A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 914 Only those who love to fight will win

Back in Jincheng, the four of them had breakfast outside.

Afterwards, Lu Fei went back home to change Lu Yong's dressing, and then immediately went to the public security clinic.

After Lu Fei's treatment yesterday, although the injuries of the five people were still serious, they were significantly better than the previous day.

Even Ge Changqing, who was most seriously injured, could barely drink some liquid food.

After giving needles and dressings to the five wounded in turn, Lu Fei came to Ge Changshan's bed and sat down.

Ge Changshan whispered feebly.

"Thank you, Master!"

"Brother Ge, you're welcome. Just call me Lu Fei."

"Don't worry, I'm sure to cure your injuries, and there will definitely be no sequelae."

"In addition, your case has already been drawn up, and it is estimated that there will be a result today or tomorrow."

"Sister-in-law wrongly blamed Fatty Ma. That guy meant what he said but didn't mean it. He was just talking happily."

"The person who started smashing it up was just using Fatty Ma's words to frame him."

"Now, the main criminal who injured you has been arrested."

"I will use some means to help you get some financial compensation back."

"I will give the money to my sister-in-law in a while," Lu Fei said.

"So fast?" Ge Changshan asked in disbelief.

Li Lanfang said excitedly.

"This is all Lu Fei's help, otherwise how could it be so fast?"

"If it weren't for Lu Fei, I would have been deceived by those two bad guys yesterday."


"Lu Fei, thank you so much."

"You help us every time. I don't know what to say." Ge Changshan said.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"You take good care of your injuries, and when you're healed, just have a good drink with me."

After chatting with Ge Changshan for a while, Lu Fei called Li Lanfang outside the door.

When Lu Fei handed over the 30 million bank card, Li Lanfang was so shocked that he almost fell down.

After recovering from the shock, Li Lanfang was so frightened that she waved her hands and backed away.

Lu Fei explained for a long time, and then Li Lanfang shed tears and

Accept the bank card.

After sending Li Lanfang back to the observation room, Lu Fei planned to thank Jia Xianglin, but received a call from Qu Yang.

"Lu Fei, the Ge family's pot-shaking case is closed."

"We have fully investigated the facts of the case and the specific process is"

“Acting vigorously and resolutely, Leader Qu Da deserves to be a good public servant of the people!”

"On behalf of the Ge family, I, Lu Fei, would like to sincerely thank you."

"That's it, I'll hang up first!"

"No, no, Lu Fei, please wait a moment." Qu Yang shouted.

"Is there anything else?" Lu Fei asked.

"Lu Fei, the Chi brothers had a severe headache just now."

"We took them to check, but we couldn't find anything."

"I see that their symptoms are very similar to Zhu Cuiping's before. Can you?"


"These two bastards deserved their death. Don't ask me for treatment. I won't care if you ask me for treatment." Lu Fei said.

"Can you help me?"

"They are always crying and howling. It is difficult for us to deal with them!"

"That's your business. I'm very busy here, so I won't talk to you now!"

“I’ll buy you a drink when I have time, so that’s it for now.”

"Ai ai"


"Dead again!"

After leaving the hospital, Lu Fei returned to the North Third Ring Road construction site.

After a day and night of excavation, according to the designed drawings, the overall depth of the excavation has been more than two meters.

According to this progress, in more than three days, we will be able to see the precious pure white flesh Ganoderma lucidum.

This is a genius treasure that is rare to find in a thousand years. In terms of value, antique calligraphy and painting are simply millet dregs in front of Ganoderma lucidum.

Those things are, to a larger extent, a kind of culture. Even if they are handed down for thousands of years, they are just objects for people to appreciate.


But Ganoderma lucidum is different. This is a genius treasure that can be used as medicine to save lives and improve physical fitness!

With it, Lu Fei's physique can be improved to the next level.

If you strengthen your training, there is definitely hope to defeat Wang Wu Jia Ming within a year.

Many prescriptions with average effects can be more than ten times more effective once it is added.

In the eyes of those in need, this is truly a priceless treasure.

Just say Xu Maochen, if Mr. Xu has 10 billion.

You said that I want half of your family property, but if I can guarantee that you will hold your son, Mr. Xu will definitely agree without hesitation.

Not only that, Mr. Xu will be grateful to you for the rest of his life.

Not long after Lu Fei arrived at the construction site, the boys arrived one after another.

Even the chief steward Xu Erye, who was idle and bored, came over to join in the fun.

Everyone gathers around and brags from all over the world.

Although it is very lively, the environment is not very impressive.

Spring is very windy and the wind direction is extremely unstable.

The dust raised by the excavator was flying everywhere, and everyone could only chat and dodge in circles, not to mention how embarrassed they were.

The little milk dog suddenly thought of a good idea.

A dozen workers were hired and a simple shed was built in the southeast corner with colored steel tiles.

Two beer boxes and a piece of joinery create a simple table.

Move a few foam bricks and make a bench.

Knock off a piece of Hongwu's aged Pu'er and stuff it into a thermos bottle. Then fill it with boiling water in the boiler room and it becomes a big pot of tea.

Drinking 800-year-old Pu'er from a disposable paper cup is as different as you want.

However, it made everyone feel an unusual joy.

After chatting for a while, the little puppy came up with a new trick.

Run to the car and get three dice.

Fifty grains of rice are distributed to each person, and the rice is used to bet on dice. The loser who loses the most is treated to a treat at noon.


This showy idea immediately received a positive response from everyone.

The little puppy got some chalk and drew "big", "little", "leopard" and various points on the joinery table.

Then the little girl and Wang Xinlei teamed up to play dice, and the lunch began immediately.

"Come, come, the more you bet, the more you win, go home and buy a car."

"Ji Yong, can you please stop digging and digging?"

"You can drop a grain of rice as soon as you exert yourself. Even the bitches in the nightclub are more open-minded than you."

"I'll be the first to explore the road."

"Just take a look and do it!"

"You will win if you love to fight."

"Hey, dear brother, why don't you place a bet?"


"I'll take a look at two first. If I bet, you won't have a chance."

"I'll go, it sounds pretty good, but actually you are afraid of the strength of my little Asian gambling god!"

"Asian little gambling god?"


"You do not believe?"

"Your brother and I are quite famous in the gambling community in Southeast Asia."

"If you don't believe me, just watch and see how I kill everyone."

"Come on, come on, buy it and leave it, Xiaoyao is optimistic about the bet."

"Kill me!"

"Three twos, leopard."

"Kill them all!"


"How about my dear brother, I'm not bragging, am I?"

"My nickname as the Asian little God of Gamblers is not for nothing." The little naughty dog ​​yelled.



"Come on, buy it and leave!"

"Forty-four-sixty-four points, the second brother will win alone, and I will kill the others!"

"Place your bet, place your bet"

The little milk dog showed off his power, and after a few games, the rice in front of him was piled into a hill.

Ji Yong, who lost the most, had only the last grain of rice left.

Seeing that the winner was about to be decided, Lu Fei finally took action.

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