The treasure fighting conference ended, but no one from Kong Fanlong left the stage.

The venue determined by Shen Qinan completely became a sea of ​​celebration.

Just as Lu Fei was about to return to the stage, two islanders came to Lu Fei's side.

"Mr. Lu, I, we didn't know you would represent Mr. Kong, otherwise."

"It doesn't matter, you acted fairly." Lu Fei said.

"Thank you Mr. Lu." .??.

"Okay, it's getting late, you go back and rest!"

"Let's talk when we have time," Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei did not attack, and the two islanders let out a sigh of relief.

I wiped away the cold sweat and quickly left the place of right and wrong.

After sending the islanders away, Holden and Bill came over again.

Holden stretched out his fat right hand from afar, grabbed Lu Fei and shook him hard.

"Mr. Lu, I admire your character and your knowledge."

“Are you interested in working at UNESCO?”

"I can be your recommender."

Lu Fei smiled and said in fluent English.

"Mr. Holden, have you recently experienced symptoms such as fever in your hands and feet, fatigue all over your body, blurred vision, frequent urination and incontinence of urination?"


Lu Fei answered the question incorrectly, leaving the two foreigners confused.

After waiting for a while, Holden said.

"Mr. Lu, do you still want to see a doctor?"


"You ask because you don't know me."

"Not only do I love collecting, but I am also a miraculous doctor."

"Xue Taihe, the famous Chinese doctor, is my apprentice."

"I bought it!"

"Are you that Lu Fei, Mr. Lu?" Holden asked in surprise.


"Have you heard of me?"

"I've heard about Mr. Xue Taihe's apprenticeship. I never thought you were Mr. Lu Fei. It's so amazing."

"Mr. Lu, what you just said is right. I have those symptoms. Can you help me clarify my doubts?"

"Of course that's no problem, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed your condition."

"It's not difficult to solve your symptoms."

"But, before that, please Mr. Horton, please answer me a question truthfully."

"Mr. Lu, please speak." Holden said modestly.

"Mr. Holden, how much do you know about China's metaphysics?"


"Yes, it's metaphysics."

Holden smiled awkwardly and said.

"The metaphysics of China is too profound. I only have a partial understanding of it. I dare not practice it in front of Mr. Lu."

"How much is a little knowledge?"

"Do you know the theory of evil in China?" Lu Fei asked.

"Of course I've heard of this."

"The evil that I understand is equivalent to the curse in the West, which is quite terrifying. Please tell me."


"Mr. Lu, you don't want to say that I'm possessed!" Holden asked in horror.

Lu Fei gave a thumbs up and said in appreciation.

"Mr. Horton is indeed very knowledgeable. Congratulations, your answer is correct."

Hearing this, Holden's heart was racing.

Holden thought to himself, "Congratulations even if you're damn possessed. Is there anyone like you?"

Depressed, depressed, Holden was really shocked when he mentioned being possessed by evil spirits.

"Mr. Lu, are you sure I am possessed?" Holden asked nervously.

"Yes, I am very sure of this."

"But, but I haven't been to China for three years, how could I be possessed by evil spirits!"

"With all due respect, Mr. Horton, you have planted this seed a long time ago."

"Thank you for meeting me."

"Otherwise, in another two years, your life may even be in danger."


When he heard that his life was in danger, Holden was so frightened that he screamed, with big beads of sweat dripping from his eyes.

It fell with a bang, and even Bill took two steps back, for fear of attracting bad luck.

Holden grabbed Lu Fei's hand tightly and asked in horror.

"Mr. Lu, what on earth is going on? Please help me!"

Lu Fei shook off Holden, waved his hand and said.

"Mr. Holden, don't be nervous. If I can point it out, I can definitely help you solve it."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu. Please tell me, how did I become infected with evil?" ??

Lu Fei pointed at Holden's bloody neck and said.

"What are you wearing around your neck?"

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Holden quickly touched his neck and took out a string of beads with one hundred and eight characters.

The color of this string of beads is dark red, and the beads are in the shape of flat peach buttons. They are neither wood, nor metal, nor jade, but a string of bone beads.

Holden held the string of bone beads in his palm and asked doubtfully.

"This is a Kabala bead I bought from a Tibetan when I was traveling in Tibet, China."

"Excuse me, Mr. Lu, is there anything wrong with this string of gabaras?"

"Mr. Holden, can you tell me how much you charge?"

"It's not very expensive, just one thousand Chinese coins." Holden said.

Lu Fei nodded and continued to ask.

"Mr. Holden, do you know Gabala?"

"I know this."

"Gabala is the remains of eminent monks and lamas, and the artifacts made of it are one of the unparalleled instruments of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism."

"Am i right?"

Lu Fei shook his head and said.

"You're not entirely right."

"Only the finger bones and brow bones of eminent monks and lamas can be called kabala."

"To make a string of Gabala beads, it takes more than ten years or even hundreds of years just to collect the materials."

"The beads made are extremely precious and are the most precious instruments."

"Under normal circumstances, authentic Gabala beads will never be lost."

"Even if you're crazy poor, you can't sell it for a thousand yuan."

"So, Mr. Horton, you were deceived."

"This string of yours is not Gabala beads at all, but bone beads."


"Does this have anything to do with my symptoms?" Holden asked.

"Of course it does."

"It's true Gabala, it's a magical weapon that can ward off disasters and provide refuge."

"But there are many kinds of fake bone beads."

"People try to make them as realistic as possible in order to make huge profits, and some people also use human bones to make them."

"These human bones are diverse."

"Some are digging graves, and some are stealing corpses. Regardless of the method, the first step is to obtain the human bones."

"It's okay if you dig up the bones from the grave, but if you get fresh bones, it's going to be complicated."

"I think you should be able to guess the specific steps."

At this point, Holden was already trembling all over, and Bill was even gagging.

Lu Fei continued.

"The human bone beads are made, and the next step is to distress them."

"The first step is to soak it in blood."

"Wait until the blood soaks into the bone beads, and then dry the bone beads."

"Then, apply sugar juice or honey on the bone beads and let cattle, sheep, ants and the like lick them to achieve a natural coating effect."

"Think about it, if a person dies and has to endure such torture one after another, can the resentful spirit of the deceased not be angry?"

"Over time, all the resentment will be concentrated on the bone beads."

"So, this kind of bone beads is quite unlucky. People who know it will never wear bone beads."

"Mr. Lu, you said so much, what do you mean?" Holden asked tremblingly.

"You still don't understand this?"

"I just want to tell you that you won the lottery."

"This string of bone beads you are wearing is"


Before Lu Fei finished speaking, Holden shouted and threw the beads in his hand.

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