A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 896 Kowloon Cup

As a descendant of the Dizi Sect, Xu Maochen has his own unique skills.

Lu Fei was overjoyed to get help from Brother Xu.

The arrival of Mr. Xu will not only help him in many aspects, but also liberate Gao Yuan.

In the future, with Brother Yuan helping me with my work, I will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

After chatting for a while, the two brothers not only did not feel tired, but became more excited.

In this case, let's just take out the last box and take a look.

This nanmu box is quite big, thirty centimeters long, fifteen centimeters wide, and twenty-five centimeters high.

The box was opened, but the contents inside were not very big.

Inside the box, wrapped in brocade, is a pair of jade cups.

This pair of kodama cups, one emerald and one red, has almost the same style.

It is about twelve centimeters high, square on the outside and round on the inside. It can be eight centimeters wide at its widest point. The cup is as thin as paper.

On each side of the jade cup, there is a group of carved two dragons playing with beads. The carving is exquisite and lifelike.

The cup handle is also a dragon.

The faucet is slightly inserted into the cup, and the body is bent down, which is natural and beautiful.

Despite the small size of the pair of Kodama cups, the two brothers were so shocked that they forgot to breathe.

Without taking action, the two brothers stared at each other for a long time, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes at the same time.

After looking at each other for three minutes, Xu Maochen spoke carefully in the weakest voice.


"Is this, is this the pair of Kowloon Cups that Emperor Kangxi had?"

Lu Fei swallowed, looked at the cup again, and said in the same tone.

"The shape and material are exactly the same as those introduced in "Qing Palace Construction Records", "Qing Palace Secret Records" and "Qing History Draft".

"It can't be wrong."

"My mother-in-law!"

"This thing has been missing for decades, how could it be in the hands of the Liu family?"

"And they're still a couple. This is so inappropriate.

Incredible. "Xu Maochen said.

The person who could make these two brothers so frightened and lose their composure must not be an ordinary person.

In fact, this pair of cups is really awesome.

This is the legendary "Nine Dragon Cup" that Emperor Kangxi's favorite brought to the coffin.

Kangxi was an emperor who loved collecting treasures, but what he loved most in his life was not gold and silver jewelry, but the small Kowloon cup in front of him.

In the 42nd year of Kangxi's reign, when Emperor Kangxi led his troops on a personal tour to Shaanxi, Xinjiang Mongolian Taijiler Kaden presented an extremely precious mandarin duck jade to Kangxi.

This piece of jade is very special. It is divided into upper and lower layers. The upper layer is blood red. Under the sunlight, it looks as bright as blood.

The lower layer is turquoise, as green as holly.

This piece of jade has clear boundaries, making people fall in love with it at first sight.

Kangxi was extremely happy after receiving the good jade. He thought that such a beautiful jade must not be wasted, so he gave it to the Wuying Palace Manufacturing Office to be made into a wine glass.

This piece of jade is priceless.

Even the most outstanding craftsmen in the palace did not dare to work on this exquisite piece of jade. They could only invite the most famous jade expert in Suzhou at the time to create it.

Under the carving of skilled craftsmen, this piece of jade was carved into a pair of wine glasses, one red and one green.

Emperor Kangxi was very happy when he saw these two wine glasses and named them "Nine Dragon Cups."

Why this name?

This has a lot to do with the shape of the cup.

The shape of the Kowloon cup is square on the outside and round on the inside, which symbolizes the round sky and the round place, and the eternal stability of the country and the country.

And there are nine dragons on each cup. Their heads are raised and they have dragon balls in their mouths. They jump up and down every time they vibrate.

The jump is amazing.

What's even more amazing is that as long as you pour wine into the cup, you can see what's going on inside the cup through the wall. Once the cup is filled with water, the Nine Dragons will flip over.

The perfect jade and the ingenious carving made Kangxi unable to put it down.

This pair of Kowloon cups, red is the male and green is the female.

According to historical records, Kangxi also left the red jade cup to himself at that time, and the other was given to Queen Xiao Gongren.

The jade cup in the hands of Empress Xiaogong was passed on to the next generation of empresses. It was passed down through generations, and finally fell into the hands of Empress Dowager Cixi.

For unknown reasons, since the Jade Cup was occupied by Cixi, there is no record of it in history.

After Cixi's death, there is no record of whether the female Jiulong cup entered Dongling together.

In the 16th year of the Republic of China, Sun Dianying exploded the Dongling Tomb, destroyed Cixi's tomb and obtained countless treasures.

Most of the fine works paid tribute to the dignitaries of the time.

Lao Jiang and his wife, Dai Li, Song Ziwen, Zhang Zuolin, etc. all received a lot.

But among them, no one has seen the legendary female Kowloon Cup that Cixi Lafayette loved most.

For this reason, the big guys asked Sun Dianying more than once.

The latter was bitten to death, and the Nine Dragon Cup was not in Dongling at all.

And Emperor Kangxi’s red male Kowloon cup was truly buried with Emperor Kangxi.

In 1945, a group of tomb robbers formed by the bandit Tian Laoqi dug up Kangxi's Jingling Tomb and looted all the valuable cultural relics in the ancient tomb.

Tian Laoqi also took possession of the unrivaled and most precious Xiong Kowloon Cup.

It's a pity that Tian Laoqi showed off everywhere and soon became a thunderstorm.

The government of the Republic of China launched a thunderous campaign and brought Tian Laoqi to justice within a month.

The Xiong Jiulong Cup was confiscated by the Republic of China government and deposited in the Gubo Tianzihao warehouse.

When taking stock of the treasures for the first time after the founding of the People's Republic of China, people were surprised to find that the Kowloon Cup and the other six national treasures were missing.

At that time, this incident attracted great attention from China's senior officials, who believed that this was a vicious case of self-inflicted theft.

Kong Fanlong was ordered to take charge personally to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Unfortunately, after more than half a year of investigation, there was still no news at all.

Who would have thought that this treasured Kowloon Cup would end up on the treasure island and later be collected by Liu Jianhua.

Not only this male Kowloon Cup, Liu Jianhua also got Cixi's female Kowloon Cup together, which is simply incredible.

Now, the two Lu Fei brothers were completely stunned when they saw the pair of treasured Nine Dragon Cups.

These two Kowloon cups are no longer just antiques.

This pair of cups carries too many twists and turns, mysterious and incredible stories.

To say it is a legend is an understatement.

When it comes to its value, it is a priceless treasure.

A truly priceless treasure.

No matter how much money I give, I won’t sell it.

After admiring it for a long time, Lu Fei carefully took out the Kowloon Cup.

Pouring half a glass of water and holding it in his hands, the two brothers were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The cup is thin and crystal clear.

The four groups of green dragons carved on the outer wall are clearly reflected in the water through the cup and jade.

The hand holding the cup shakes slightly, and the dragon ball in the dragon's mouth beats irregularly, making the image in the cup full of three-dimensionality.

At this moment, it really looked like nine green dragons swimming in the water.

Such a miracle even amazed Lu Fei, who had lived for two generations.

What is miraculous craftsmanship? This is it!

No wonder Emperor Kangxi wanted the Kowloon Cup to be buried with him when he died.

This thing is so amazing that anyone would be tempted to stop using it.

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