A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 811 Give up

Liu Peiwen felt guilty after being questioned by Fu Yuliang. Liu Jianhua stepped forward and saved the day with a few words.

Fu Yuliang still wanted to argue, but Kong Fanlong waved his hand, and Fu Yuliang had to sit down angrily.

Kong Fanlong smiled slightly.

"Jianhua, you are right. We cannot waste everyone's precious time just because of doubts."

"Turn over the article just now and continue the treasure fight."

"However, regarding the bamboo slips, I will submit an application to investigate."

"When the time comes, I hope you will cooperate more with Jianhua."

"Don't worry, Mr. Kong, Jianhua should fully cooperate."

"Now, can we continue?" Liu Jianhua asked.

Kong Fanlong made a gesture of invitation, and the commotion stopped temporarily.

Just now, the two hosts were disturbed by the noise made by the elderly Rangers.

After whispering a few words, they remembered the next process.

The male host Lu Bin cleared his throat and said.

"Next, we will invite a panel of judges to appraise and appraise Mr. Liu Jianhua's treasures."

Liu Peiwen sent five bamboo slips to the referee's seat.

After the seven referees appraised it one by one, the referee Wang Zhenbang said.

"After our appraisal, these five bamboo slips are from the bamboo slips of "Ode to the Goddess of Luo" personally written by the famous writer Cao Zhi during the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period. They are undoubtedly authentic."

The bamboo slips were confirmed to be genuine, and the next step was to appraise the five bamboo slips.

In the valuation process, each referee must give his or her ideal price.

Finally, we will summarize and give the prices approved by all seven judges.

The first is the evaluation by referee Wang Zhenbang.

"Cao Zhi is the second son of Cao Cao. He is very talented and full of knowledge."

"And through Cao Zhi's promotion, five-character poetry developed rapidly."

"It can be said that Cao Zhi made an indelible contribution to Chinese literature."

"Especially Cao Zhi's masterpiece "Ode to the Goddess of Luo", it is even more

The influence is far-reaching and the reputation is huge. "

"Cao Zhi's works handed down from generation to generation are rare, and there are even fewer bamboo slips."

"Mr. Liu Jianhua's five bamboo slips are probably Cao Zhi's only surviving authentic bamboo slips, so they are of great historical significance."

"Taking all considerations into consideration, my ideal price for these five bamboo slips is 30 million."

Wang Zhenbang gave his opinion, and next was the deputy referee Horton.

Holden said in fluent Chinese.

"Mr. Wang Zhenbang's analysis was quite thorough, and I think the price he gave is reasonable."

"So I have the same opinion as Mr. Wang Zhenbang, 30 million."

After Holden was Bill, who also offered 30 million.

Next is Guan Haishan. Of course Guan Haishan cannot have any different opinions from Wang Zhenbang, so the price is also 30 million.

The first four referees all gave 30 million, but when it came to the fifth referee Nakata Yota, there were different opinions.

"I'm sorry, distinguished referee."

"I think your description of Cao Zhi's historical status is not detailed enough."

"As far as I know, Cao Zhi's attainments in calligraphy, painting and poetry are definitely not inferior to his poetry."

"Historically, literati from all dynasties and generations have spoken highly of Cao Zhi."

"Xie Lingyun, a writer in the Southern Dynasty and Song Dynasty, once commented that "there is only one stone in the world, and Cao Zijian has eight fights".

"Zhong Rong also praised Cao Zhi for his "extraordinarily high character, brilliant lyrics, elegance and resentment, and elegant body and texture. He is outstanding in both the present and the past. "

"Moreover, Zhong Rong also listed him as the poet with the highest rank in "Shipin"."

"Wang Shizhen said that Cao Zhi, Li Bai and Su Shi were among the poets who could be called "immortal talents" in the two thousand years since the Han and Wei dynasties."

"Ouyang Xiu praised: Gai

The poet is the descendant of music. Su and Li from the Han Dynasty, Cao and Liu from the Wei Dynasty, achieved their correct beginning. "

"Zhang Jie said: Zijian's poems have subtle emotions, free rhymes, and ups and downs. They cannot be judged as good or bad. Poets from ancient and modern times recommend Chen Wang and ancient poems to be the first. This is not an easy conclusion."

"These are just typical cases of admiration for Cao Zhi, and there are countless others."

"So I think the price of 30 million given by the four referees is a bit low." ??

"If I were asked to buy these five bamboo slips for less than 60 million, I would never frown."

"So, the ideal price I gave is 60 million."

Nakata Yang doubled the price given by the previous four referees, and the four previous referees didn't look good.

But Liu Jianhua and Sun Yueping in the background were happy.

Sun Yueping patted Furuichi Junichi on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Gucheng, this friend of yours is very capable and capable."

"Well done!"


"Mr. Sun, please relax."

"Nakata and Yamaguchi are both my best friends, and there is absolutely no problem in accepting our benefits."

"Okay, then I feel relieved."

Referee's box.

Yota Nakata gave a price of 60 million, and Nobuhei Yamaguchi also offered 60 million.

Currently, there is only Shen Qinan left.

Shen Qinan shook his head and said as if he wanted to be beaten.

"I think 60 million is on the low side."

"If you want me to buy it, I won't refuse even 100 million."

"So, the price I gave is 100 million."


After Shen Qinan finished speaking, the audience booed again.

However, Shen Qinan didn't care and was still shaking his head.

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