A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 854 Ten-piece Set

Seeing Lu Fei's evil smile, everyone in the Liu family was frightened and suddenly felt that something was not good.

But the elderly Rangers in the audience were extremely excited.

Needless to say.

With Baoshao Fei's striking nature, this smile must be foolproof.

The most basic thing is definitely correct.

It's hard to say that the cliff is the king again.

Sure enough, Lu Fei did not disappoint them.

The number was reported, and a rectangular wooden box was delivered immediately.

The box is opened, the light shines in, and in an instant, there are thousands of rays of light and thousands of colors.

The main color of these glows is brilliant purple, which is also mixed with various colorful haloes.

In an instant, the entire ceiling of the venue was enveloped in these colorful halos.

The halo was mixed with countless spots of different colors, some large, some small.

Some are deep in color and some are light in color, which can be said to be layered and full of three-dimensionality.

It seems like there are countless galaxies in the vast universe, which is simply beautiful.

At this moment, everyone stood up.

At this moment, everyone in the venue, as well as those watching the live broadcast, and the beautiful girl in the Maybach collectively exclaimed.

"What a nice view!"


Lu Fei took out the items inside and placed them on the treasure appraisal table.

Lights came from all directions, turning the entire venue into a gorgeous sea of ​​stars.

Everyone in the venue seemed to be in the vast universe.

This feeling is so overwhelming that it makes people forget to breathe.

After a long time, Kong Panqing was the first to break the silence and applaud.

Then the audience burst into the warmest applause, which could not be subsided for a long time.

After the excitement, people saw clearly that Lu Fei's Tianmu lamps were actually a pair.

This pair of celestial eye lamps are intact and have the same specifications: seven centimeters high, twelve centimeters in diameter, and nearly four centimeters in base diameter.

Open, curved wall, circle foot.

Be as bright as the stars in the night sky

Such markings and dazzling brilliance.

The colors are bright and radiant, disappearing and appearing, like a dream, as if containing an incredibly beautiful world, giving people a breathtaking shock!

There are rare large, medium and small bubbles in the purple kiln-turned glaze, which are golden spots, like eyes, more like bright stars, colorful and gorgeous.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said loudly.

"A pair of Northern Song Dynasty hairpins, please judge for identification."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Wang Xinlei asked puzzledly.

"Brother Fei, isn't this thing called the Yaobian Tianmu Zhan?"

Lu Fei looked around the audience, his expression suddenly becoming more serious than ever before.


"Yaobian Tianmu Zhan is what the people of the island country call it."

"This is the greatest invention of our Chinese kilns in the Northern Song Dynasty."

"It contains the infinite wisdom of our ancestors and is the pride of our nation."

"It is not anyone else's turn to name our national treasure."

"During the Northern Song Dynasty, this kind of kiln bianzhan was called haobianzhan, and now it is also called haobianzhan."

"As long as this thing is in my hand, it will only have this name."

"Hai - change - light!"


“That’s very well said.”

"This is a national treasure of our country, and it must have its own name."

"Bashao Fei, your uncle's words are so good."

"It's not easy!"

"It's not easy."

"Wow, I'm so touched."

At this moment, everyone in the venue stood up and applauded enthusiastically.

At this moment, the Chinese people who were watching the live broadcast were in awe.

At this moment, the eyes of the Chinese archaeologist were filled with tears, and the centenarian Kong Fanlong was even more tearful.

This is dignity, the dignity that belongs to all descendants of Yan and Huang.

Even though it may be a small name, it is of great significance and is definitely worthy of every Chinese person being proud of.

The deafening applause and cheers lasted for two minutes and then gradually subsided.

Wang Zhenbang wiped away tears of excitement and led the referee team to evaluate Hao Bianzhan.

The result is self-evident. The objects that Lu Fei loves like life must be genuine.

Next, consider all factors and give the pair a price.

This pair of lamps has not changed at all, is in good condition, and has a thick glaze.

The main color of the kiln transformation is the most perfect purple, and there are countless colorful lines and spots, which is simply beautiful.

The most important thing is that they are a pair, which is a big plus.

Finally, the referee unanimously determined.

The estimated value for this pair is two billion Shenzhou coins.

This price is close to the guaranteed reserve price. If it goes up for auction, the price will be much higher than this.

Therefore, after the valuation was determined, the Liu family did not dare to object.

The evaluation was completed and the results of the twelfth round were obtained.

Kong Fanlong continued to win, and another 1.5 billion was deducted from the Liu family's account.

One of the Yaobian Tianmu Zhan, which was the pride of the island country and the envy of the whole world, became Kong Fanlong's trophy.

Winning back the Tianmu Zhan, this treasure can also be regarded as recognizing one's ancestors and returning to one's roots.

Not only that, from tonight, it also has the name of China.

After the celebration, the next round begins immediately.

Fortunately, in this round, Lu Fei had the rare opportunity to get the upper hand.

What confused the whole audience was that this time Lu Fei reported ten numbers in one breath.

When the ten numbers were announced, the old guys opened their mouths wide and stuck out their long tongues.

Everyone in the Liu family was so frightened that they even had the urge to pee.

After a while, a fleet of forklifts drove in along the passage.

The first two forklifts, with extended arms on the front forks and counterweights on the back, carried two oversized wooden boxes to the treasure fighting platform.

The boxes at the back are of different sizes.

But overall, it's much smaller than the previous two.

Seeing these big guys, the old guys' eyes widened, and they all guessed what was inside.

When the Liu family saw these boxes, they were completely confused.

Lu Fei organized the manpower to quickly dismantle it. Liu Peiwen came to Lu Fei in a hurry and asked nervously.

"Lu Fei, you, what do you mean by getting so many boxes?"

"Let me tell you, it is not a complete set of objects and will never be allowed to appear repeatedly."

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu, I understand the rules. This is a complete set of objects."

"These are all brought from Mr. Kong's house. They are ten-piece sets of classical furniture. Isn't this illegal?"

"so much?"

"Is it much?"

"I still choose carefully!"

"If the freight hadn't been too expensive due to the long distance, it wouldn't be a problem to put together thirty or fifty pieces."


Liu Peiwen rolled her eyes angrily, but the old guys became interested.

"Classic furniture, that stuff isn't cheap!"

"This game is enough for the old man to drink a pot of wine."

"Hey, we have all the furniture in Kong's home."

"Why don't I remember such a big guy?"


"You're out of your mind, aren't you?"

"The treasure fight has been going on so far, which one do you think belongs to Mr. Kong?"

"Then if that's the case, these are all collected from rags by flying rags?"


"go to hell!"

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