A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 938 Signs of Menopause

Needless to say, the efficacy of Ganoderma lucidum is best represented by puppies.

In less than half an hour, this guy had already gone to the bathroom three times.

After the Ganoderma lucidum is completely cleaned, the next step is to install the protective cover.

The cement platform has previously left embedded parts.

Four 100-ton cranes cooperated to hoist the protective cover down and sit tightly on the embedded parts.

Turn on the power and check all supporting facilities again.

Everything is in good condition, and the next thing to do is to weld the base of the glass shield and the embedded parts.

This work lasted until dark.

At this point, this protective shield, which cost over RMB 10 million, has officially settled down.

Then, Lu Fei entered the fingerprint password and entered the glass space.

When the chandelier is turned on, the light is refracted through the glass to every corner, leaving no blind spots in the entire space.

The priceless treasure Ganoderma lucidum looks even more majestic and mysterious under the light.

Turn on the measuring agent and test the temperature and humidity, everything is just right.

In this state, there is absolutely no need to turn on the air conditioner.

As for adding oxygen and humidification, there is no need.

Unless there is continuous rain, the four pipes are usually just decorations.

After walking around in the space, Lu Fei was quite satisfied.

Take out the demon dragon and cut off a few pieces of Ganoderma lucidum.

Give it to the little milk dog and go home to nourish his father.

Then give it to Ji Yong and give it to Ji Dongmin together.

There are still two pieces left for Lu Fei to spare, and he will take another large piece and go back to give his family a taste of nourishment.

Before leaving, Lu Fei said to Xu Maochen.

"Second brother, this is a duplex dual fingerprint password smart lock."

"Enter your fingerprint so that you can retrieve it at any time when I am not at home."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Xu Maochen was stunned.

"Brother, this thing is priceless, do you trust me so much?"

"What you said is fresh."

"You are our chief manager. If I don't trust you, who else can I trust?"

"Stop inking and type quickly."

"After we're done, let's go back and have a good drink."


"Since you can rest assured, second brother won't be pretentious."

Xu Maochen said it happily, but he was extremely moved in his heart.

The value of Ganoderma lucidum is self-evident. Among so many people, Lu Fei is the only one who left this opportunity to himself. This is a sign of full belief and affirmation for himself.

Lu Fei expressed his sincerity. If he were to be pretentious, he would be shameless.

After everything was done, looking at the time, it was already after eight o'clock in the evening.

At this time, going back would cause trouble to the family, so everyone might as well eat out.

After dinner, we returned to the food factory's courtyard. It was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

Everyone went back to their rooms. Lu Fei opened the living room door and found that Chen Xiang, Wang Xinyi and Xing Shuya were discussing something.

Seeing the serious and nervous expressions of the three of them, Lu Fei felt nervous, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

"What are you discussing?"

"Lu Fei, you are back."

"Those agents who left the group today posted on the Internet about the deduction of agency fees."

"Now, the condemnation of you online is even more intense."

"Many people even said they would refuse to use Mayfair's medicines from now on. What should we do?" Xing Shuya asked nervously.


After hearing what Xing Shuya said, Lu Fei let out a sigh of relief.

What I am most worried about is Deng Shaohui causing trouble. Apart from this, everything else is not troublesome.

Putting the meat ganoderma he brought back on the coffee table, Lu Fei said with a smile.

"You have a mouth, you can say whatever you like, don't worry."

"Come and take a look at the good things I brought back for you."

Lu Fei looked enthusiastic, but what he got back was three

I rolled my eyes at him.

The three beauties didn't appreciate it at all.

"Tiantian said you don't have to worry, don't worry, but you can solve it?"

"It's been more than two days, and not only has it not subsided, but it has intensified."

"If this continues, you will be in disgrace for thousands of years, I tell you." Wang Xinyi said angrily.

"Lu Fei, you have eliminated all those with bad intentions."

"If you have any countermeasures, take action immediately. If this continues, it's really not an option!" Chen Xiang said.


"You don't have to worry."

"Shut up!"

"Change it!"

"I was upset when I heard these words." Wang Xinyi said.


"Beautiful Wang, are you very manic today?"

"This is not a good sign for you. It is probably an early sign of menopause."

"Come on, let me recommend you an excellent meditation tonic."

"Get out!"

"This is so urgent, and you still have the heart to make a joke. Why are you so worried?"

"Don't say it's useless today, and quickly hand over the real facts."

"If you don't have a way to deal with it, I'll ask my grandfather to help clarify it immediately."

"They must shut up quickly, otherwise I won't even dare to turn on my phone."

"I get upset when I see those ridiculous remarks." Wang Xinyi said.

"No, please don't."

"I told Xing Shuya today that within four days, I promise to shut them up."

"You just have to endure it for four more days and don't bother Mr. Wang." Lu Fei said.

"Are you telling the truth?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Of course it's true. Do I need to lie to you?"

"That's pretty much it. I'll wait for you for another four days."

"If they don't shut up in four days, I have to call my grandpa."

"By the way, you just said you would bring it back

What good stuff is coming? Wang Xinyi asked.


"Three talented women, please open it yourself and see if you can recognize this thing?"

Lu Fei pushed the big plastic bag in front of the three women and said proudly.

Seeing Lu Fei's mysterious look, the three girls suddenly became interested.

Wang Xinyi took the lead and pulled the plastic bag down in front of her.


"It's so heavy!"

The plastic bag was opened, and the three women came together to take a look, and frowned at the same time.


"That's it?"


"Lu Fei, are you teasing us on purpose?"

"Xinyi, please stop arguing. This doesn't look like jelly. This is much whiter than jelly." Chen Xiang said.

"Not necessarily. The jelly made from rice milk is white. I saw it when I was in school in the south."

"It doesn't seem right!"

"Rice jelly is much whiter than this. What on earth is this?" Xing Shuya said.

The three women chatted and discussed for a while but still had no correct answer.

Wang Xinyi was even more confused after trying it out.

Finally, Wang Xinyi pushed the food bag aside and said angrily.

"No more guessing."

"Packed in a torn plastic bag, it's not a good thing to think about."

"Stop being pretentious and announce the answer quickly."

"It's almost eleven o'clock, and I'm going to bed."

Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said.

"Your temper is getting worse and worse. Are you stimulated by something?"

"Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly."

"All right!"

"You may not have heard of this, but Xing Shuya must know about it."

"Shu Ya, you worked as a manager on Lingbao Street and have come across many medical names."

"Have you ever heard of a unique treasure that is unparalleled in ancient and modern times, Tai Sui Ganoderma?"

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