A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 828 Real Problems

In the fourth game, Liu Jianhua personally gave the orders.

The forklift entered the venue carrying a two-meter-high wooden packaging box.

Everyone gasped when they saw such a huge box.

The wooden box was placed firmly on the treasure platform, the forklift exited, and a dozen staff members immediately cooperated in unpacking.

Liu Jianhua took the microphone and said calmly.

"Referees, I think you all know that Mr. Meng Zhaoshun, the king of jadeite in Myanmar, sold a piece of top-quality jadeite in a public sale thirty years ago."

"That piece of material is completely apple green, and most of the places have reached the level of ice." ??

"Subsequently, Mr. Meng Zhaoshun found Mr. Duan Guorui."

"Mr. Duan personally finalized the material for the piece. The three masters and apprentices spent a year carving the piece of jadeite into a statue of Sakyamuni Buddha."

"That Buddha statue is also recognized worldwide as having the largest collection of folk jade Buddha statues."

"Three months ago, Mr. Meng Zhaoshun announced that he wanted to sell the emerald Buddha statue. I sold three properties and collected 4 billion Shenzhou coins to acquire the Sakyamuni Buddha statue."

"In the fourth round, what I want to show is this jade Buddha statue of Sakyamuni."

After Liu Jianhua finished speaking, the packaging over there was also dismantled.

A statue of Sakyamuni Buddha, one meter three tall, entirely apple green, with exquisite carvings, was displayed in front of everyone.

Over the past thirty years, this Buddha statue has often appeared in the camera, and has even appeared in several excellent film and television works. Everyone is familiar with it.

But those are just looking at photos or watching movies. Seeing the real thing with your own eyes, the unparalleled visual impact still makes everyone take a breath of air.

Fatty Wang stretched his neck and looked carefully, then his face turned ashen and he sat down heavily.

"It's over, it's over."

"This game is a mess."

"No matter how good Baoshao Fei is, he won't be able to do anything in this round."

"The bastard Liu Jianhua brought all these things here, how can we still play?"

"Just be content!"

"Bashao Fei is a human being, he is not a god. Winning three games in a row is already awesome enough."

"If it weren't for the broken pieces flying, we would have definitely fallen behind 0-3." Gao Henian said.

"Lao Gao, you misunderstood. I'm not complaining about Lu Fei, nor am I afraid of losing."

"It's just that this thing is too expensive."

"This time I lose not only a game, but I also have to pay the old man billions in cash."

"Just pay it. We won more than 40 billion in three games. Is it a big deal if we surrendered several billion?"


"You can't fucking stand and talk without your back hurting, that's money!"

"How much funding does my side have per year?"

"Can I not feel bad for losing so much money at once?"


Having won three games in a row, the veterans are no longer as nervous as before, but worry and disappointment are unavoidable.

The Emerald Buddha was displayed, Liu Jianhua sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, and Beier looked straight at Kong Fanlong with his back straight.

Liu Jianhua hoped to see the expression of despair on Kong Fanlong and Lu Fei's face.

However, what disappointed him was that not only Kong Fanlong and Lu Fei, but also Jia Yuan, Gong Xiuliang, and even Kong Jiaqi could not see any worry, let alone despair, on their expressions.

Not only that, Jia Yuan and Gong Xiuliang also looked excited, which made Liu Jianhua feel bad.

Liu Jianhua's observations were meticulous, but Liu Peiwen, who had suffered repeated setbacks, was as excited as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

Liu Peiwen came to the center of the venue with a stern voice, pointed at the giant Buddha and said to Lu Fei.

"Lu Fei, aren't you going to admit defeat in this round?"

Lu Fei curled his lips with disdain on his face.

"Look, look, it's here again."

"You've lost three games in a row, why don't you remember it?"

"You are such an adult, what do you want me to say about you?"

"Lu Fei, please stop being so harsh."

"This is recognized as the best folk jade Buddha statue in the world. Why do you want to compete with me?"


"What you said is nothing new."

"In the last game, you said that your Xuande furnace was recognized as the only one, so I just casually brought out a set."

"Before, you said that I couldn't produce the bamboo slips. Didn't you end up humiliating yourself?"

"I find you are a bit strange!"

"Do you really like being slapped in the face by me?"

"Aren't you a bit of a bitch?"

"Lu Fei, you"

Liu Peiwen was so angry that Lu Fei almost ran away, but Liu Jianhua shouted to stop her.

"Second brother, stop talking nonsense and control your emotions."

"This is only the fourth game. The fifteenth game of treasure fighting has just begun."

"Yes, father."

Liu Peiwen glared at Lu Fei, turned around and asked the referee to come over for appraisal.

This emerald Buddha statue has been popular for decades. Regardless of whether it is from China or abroad, almost everyone knows it, and there is nothing to identify.

The seven judges just went through the motions and deemed it authentic.

After subsequent discussions, the Emerald Buddha was priced at 4.2 billion Chinese coins.

The price is quite fair and Liu Jianhua has no objections.

Liu Jianhua stretched out his hand to Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu, it's your turn to show off your treasure."

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Mr. Liu, I have to say, you have such a big heart!"

"Your Emerald Buddha was exposed a few days ago. I didn't expect you to dare to let it appear."

Liu Jianhua chuckled.

"Mr. Lu, this is

That's wrong. Which rule stipulates that exposed objects cannot be put on the stage? "

"It seems not!"

"I see that Mr. Lu is very confident. I believe you must have something comparable to this big Buddha."

"In that case, don't waste everyone's time, please show off your treasure."

"It's good for me to broaden my horizons."

"Mr. Liu is indeed shrewd. Yes, Mr. Kong does have something that can barely compete with him."

"However, before presenting the treasure, I have a practical question that needs Mr. Liu to answer." Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu, please speak."

"It's like this. After the first three rounds, your margin of 50 billion is not much."

"I roughly calculated that the remaining amount should not exceed nine billion."

"Then the question is, what if your deposit is not enough to pay the compensation?" Lu Fei asked.

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Liu Jianhua's face instantly darkened.

Several of the bosses who invested in margin in the background were crying.

I didn't calculate carefully just now, but after a long time of fussing, I still had less than 20% left.

Isn't this fatal?

What a loss. What a loss.

I’m so fucking full, why should I invest in this!

Damn it!

It's all fooled by this bitch in Gucheng.

If I lose all my money, I will definitely use this guy as my backup.

No one should have a fucking good time

"Mr. Lu, there are still 9 billion left. It would be too early for you to worry about this problem now!" Liu Jianhua said.


"You lost 40 billion in three games. Based on this probability, the money you have left is not enough to pay in one game."

“So I feel it’s better to prepare for a rainy day.”

"In case you can't afford the compensation and have no other explanation, wouldn't we have suffered a big loss?"

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