!"

"Hehe, it sounds pretty good. I'll give it a try if I get a chance."



The three of them had a friendly discussion about food, but they didn't notice that Lu Fei's face had turned into a scapegoat.

It’s outrageous, it’s outrageous!

I am anxious to check the underwater situation, but you are making trouble, is it appropriate?

"Ahem, let's eat the conch later. Can we take a look at the underwater situation first?" Lu Fei asked softly.

These are his two wives. If it were anyone else, Lu Fei's big pussy would have been whipped out long ago!


Wang Xinyi and Chen Xiang realized that they were off topic and showed awkward smiles to their husbands.

"Honey, I'm sorry!" "It doesn't matter. I blame me for not taking you out to play more often. It's my fault. It's getting late now. Let's take a look at the underwater situation first, find the sunken ship, and see if there is any salvage value. Let's wait another day I'll go with you

Digging conch, I promise, I will spend at least three months every year in the future to take you and your children on a trip. The world is so big, but there are still too few places for us to go. Lu Fei said apologetically.

"Hmm~~" There was mist in the two women's moved eyes. Their man seemed to have really changed. He was able to say such considerate words. It was so touching. Regardless of whether Lu Fei could really do it or not, just this attitude , already very rare


"Okay, then I'll take it seriously?" Chen Xiang said with a smile.

"I swear on Xiaolong's happiness for the rest of his life that I will keep my word."


"Why do you swear on my happiness? Brother, you are too despicable."

"Hahaha..." After a burst of laughter, Di Ruilong asked the boatman to bring out the underwater camera. This underwater camera is very simple. It is just a cable connected to an underwater wide-angle camera. It has a propeller and lighting equipment. When you get to the bottom of the water, you can turn on the lighting and you can see clearly. It has a propeller and can change the trajectory of the camera in a small range. Of course, it is just a simple change and it cannot be as dexterous as a robot.

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