A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 903 Shocking

Lu Fei met Li Lanfang by chance and learned that the Ge brothers had been beaten. Lu Fei was filled with indignation.

After learning the reason for being beaten, Lu Fei looked guilty.

Why feel guilty?

Because Lu Fei judged that this matter probably had something to do with him.

No one else knows about the 500-year aging history of Gejia Shaoguo.

At Chen Yunfei's birthday party, he brought 500-year-old wine to show off. This was known to everyone, and it spread like wildfire ever since.

It was because of his exposure that the Ge family was targeted.

Ultimately, you are the culprit.

Therefore, you must take care of this matter to the end.

Li Lanfang took Lu Fei directly to the observation room of the public security clinic.

When he went in and took a look, Lu Fei took a breath of air.

The observation room has a total of four beds, and now a temporary bed has been added.

The five beds in the entire observation room were all occupied by Ge family cooks.

At this time, the doctor was instructing the nurse to change the dressings of the five people, and the injuries of the five people were clearly visible.

To describe it in four words, it is terrible.

The five people had bruises all over their bodies, their heads were as swollen as a wheat bucket, and each of them had several stitched wounds on their heads.

Lu Fei spent a lot of time and finally recognized Ge Changshan by elimination method.

The elimination method is still based on the figures of the five people, otherwise it would not be obvious at all.

Among these five people, Ge Changshan was the most seriously injured.

There were more than a dozen wounds on his head, and by visual inspection at least seventy or eighty stitches were needed.

This was no ordinary fight. It would be an exaggeration to say it was intentional murder!

Ge Changshan's cheekbone on his left cheek was sunken, his eyes were swollen into slits, and his nose was high and bulging, even much bigger than Jean's.

Seeing this tragic scene, Lu Fei clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He was so filled with hatred.

When Ge Changshan's two sons saw Lu Fei, they burst into tears.

Lu Fei patted the two children on the shoulders and whispered.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything

. "

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he came to the door and dialed Qu Yang's phone number.

Qu Yang has been on a business trip these days and just returned to Jincheng this morning. He did not go to work today and is catching up on his sleep at home.

The phone rang, and Qu Yang was impatient, wondering which grandson could be so ignorant.

This is a rhythm that needs to be cleaned up!

He opened his eyes in a daze and picked up his phone. When he saw the word "God of Plague" on the screen, Qu Yang suddenly felt the need to urinate.


"It's Lu Fei again!"

"This god of plague has returned to Jincheng again?"

"What the hell is wrong with this?"

"Hey ancestors!"

"Can't you stay quiet for two days?"

Qu Yang was resentful, but he didn't dare to refuse Lu Fei's call.

When the call was answered, he had to pretend to have the most affectionate voice, which even he himself felt was a bit shameful.

"Mr. Lu?"

"Are you okay?"

"Leader Qu Da, I'm waiting for you at the public security clinic. I'll come right away." After Lu Fei finished speaking, he hung up the phone.


"That's true."

"I'm just saying, this god of plague is looking for me and it's definitely not a good thing."

"Sir, what happened this time?"

"Which blind bastard provokes this man again?"

"Let me greet your eight generations of ancestors on behalf of Lu Fei."

After hanging up Qu Yang's call, the medical staff just came out after changing the medicine.

Lu Fei pulled one of the doctors and whispered.

"Doctor Li, please wait a moment."

Yes, Lu Fei recognizes this doctor.

Years ago, Lu Fei was entrusted by Qu Yang to come here to "Zheng Wenjuan's adoptive mother Zhu Cuiping"

"Treat disease" was collectively questioned by the doctors at the public security clinic.

The doctor in front of me is one of them, Li Yun, the apprentice of Jia Xianglin, the old director of the Public Security Clinic.

When Lu Fei stopped him, Li Yun also recognized Lu Fei.

However, this time Li Yun was not as arrogant as before, but was extremely polite.

After all, they were collectively slapped in the face by Lu Fei on the field.

"Mr. Lu, why are you here?" Li Yun asked.

"The five wounded inside are all my friends. I came over to visit them."

"Dr. Li, would you please give me some time to tell me about their injuries?" Lu Fei said.

"no problem."

"It's not convenient to talk here. Why don't you come to the medical office with me? Their cases are also there." Li Yun said.

"Okay, then it's hard work."

Lu Fei greeted Li Lanfang and followed Li Yun to the medical office.

When they arrived at the medical office, Li Yun's master Jia Xianglin was also there, as well as several other doctors, all of whom recognized Lu Fei.

"Hello Mr. Lu."

"Mr. Lu, please sit down."

"Mr. Lu, do you want tea or coffee?"

When they saw Lu Fei again, several doctors headed by Jia Xianglin were very polite to Lu Fei.

It is estimated that even if the dean comes, he may not receive such treatment.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"Thank you for your kindness. I just came to check on my friend's condition."

"Is your friend in our clinic?" Jia Xianglin asked.

"Master, the five seriously injured people in observation room 3 are Mr. Lu's friends." Li Yun said.


Jia Xianglin frowned when he heard this.

"Mr. Lu, your five friends were seriously injured!"

"One of them is a wounded man named Ge Changshan.

The heaviest. "

"When he was brought here, he lost too much blood and was in a deep coma. We rescued him after more than an hour."

"If Ge Changshan hadn't been strong, he would have been in trouble."

Jia Xianglin said it so seriously that Lu Fei's internal organs were on fire.

"Director Jia, can you tell me more specifically?" Lu Fei asked.

"No problem, Li Yun, bring over the cases, diagnosis reports, and laboratory reports of those five people."

All the X-rays, CT, MRI, B-ultrasound films and various laboratory test results were laid out, and Jia Xianglin explained them to Lu Fei one by one.

Speaking of Ge Changshan's injury, even the old director, who had seen countless lives and deaths, kept gnashing his teeth.

"Mr. Lu, this is the CT scan of Ge Changshan's brain."

"Look, this is an intracranial blood clot. It has been removed by surgery."

"However, the blood clot compressed the optic nerve at the time, and we cannot guarantee whether his vision will be affected in the future."

"Look here, the retina of Ge Changshan's left eye is partially detached. This is an injury caused by kicking."

"Our ophthalmologists have performed the reset surgery and it has been very successful."

"As long as there are no sequelae on the optic nerve, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"This is Ge Changshan's chest."

"Hemorrhage in the chest mucosa, serious damage to the spleen and liver."

"In addition, six ribs were broken, but luckily no internal organs were punctured."

"Also, Ge Changshan had as many as fifty-three soft tissue injuries, nine brain injuries, and a total of one hundred and six stitches."


Looking at the shocking reports, as well as Jia Xianglin's description and analysis, Lu Fei felt like needles pricking his heart.

Lu Fei clenched his fists and swore secretly.

No matter who it is, no matter who is involved.

This debt must be repaid with blood!

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