A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 934 Wait and see

Lu Fei was unwilling to reveal his response plan, and more than a dozen agents immediately proposed to withdraw from the group.

It's okay to withdraw from the group, but Lu Fei proposed to deduct 30% of the agency fee, so the agents stopped working.

"Mr. Lu, you are being unreasonable!"

"The current situation is all due to your personal reasons."

"You have been criticized, and we have suffered heavy losses."

"Now you have to deduct our agency fees. This is too unkind!"

"Favours are favors, and business is business."

"It is clearly stated in the contract that if you unilaterally abandon the agency, I have the right to deduct 30% of the agency fee."

"I'm following the rules." Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu, that's not what you said!"

“Why did we actively withdraw from the group?”

"Isn't it because of your personal reasons that we have lost confidence in the company?"

"You can't use our agency fees to pay for your fault!"

"This is so unfair to us." Baotou agent Zhang Wei said.

"I said that I have a way to deal with this little trouble. If you don't believe it, that's your own business and has nothing to do with me."

"Besides, no matter what trouble I encounter, I will deliver your orders as usual, so I have no fault whatsoever."

"I still say the same thing."

"Trust me, stay and do it together."

"If you don't believe me, 30% of the agency fee must be deducted."

"If anyone is not convinced, they can take legal proceedings at any time."


"Mr. Lu, do you have to make it so unpleasant?" Zhang Wei said angrily.


"Why is it unpleasant? Isn't it because you don't trust me?"

"You guys are chasing rumors and would rather believe rumors than me, Lu Fei. How can you have fun then?"

“It’s only been two days since the post was posted.”

"Some of you, even worse, have been calling since yesterday morning to force me to have an abortion."

"If you can't survive even one day, this is how you treat He

attitude? "

"Is this the spirit of your contract?"

"Don't tell me how much damage you have suffered."

"You are dealing in Mayfair Pharmaceuticals, which is in short supply and in short supply."

“How volatile can a cargo like this be?”

"Talking to me about losses, you go to graves and burn newspapers. Are you fooling the devil?"

"Do you dare to show me the bill slip? I'll make a bet with you."

"Let's bet your agency fees."

"Whoever loses more than six figures, I will double the agency fee."

"If I can't achieve it, I won't give up a cent."

"How about it?"

"Do you dare to bet?" Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei's challenge immediately frightened the agents who were clamoring to withdraw from the group.

Lu Fei sneered.

"Don't kidnap me with morals. I, Lu Fei, don't do that."

"If you don't believe in yourself and have the spirit of contract, don't look for other objective reasons."

"If you want to quit, that's the condition. If you don't want to quit, just go back and work hard."

"Who has any other opinions?"

Lu Fei, who was so powerful, looked at Xing Shuya intoxicated, his beautiful eyes were full of admiration, and he almost lost his composure.

On the contrary, those agents who wanted to withdraw from the group were so angry that their eyes were bloodshot and they were breathing heavily.

"Boss Lu, aren't you afraid that everyone will be disappointed by your attitude?"

"You have to think carefully. With your reputation and current attitude, who will be willing to join us as a substitute after we leave?"

"Who dares to join?"

"When the time comes, I'm afraid you will be the one who suffers the greatest loss!" Zhang Wei said loudly.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"You think too much."

"What our company sells is medicine, not character."

"It's you who quit the group

I won't have any problem with our loss. "

"Even if I double the agency fee, there will still be more people vying to join."

"I do not believe!"

"Mr. Lu, you are too arrogant!" Zhang Wei said.

"If you don't believe it, just wait and see."

"Now please give me a clear answer, whether to leave, stay or file a lawsuit. We'd better have a resolution today."

"I don't have time to amuse you guys." Lu Fei said.

Zhang Wei gritted his teeth and snorted coldly.

"I don't see any hope in working with someone like you."

"I quit!"

"I don't believe it. With your current attitude, who would board your pirate ship?"

Zhang Wei took the lead, and nine more agents followed suit and left the group angrily.

There were still smart people who had no opinions. Lu Fei couldn't let them run away in vain, so he arranged for everyone to have dinner together in the evening.

People dispersed one after another, and Lu Fei pulled Wang Xian and Yang Haiwen aside.

"Brother Yang, how are you doing there?" Lu Fei asked.

Speaking of this, Yang Haiwen looked proud.

"My place is great."

“Among these agents, I have the largest orders.”

Wang Xian rolled his eyes and said.

"You still have the nerve to say it!"

"The entire three northeastern provinces are monopolized by you, so of course you have the largest number of orders."

"What's there to show off?"



"Brother Wang, how are you doing there?"

"Does my nonsense have a big impact on you?" Lu Fei asked.

Wang Xian shook his head and said.

"Our supply exceeds demand, so where is the impact?"

"If you want love, don't get out."

"You don't want to have what others want, so you can't get used to it."


"Brother Wang is awesome, I just like your temper."

"Do you have a lot of manpower over there?"

"If you come here if you are busy, I will also transfer Guizhou to you, so that you will not see Brother Yang jealous." Lu Fei said.

After hearing this, Wang Xian suddenly stood up and asked in surprise.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"What's wrong, you don't want it?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Thank you, thank you very much."

"Don't worry, I won't let you down." Wang Xian said excitedly.

"Brother Yang, do you have extra energy?" Lu Fei asked.

"I don't have any more problems."

"In order to facilitate the circulation of goods, I purchased six logistics cities in three provinces a year ago and opened up exclusive channels for our goods."

"As long as there is no problem with the supply of goods, I will be safe."


"Acquiring six logistics cities?"

"I'll go, Lao Yang, you are too cruel!" Wang Xian said in surprise.

"No, the situation there is different from where I am."

"There are two peak seasons for freight in the Northeast a year. During that period, it is quite difficult to arrange logistics."

"If we didn't have a particularly strong connection, we wouldn't be able to ship the goods for three to five days."

"It would be even worse if it snows."

"It's not impossible to support him for ten days and half a month."

"Instead of looking at other people's faces, it's better to do it yourself."

"With these six logistics cities, my goods can be guaranteed to be delivered within one day, no matter what season."

"The investment may seem a bit large at the moment, but if you take a long-term view, not only will you not lose money, but you will also make considerable profits." Yang Haiwen said.

Lu Fei gave Yang Haiwen a thumbs up sincerely.

"Brother Yang, you are indeed smart, and I am convinced."

"Since you are full of energy, how about leaving Inner Mongolia to you too?"

"This, this is no problem!"

"Mr. Lu, thank you so much."

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