A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 936 Meat Ganoderma

The glass shield with a diameter of nearly ten meters is seriously over-wide.

In order to facilitate transportation, Lu Fei not only chose the early morning when the traffic flow was minimal, but also asked Qu Yang for help to put a 42-kilometer section of the road under martial law.

The car drove out of the warehouse compound and onto the road, with Cui Hongwei's special car driving ahead.

The whole process was smooth and the police lights were flashing. Before dawn, we drove smoothly into the North Third Ring Road construction site.

At this time, in the center of the construction site, a huge rectangular pit that was 120 meters long, 90 meters wide, and 8.5 meters deep had been cleared. ??

The southernmost area of ​​about 800 square meters is covered with 1.5 meters of high-grade reinforced concrete, leaving only a large circle with a diameter of 8 meters in the middle as pure natural soil.

If you look down from a high altitude, it looks like a huge eye.

And about fifty centimeters below this eye is the priceless treasure of pure flesh Ganoderma.

In addition to this huge cement platform, other parts have to be dug six meters deep.

Therefore, before excavation, Ganoderma lucidum must be properly protected.

After breakfast, everyone came to the cement platform.

Lu Fei took a shovel tied with a red rope and prepared to clean up the remaining soil layer on the surface of Ganoderma lucidum himself.

Before taking action, Lu Fei smiled and said to Zuo Xuesong and Xie Chuncheng.

"Do you two want to come together?"

"It must be necessary!"

"Because of this thing, we brothers suffered for a year, and Chuncheng almost lost his life."

"I have to participate." Zuo Xuesong said with wide eyes.

Xie Chuncheng rolled his eyes and said.

"Brother Song, to be precise, I should have suffered for a year."

"I dug the entire tunnel by myself, and my pants were worn out several times. You'll be responsible for transporting the soil, okay?"


"Isn't transporting earth a job?"

"Is your skin itchy?"


After laughing, Lu Fei measured the

Position, circle the exact position of the central Tai Sui.

Then, everyone surrounded the large circle with a diameter of eight meters and started cleaning the soil from the periphery to the center.

After half an hour, the diameter of the circle shrunk by more than one meter, and the color of the soil gradually became darker, which is a reflection of concentrated nutrients.

Advancing another meter, the color changed from dark brown to dark brown.

Xu Maochen sighed.

"The quality of the soil is great. If you plant Laobangchui, you will definitely be able to grow seventh-grade leaves."

"No wonder you can be born Tai Sui, it's really a blessing!"

There was a break in the middle. After two hours, the area that had not been cleaned was only three meters in diameter. This was not far from Tai Sui.

In order to prevent Ganoderma lucidum from being accidentally injured, Lu Fei decisively asked everyone to stop.

The remaining parts will be carefully cleaned up by Gao Yuan and himself, who know the situation best.

At first, the two moved a little faster, and the further they advanced, the more careful they became.

It's like an archaeological site, the movements are so gentle that it's shocking.

Everyone gathered around and waited anxiously.

Two hours later, Lu Fei suddenly threw the shovel into his hand, squatted on the ground and flicked it a few times with his hand, and a palm-sized light yellow Tai Sui skin appeared in front of everyone.

With a gentle pat, the thing trembles like jelly, which shows that it is very elastic.

Lu Fei slapped him twice in a row, sat down on the ground and laughed.

I know there is Ganoderma lucidum down here.

But when I saw it with my own eyes, the joy was beyond words.

Zuo Xuesong timidly leaned over and touched it gently.

Feeling the cool skin and springy feel, Zuo Xuesong burst into tears with a loud "Wow".

"It's not easy!"

"It's so damn hard."

"It's been a year and I finally see you."

"Hey, why are you pulling me?"

"You come over, I want to touch you too."

"Wow, wow!"

"It feels so good, it's more elastic than a beautiful woman's skin!"


"Brother, didn't you say it was pure white to pure flesh Ganoderma lucidum?"

"Why is it light yellow?" ??

"Silly roe deer!"

"Pure white is the inside, and this is the surface, do you understand?"


"Hey, Brother Yuan also found something here!"

As soon as they heard that Gao Yuan had also dug it out, the boys swarmed around it again.

Everyone takes turns to get started and experience this wonderful gift from nature.

Everyone couldn't put it down and praised it full of praise.

After a short rest, the brothers started cleaning up again.

Thirty centimeters, fifty centimeters, eighty centimeters, one meter, one and a half meters, two meters, two and a half meters.

Two hours later, the entire piece of Tai Sui was cleared out.

The overall Tai Sui is trapezoidal, with the maximum length reaching 2.85 meters, the widest point exceeding 1.2 meters, and the maximum thickness reaching 60 centimeters.

This is much larger than Lu Fei initially expected.

By visual inspection, the weight is at least a thousand kilograms.

Damn it, this is awesome!

The epidermis of Tai Sui is light yellow as a whole, and is densely covered with yellow-brown and disorderly lines.

In addition to these lines, there are nine circular dark brown spots with a diameter of three centimeters. From a distance, it looks like a big bald head with nine ring scars.

However, these nine spots are not naturally formed.

It was just the nine holes poked by Lu Fei and Zuo Xuesong one after another, and the circular scars formed by Tai Sui's self-healing after the Luoyang shovel was pulled out.


In recent years, there have been frequent reports on the Internet about Tai Sui being found here and there.

Some of them are indeed true and reliable.

But those Tai Sui bacteria only grow in specific environments. They are okay as delicacies and have almost no medicinal value.

Not to mention the word "meat ganoderma".

Only this kind of pure white Tai Sui hidden deep underground can be called meat Ganoderma.

This thing is grown deep underground, absorbing a variety of trace elements from the soil and water vapor, and has grown over thousands of years.

The miraculous efficacy of the medicine is far beyond the imagination of modern medicine.

This thing has the effect of improving the body's immunity, enhancing the phagocytic ability of macrophages, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar, and reducing transaminases and cholesterol.

This can increase coronary blood flow and promote the repair and regeneration of damaged cells.

Ganoderma lucidum can also promote the incidence of sleep and promote the deepening of sleep, thereby improving the quality of human sleep.

It has miraculous effects on gastrointestinal, liver, kidney, leukemia, neurasthenia, chronic bronchitis, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage, heart disease, coronary heart disease, tumors and other diseases.

In addition, it also has many effects such as antibacterial, anti-tuberculosis, anti-fatigue, anti-aging, lowering blood sugar and lowering blood pressure.

To sum up, this thing not only prolongs life, but also beautifies the skin.

It can also be said that it is a gas station for men, a beauty salon for women, and a lifeline for the elderly.

It nourishes yin and strengthens yang, extremely repairs and regulates skin texture. It is simply an all-purpose nourishing product.

In addition, this thing is the same as orchid dew. In addition to its own abilities, it is also a versatile medicine.

Using it is like making medicine to introduce medicine, and it will be just around the corner for Mr. Xu to become a father.

If it is added to the beauty ointment, the effect can be increased several times.

If he soaked it in water and drank two cups a day, Chen Yunfei would not have any problem living for another ten years.

Therefore, this thing can definitely be regarded as a priceless treasure from ancient to modern times.

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