A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 941 Too angry

Five or six kilograms of Ganoderma lucidum were eaten by wicked dogs and giant pandas.

The two beasts were so angry and angry that they were bleeding from the nose and mouth, had vomiting and diarrhea, and were about to stretch their legs and stare at the pills.

Looking at the nervous expressions of the three women, Lu Fei really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Wang Xinyi asked Wang Xinyi to hold down the evil dog. Lu Fei looked at it and felt that it was not safe.

I don't know what kind of blood feud I had with this wicked dog in my previous life.

This guy treated everyone with respect, but he was the only one who treated him equally and never gave him a good look.

Now I need to bleed it. If it bites me in a hurry, it would be too unfair.

Just in case, Lu Fei simply found tape and wrapped three times around the wicked dog's mouth, and then he felt relieved.

Lu Fei was relieved, but Wang Xinyi despised him.

If you despise it, despise it!

Safety first.

Then, Lu Feidian opened the Qilin needle and directly inserted it into the two ears of the wicked dog without disinfection.

The water basin was prepared, the unicorn needle was pulled out, and the thick black and purple dog blood flowed out and dropped into the water basin.

The dog's blood fell into the basin, and after being diluted countless times, the color was almost the same as normal blood.

It can be seen how angry this is.

"This, is this enough?" Wang Xinyi asked doubtfully.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Whenever the blood color returns to normal, it will be fine."

"But Qiqi lost so much blood before, and you still need to bleed now. You won't lose too much blood, right?"

"Girl, are you just questioning my skill as a miracle doctor?"

"Beat sex!"

"Gungun, hurry up and save the ball."


"You are a typical person who kills the donkey. I am very sad that you are like this. Let me tell you."


"Stop bickering and save the ball!" Chen Xiang shouted anxiously.

Due to the difference in size, giant pandas are more resistant than evil dogs.

Xing Shuya and Chen Xiang worked together to hug Qiuqiu. Lu Fei came over and was about to attack. Qiuqiu stared at the panda and barked at Lu Fei.

stand up.

He was caught off guard and shocked Lu Fei.

"You're yelling like shit!"

"Did I provoke you?" Lu Fei said angrily.

"You still say?"

"The ball fell from the tree a few days ago because you forced it."

"Of course it hates you." Chen Xiang said.

"But you forced me to go up the tree to catch it?"

"After all, you are the culprits. How can you vent your anger on me?"


"Qiuqiu seems to only remember you."

All right!

Inexplicably, both beasts were offended.

In this case, Lu Fei simply handed the Qilin Needle to Chen Xiang.

"What are you doing for me?"

"I can't do it!"

"I teach you!"

"Grab this guy's ears and stab him just above the base of his ear."

"Remember, you have to be ruthless and you have to face each other." Lu Fei said.

"No, no, I don't dare, you better do it!"

"You can pull him down!"

"This guy hates me and won't let me get close."

"If you bite me, who am I going to talk to for explanation?"

"It's so refreshing. You're not even afraid of gangsters. How can you be afraid of a panda?" Wang Xinyi said, rolling her eyes.

"That's different!"

"You can beat gangsters, is this okay?"

"You have to be willing to let me do whatever I want, I don't care."

"No, absolutely not."

"If you hurt Qiuqiu, I'm not done with you." Chen Xiang said.

"Did you see it? Did you see it?"

"My current status is not as good as these two beasts!"

"Anyway, I'll tell you the method."

"You can make up your own mind whether to save him or not. I will definitely not take action."

In fact, if Lu Fei wants to take action, no matter how fierce Qiuqiu is, it will not help.

But Lu Fei just couldn't get angry.

Ever since these two beasts appeared together, his status in Chen Xiang's eyes has plummeted, and even being alone together has become a luxury.

This made Lu Fei hate these two beasts so much that he was too lazy to help.

Lu Fei didn't care, but Chen Xiang didn't dare.

In the end, this glorious task fell on Xing Shuya.

Xing Shuya tried several times tremblingly, and finally succeeded.

As the black and purple blood was released, the body temperatures of the two animals dropped rapidly.

Half an hour later, the color of the blood turned bright red, and the body temperatures of the two animals gradually returned to normal.

Another half hour passed, and he was completely and completely restored.

The two beasts ran to a clean area and started playing, leaving a mess all over the house, which took Lu Fei and the others more than two hours to clean up.

After cleaning up and preparing to go back to the house, Lu Fei said Wang Xinyi.


"You said it yourself, you still have a lot of Ganoderma lucidum."

"Bring some back tomorrow and we'll soak them in water to drink."

"You can pull him down!"

"Leave it to you, you still don't know how to waste your fortune!"

"Tomorrow I will find a large vessel to soak in water and give it to Sister Zheng for safekeeping."

"If any of you wants a drink, go and get it from Sister Zheng." Lu Fei said.

"Hey, why don't you be so stingy? Can't we promise that it won't happen again?"

"It's very inconvenient to leave it at Sister Zheng's place," Wang Xinyi said.

"We'll talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow. It's too late. I have to go back to sleep."

"Beat sex!"

When he got up the next morning, he changed his cousin's dressing first, and then Lu Fei rushed to the hospital immediately.

With the medicine prepared by themselves and the blessing of ice-condensed jade milk, the five people recovered quite well.

Except for Ge Changshan, the other four people can already sit up.

Although Ge Changshan couldn't sit up yet, he could turn over without any problem.

Vision, which is the most worrying thing, has not caused any major problems.

"Sister-in-law, I have to go out for a while tomorrow."

"I have called my apprentice over and asked him to take care of Brother Ge and the others."

"For the sake of convenience, I suggest that Brother Ge and others be discharged from the hospital and go to my home for follow-up treatment."

"Don't worry, with my apprentice here, everything will be absolutely safe."

"What do you think?" Lu Fei asked.

"Lu Fei, I definitely believe you."

"But, will this cause you any trouble?" Li Lanfang said.

"No trouble!"

"I have plenty of rooms there, and there are many spare people at home who can help you take care of them."

"Otherwise, you will always be alone, and you won't be able to bear it for a long time."

"Don't hesitate, just decide!"

"Thank you very much, Lu Fei."

"You are welcome."

"You guys wait here for now. I'll go back and make arrangements. I'll come to pick you up from the hospital at noon."

Lu Fei left the hospital, went to the mall to buy new daily necessities, and returned home to tidy up a few rooms.

After everything was completely arranged, we returned to the hospital.

Find Jia Xianglin to help with discharge procedures.

After the formalities were completed, the ambulance from the People's Hospital was used to help transport the five seriously injured people back to the food factory's family home.

After everything was settled, Li Lanfang was moved to tears.

Ge Changshan was even more excited.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Liang Guanxing arrived in Jincheng.

After seeing the wounded, Lu Fei handed the drug formula to his old apprentice, and then took Liang Guangxing to the North Third Ring Road construction site.

When Liang Guanxing saw the huge Ganoderma lucidum, he was so surprised that his dentures fell out.

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