A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 863 You are so generous

Looking at Lu Fei's motorcade walking away, Guan Haishan knew that Lu Fei was offended again when he thought of the situation Zhao Bo had just described.

Guan Haishan glanced at Gaofeng helplessly and said with a hint of complaint.

"Elder brother, what did you do?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?"

"I am also protecting Master's interests."

"Those items from the Liu family are Master's trophies. Why were they taken away by Lu Fei?"

"Master's trophy?"

"Why do you have the nerve to say this?"

"There are fourteen rounds going on. Which one is Master's property?" .??.

"Without Lu Fei, can we win a game with what we have in hand?"

"Don't forget the well digger when you are drinking water, senior brother."

"You are so confused. What is the difference between doing this and killing the donkey?"

"What you did has completely chilled Bao Po Fei's heart!" Guan Haishan said.

"Third brother, shut up. I know you have a good personal relationship with Bao Bao Fei, but when it comes to personal interests, no one can do it."

"Master has helped Baoshaifei so many times."

"If Master hadn't taken action, he would have been dealt with by the Liu family long ago."

"In return, it's only natural for him to help out."

"Take away the loot now. He is extremely shameless." Gao Feng roared hysterically.

Guan Haishan was so angry that he stamped his feet, and the other brothers shook their heads.

Guan Haishan took a deep breath, waved his hands and said.

"You are senior brother, I won't argue with you."

"But I want to tell you something."

"Before, Lu Fei promised Master to donate bamboo slips and promised Qian Lao to donate Su Ma Li Qing."

"But now, because of you, people don't donate."

"Now, Master and Mr. Qian are waiting for news inside. Please explain to them personally!"


Hearing what Guan Haishan said, Gao Feng suddenly felt guilty.

Lu Fei's convoy drove out

At the venue, the little milk dog asked.

"Brother, you just gave up so much money?"

"The name of the money is unfair and I can't take it." Lu Fei said.

"You won it in an honest and fair manner, so why is it so unfair?"

"My dear brother, that's nearly 100 billion!"

"You are so generous." The little milk dog curled his lips and said.

Lu Fei opened the car window, lit a cigarette and said calmly.

"One hundred billion should be able to return Mr. Kong's favor."

"I am satisfied to get these properties from the Liu family."

"By the way, Brother Fei, speaking of the Liu family's property, I remembered something."

"The Liu family has lost everything. Those creditors have no way to deal with us. They must be thinking of ways to take advantage of the Liu family's property."

"We are not familiar with the treasure island over there. We have to go there quickly to clear things up, so as not to have long nights and lots of dreams!" Wang Xinlei said.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"I have already arranged this."

"When the Liu family took over the property, I asked the people from Baodao Xuanlong to take care of the Liu family's property."

"Don't worry, not even a fly can penetrate it."

"I'll go, dear brother, are you the legendary strategist?" the little milk dog said flatteringly.

Lu Fei gently slapped the guy and said.

“It’s a misnomer, it’s called planning for a rainy day.”

Lu Fei's plan to prepare for a rainy day made Liu Jianhua's creditors miserable.

In industries like Liu Jianhua's, creditors have no way to deal with hotels and companies.

These industries cannot be solved without formalities.

All creditors focused their attention on Liu Jianhua's estate.

Because Liu Jianhua's collection of nearly 400 items, with a total value of more than 15 billion Shenzhou coins, are all here.

But they thought of it, and of course Lu Fei could think of it too.

As early as the beginning of the seventh game, Lu Fei asked Tang Xin and Li Shengnan to contact the nearest Xuanlong team member to take care of the Liu Family Manor.

At the end of the fourteenth round, Lu Fei got all the procedures and started to move simultaneously, clearing out all the idle people in the manor.

By the time the creditors tried their best and came from all directions, the Liu family manor had already been occupied by Lu Fei's people.

In the first wave, the one who came fastest turned out to be Meng Zhaoshun's people.

Meng Zhaoshun's grandson Meng Wensong came in person and hired more than 20 local gangsters. He arrived at the gate of the manor aggressively, but was blocked by several young, capable and heroic women.

Jiao Yuhua, a member of the Suzaku team, shouted sharply. ??


"This is a private estate and outsiders are not allowed to enter."

Although these women have darker skin, they have a unique sense of beauty.

Especially the fact that women are strong makes these gangsters even more interested.


"Little girl, why are you standing outside if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

"Is it empty and lonely?"


Before the gangster finished speaking, he received a solid slap on the face. The slap made the gangster stunned on the spot and even doubted his life.

"Oh shit!"

"It's still a strong horse!"

"But I like it, brother, I just like it."


Another slap in the face will make the gangster anxious.

He frowned, raised his fists, and cursed loudly.

"You stinky Sanba, you dare to hit me?"

"Oh my god!"

The gangster shouted and was about to pounce on him when several black muzzles were pointed at his eyebrows at the same time.

The gangster was so scared that he almost peed his pants.

"One more step forward and I'll ask you to go to the garden to make flower fertilizer." Jiao Yuhua shouted loudly.


Seeing the pistol, the gangsters were so frightened that they did not dare to stay and shouted

The birds and beasts dispersed.

The few remaining Meng family members were too frightened to move.

Meng Wensong raised his hands and said carefully.

"Well, don't shoot, I have something to say."


"She is such a beauty. The owner of this house, Mr. Liu Jianhua, promises us."

"Promise sucks."

"I tell you, the owner of this manor is no longer Liu Jianhua."

"Liu Jianhua owes a debt, you go to him to settle it."

"If you dare to cause trouble here, you will be used as flower fertilizer."



Jiao Yuhua's eyes showed murderous intent, Meng Wensong was so frightened that he quickly led his men to flee.

Just as Meng Wenqing left, Anthony's people came, also leading a team of dozens of people.

"we are"


"Woman, speak politely."

"If you dare to compete again, take it to the backyard to make flower fertilizer."

"Oh my god!"

"This bitch has a gun, run."

Just as this wave left, the islanders came again.

Seeing the gun, the islanders did not dare to get into trouble and left with their tails between their legs in dejection.

Wave after wave of failures came, and the creditors were collectively dumbfounded and quickly thought of other countermeasures.

"Who is that? Where is Liu Jianhua now? Put him under control."

"Report to the boss, Liu Jianhua is in deep coma and is being rescued."

"Fuck it, it has nothing to do with us whether you die or not."

"Keep an eye on me, don't let others get ahead of you."


"Liu Jianhua is no longer in the hospital?"

"Taken away by whom?"

"Not sure?"


"Idiots, they're all fucking idiots."

"My money"

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