A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 808 Embarrassment

In order to avoid suspicion, the treasure fighting venue is not suitable for treasure islands and mainland China.

The reason why we chose Hong Kong Island was to create a home atmosphere for Liu Jianhua.

For this, Liu Jianhua and Shen Qinan made complete preparations.

However, due to Lin Hongxia's mistake, Kong Fanlong is now the main guest, and 99% of the entire venue is Kong Fanlong's people.

Such a scene made Sun Yueping in the background cursed angrily.

"Shen Qinan, you useless piece of shit."

"You can't handle such a small thing, why don't you die!"

"Brother-in-law, the matter has come to this, it's useless for you to scold me!"

"Actually, which side has more people can only boost the atmosphere. What determines victory or defeat depends on strength and the referee."

"Don't worry, we will never lose." Shen Qinan said aggrievedly.

"Gucheng, have you made arrangements for the referee team?" Sun Yueping asked.

Gu Cheng Qingtian nodded and said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Sun, everything is safe."

"Although Guan Haishan and Wang Zhenbang are from Kong Fanlong, the two island country referees are my close friends."

"I have promised them benefits before. When the objects on both sides are evenly matched, they will definitely be on our side."

"Together with Shen Qinan, we defeated Kong Fanlong three to two."

"What do the remaining two American referees say?"

"They can't be Kong Fanlong's people!" Sun Yueping asked.

"Don't worry, Mr. Sun, it won't happen."

"Bill and Mr. Horton are senior officials at UNESCO."

"They are upright and meticulous in their work. They have nothing to do with Kong Fanlong. It is impossible for them to favor an old man."

"Moreover, Mr. Horton is also a good friend of Mr. Nakata. If he wants to be partial, he will only favor our side."

"We don't ask them to take sides. As long as they remain neutral, we have every advantage." Gucheng Qingtian said.

"Hey, having said that, these two

Can a foreigner understand China’s treasures? "

"Don't you know how to pretend to be cool?"

"The vast majority of people present are from Kong Fanlong. If you are half-hearted, you can easily be led astray by the atmosphere at the scene." Sun Yueping asked.


"Mr. Sun, don't underestimate these two foreigners."

"They are all globally recognized masters!"

"They have deep knowledge of cultures from all over the world."

"Especially the Chinese culture, it will definitely not be worse than the average grandmaster."

"Two years ago, the Song family tomb in Xiangyang was stolen, and eleven first-class cultural relics were lost overseas. It was these two who accidentally met and seized them and returned them to China." Gucheng Qingtian said.

"That's good, then I'll feel relieved."

"Actually, Mr. Sun, you don't have to worry. The items we borrowed are all treasures that are even great in China."

"In terms of strength, I will definitely crush Kong Fanlong, and there will definitely be no accidents." Gucheng Qingtian said.

The treasure fighting conference starts in five minutes.

Various media outlets began transmitting satellite signals.

From this moment on, it will be broadcast live to the whole world simultaneously.

At this moment, thousands of households abandoned their TV sets and stayed in front of their computers and mobile phone screens to watch the live broadcast and look forward to this grand event in the collecting world.

People who bet have already begun to pray silently and give blessings to the team they are optimistic about.

At this time, melodious guzheng music sounded in the venue, the surrounding lights gradually dimmed, and everyone's eyes were focused on the treasure fighting platform.

At seven o'clock sharp.

Famous hosts from Hong Kong, Lu Bin and Yan Ker, walked hand in hand to the music stage and came to the treasure fighting stage, and the surrounding audience applauded warmly.

Arriving on stage, the two hosts saluted the audience.

"Dear experts,

Good evening to all the viewers and friends who are watching the live broadcast. "

"Chinese civilization has a long history, and the treasures it has inherited are countless."

"Tonight, the great treasure appraisers from both sides of China will show you a feast of antique culture here."

"This is a grand event that is rare in a century. I think everyone will be able to feast their eyes on it."

"Now, we will introduce to you the two great masters who will fight tonight."

"The first thing I would like to introduce to you is the legend of China's archaeological community."

"The general consultant of China's history and archeology, the first person in China's archaeology, and the centenary-year-old great master Mr. Kong Fanlong."

"Everyone welcomes you with applause!"

When the host announced Kong Fanlong's name, the distinguished guests in the front row, the Senior Rangers, the Red Ocean, and even the bosses who bought tickets at exorbitant prices stood up and applauded.

The applause was deafening and endless.

It echoed in the stadium, like thunder, and the ceiling buzzed.

Faced with everyone's enthusiasm, Kong Fanlong's eyes sparkled.

At this moment, the centenarian was also moved.

These applauses are an affirmation of oneself and the best compliment for one's decades of hard work.

With all this applause, Kong Fanlong didn't care about anything.

Fame and fortune are all unimportant.

At this moment, the old man completely relaxed.

Sun Yueping and dozens of people backstage spat hard, hating Shen Qinan even more.

Damn it!

This applause should have belonged to my side, but because of this stupid mistake, the whole world has now shifted.

This grandson, Shen Qinan, really deserves to die!


Let you chat for a while first.

I'll make you all dumbfounded in a moment.

Isn’t there a saying like that?

Don't look at the fuss now, I'll let you make a list later!


The boiling applause lasted for half a minute, and it was not until Kong Fanlong made a gesture to suppress the sound that the applause subsided.

The applause stopped, thousands of people took their seats again, and the host continued to introduce.

"Next, let me introduce you to another great master."

"That is Mr. Liu Jianhua, who comes from Baodao and is respected by everyone as the number one collector in Asia. Everyone welcomes him with applause."


After the host introduced this time, it was completely opposite to when he introduced Kong Fanlong before.

Except for a few shouts at the very back near the ceiling.

There were only scattered sounds in the front row and the sea of ​​red, and the scene was quite embarrassing for a time.

Seeing this scene, Liu Jianhua's old face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and the muscles under the age spots were twitching.

His two sons gritted their teeth and greeted Shen Qinan's eighteen generations of ancestors several times in their hearts.

Seeing this abnormal scene, the two experienced hosts were a little confused.

They looked at each other, smiled awkwardly, and continued to introduce the seven referees.

This time the audience was quite generous.

When the two foreigners and the two island country referees were introduced, the applause was quite warm.

When Guan Haishan and Wang Zhenbang were introduced, thunderous applause once again shocked the audience.

But when the last Shen Qinan came on the stage, the audience responded with annoying boos.

To be honest, the booing was not initiated by Kong Fanlong's cheering group.

The first ones to boo were the two Hong Kong bosses in the back row who bought sky-high tickets.

They contacted Shen Qinan before, but unfortunately Shen Qinan didn't answer the phone, which made them quite dissatisfied, so they vented their anger by booing.

As for the remaining 2,000-odd spectators, they just echoed.

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