A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 949 Pure People

After dinner, Lu Fei wanted to pick up Kong Fanlong to watch the fun.

If it were anyone else, the old man would definitely not give him face.

But Lu Fei's mysterious appearance aroused Kong Fanlong's curiosity.

"Jia Qi, get some clothes for grandpa."

"Let's go with this guy and see what kind of medicine he is selling in his gourd."



"Grandpa, I, I don't want to go!" Kong Jiaqi said incoherently.


"Girl, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Kong Jiaqi rolled her eyes at Lu Fei and said.

"I, I might have caught a cold, a little cold."

"Let Lu Fei accompany you, I won't go."

"Have you caught a cold?"

"Come, come, let this miracle doctor take a look at you."

Lu Fei walked forward with a smile, just in time to meet Kong Jiaqi's rolling eyes.

Kong Jiaqi pulled Lu Fei aside and whispered.

"Smelly bastard, are you sick?"

"Take my grandpa over, do you want to piss him off?"

"calm down!"

"Your grandpa is not that fragile."

"His life-long belief is to lead China's archeology to glory."

"I added fuel to the flames. It's too late for the old man to be happy. How can he be angry?"

"You fart!"

"What's going on? Didn't you count it yourself?"

"I'm telling you, if my grandpa has a problem, I won't be done with you." Kong Jiaqi said angrily.


"Don't worry, with me as a miraculous doctor here, it's impossible for this old man to have any trouble."


"Okay, okay, hurry up and get clothes for the old man, it's about to start over there." Lu Fei said.

"I dont go!"


"You are the financial director!"

"What if you don't go?"


br\u003e “But”

"It's nothing to worry about. Boils always show up. You can't hide them even if you want to."

"Instead of being anxious, it's better to face it calmly."

"Change into some clothes and we'll set off right away."

"Lu Fei, what are you two muttering about?" Kong Fanlong asked.

"Nothing, let's leave now!"

When he came outside and looked at the luxurious Huiying car, Kong Fanlong sincerely admired it.

“Boy, this car is nice, it’s not cheap!”


“Not expensive!”

"The 92 billion I have to blackmail you is enough to buy up the manufacturers."


"You boy have such a bad mouth!"

After helping Kong Fanlong get into the car, Zhao Boguan Haishan followed.

Kong Jiaqi got into the passenger seat, but Gao Feng turned around and got into his own car.

Twenty minutes later, the car went straight to the Xinxing Building on the North Second Ring Road.

When the car stopped, Kong Fanlong frowned.

"Balan Fei, why did you bring us to Sanmei's place?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Calm down!"

"There is a big event here tonight. If you don't participate, you will regret it for the rest of your life."


"What kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?"

"You obviously know."


"What exactly do you mean?" Guan Haishan said with a straight face.

"what do you mean?"

"I do not know what you are talking about?"

"Old man, is there something taboo here?" Lu Fei said pretending to be innocent.

"Bashao Fei, what are you pretending to be?"

"You clearly know my master"

"The third child!"


Fanlong interrupted Guan Haishan and said calmly.

"Now that I've come, I'll settle for it. I want to see what the fuss is all about."


"Old man, you are right to think so."

"At this juncture, why are you still stunned?"

"Hurry and help the old man out of the car!" Lu Fei said.

After getting off the car and entering the building, Bai Zirui and everyone were waiting in the lobby.

Su He jumped up and took his grandfather's arm, and Bai Zirui and others came over to say hello.

When the four students of Wei Dongyu saw Kong Fanlong, they were nervous and trembling all over.

"Kong, good morning, Mr. Kong."


"No, no, good evening."


"I'm just a bad old man with today and no tomorrow. Are you so scared?" Kong Fanlong said with a smile.


"It's not fear, it's respect."

"You are my idol. It is because of you that I applied for the archeology major."

"I didn't expect to see you in person, I'm just too excited." Wei Dongyu said.

"Young man, are you the one who answered Lu Fei's question at the Treasure Fighting Conference?" Kong Fanlong asked.

"it's me!"

Kong Fanlong nodded and said.

"Your basic skills are very solid."

"Study hard and you will have a bright future."

"I am optimistic about you."


After receiving Kong Fanlong's affirmation, Wei Dongyu burst into tears with excitement.

When we reached the ninth floor, the elevator door opened, and a large group of reporters rushed over with guns and cannons, surrounding Lu Fei and the others.

In normal times, among these people, the focus must be Kong Fanlong, the general consultant of China's history and archeology.

But today is an exception.

The reporters said hello to Kong Fanlong, and then all guns and cannons were aimed at Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu, there has been an overwhelming amount of negative news against you online recently.

, even we can’t stand it anymore. "

"But you never gave an explanation or response."

"Many people mistakenly thought that you acquiesced. I didn't expect that you were strategizing and winning thousands of miles!"

"You are the real great wisdom!"


Guan Haishan Zhao Bo frowned, but Gao Feng was immediately confused.

What's happening here?

Judging from the reporters' tone of voice, it seems that they are praising Lu Fei!

Has there been any change in Lu Fei's public opinion?

That’s not right!

If there is a turning point, why am I not clear about it?

Lu Fei stood with his hands behind his back and said with an enigmatic look.

"I don't dare to boast of great wisdom."

"I'm just a pure person, an ordinary person who has escaped from vulgar taste."

"It's not that I won't stand up and explain, but it's simply not necessary."

"Those who are clean will be clean by themselves. I, Lu Fei, have a clear conscience and I don't care what others say."

"If a mad dog bites me, it means that my meat is fragrant and that I am not useless."

"This is my pride, Lu Fei."

"But if I bite it back again, the nature will completely change, are you right?"


"Mr. Lu said that very well."

"Those mad dogs just bite randomly, we all believe you."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, we will always support you."

A reporter’s mouth is not called a mouth at all.

When good things happen to them, they add icing on the cake.

When things go wrong, they add insult to injury.

In the past two days, reporters from various news media have made the most noise about Lu Fei's matter.

Sometimes, if you catch a small detail and make a big deal out of it, you can't wait to send Lu Fei into the eighteenth level of hell.

But now, the attitude of these reporters towards Lu Fei has completely changed. They are all praising Lu Fei and flattering him.

This made Guan Haishan confused and made Gao Feng even more doubtful about life.

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