A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 955 The Land of Right and Wrong

Li Rui's wife Cao Jiahui came to the house at night to ask for help.

Although he had already guessed the result, Fatty Wang was still shocked when the truth came out from Cao Jiahui and he saw the evidence.

After sending Cao Jiahui away, Fatty Wang laughed excitedly.

"Bashao Fei, I won't take advantage of you for nothing. This time, I will also give you a favor."

At this time, in a private club in Tianducheng. .??.

Staring at the hot news on his mobile phone, Deng Shaohui clenched his fists and his features were ferocious.

After a long time, Deng Shaohui drank the wine in one gulp, picked up his cell phone, found a number, and dialed it reluctantly.

"Master Deng!"

"Don't worry, I'm ready and can take action at any time."

"Good work!"

"The plan is temporarily suspended until I notify you." Deng Shaohui said through gritted teeth.


"I'm always waiting for you."


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Mingzhe asked confused.

"Master Jiang, are you going to let Lu Fei go like this?"

"I'm not letting him go, I'm just letting him run around for a few more days," Deng Shaohui said.


"You are so well prepared. If you don't take action, won't your hard work these days be in vain?"

"Not for now!"

"Lu Fei spent hundreds of billions to establish an archaeological foundation. This move will definitely attract attention from above."

"Lu Fei is in the limelight at this time and is not suitable for frontal hard steel." Deng Shaohui said.

"He is in the limelight and we are fully prepared. Are we afraid of him?"

"You don't need to take action personally. Even if the higher authorities pay attention, they won't find you."

"What else is there to worry about?"


"If the authorities conduct a thorough investigation, do you think they won't be able to find out?"

"You have to consider everything when doing things. Being reckless like you is doomed to failure."

"If I want to engage Lu Fei, I must be confident enough."

"If I don't do it, I won't do it, but as long as I take action, I will make Lu Fei invincible and never be reincarnated."

. "

"So, I don't allow any uncontrollable factors to exist."

"His fortune will be good this time."

"After this heat, I will defeat him in one fell swoop."

"Please be honest with me these days."

"No one should provoke Lu Fei."

"If it ruins my good deeds, you are the only one I will ask."

Lu Fei never expected that tonight's press conference would not only slap those who doubted him in the face, but also invisibly break a catastrophe.

After the press conference, Lu Fei planned to create opportunities for Kong Fanlong and his daughter.

But when I looked for Kong Panqing again, he had already disappeared.

Lu Fei shook his head helplessly and said to himself, these two men are really interesting.

After some instructions, Bai Zirui was asked to send Wei Dongyu and the others back to school.

Lu Fei sent Mr. Kong home.

When they arrived at Kong's house, Lu Fei personally pushed the old man in.

I left a bottle of Qi Bu Qi Pills and a small piece of Ganoderma lucidum for the old man and prepared to leave.

"Boy, please wait a moment."

"Old man, do you have any other orders?" Lu Fei asked.

"If you don't have anything important to do, come to the study with me and we can chat for a while." Kong Fanlong said.

"Won't it delay your rest?"

"I'm happy today."

"That's fine with you."

This was the first time Lu Fei saw Kong Fanlong's study.

The furniture is pretty good, all mahogany furniture from the palace with open doors.

However, the furnishings are not satisfactory.

The best ones are Qianlong pastels, and the rest are ordinary commercial products, completely unworthy of the level of excellence that should be expected of the first person in Chinese archeology.

"Boy, how long do you think I can live?" Kong Fanlong asked.

“Retire early, mind your own business, and live another ten years.

"Lu Fei said straightforwardly.

Kong Fanlong nodded and said.

"You're right, it's time to let go."

"When will your kid come in?"


"I told you a long time ago that I am a wild horse that has escaped the reins and cannot be kept in captivity."

"You'd better spare me!" Lu Fei said.

"If you don't come in, how can I retire with peace of mind?"

"Old man, you think too highly of me!"

"Which of your many disciples is not good enough?" ??

"Why do you have to hold on to me?" Lu Fei said.

"I know better than you how promising my apprentices are."

"Forget it, boss."

"Nine times out of ten, he did what you did."

"When the evidence is found, I will give you justice."

Lu Fei shook his head and said.

"I said that at the press conference just to give those people a warning."

"Forget it, it's not easy to accept a disciple."

"For your sake, I'm not going to pursue it."


"No matter who you are, if you do something wrong, you must bear the consequences."

"Not only do I want to give you justice, I also want to give an explanation to the people below."

"Okay, let's not talk about him for now."

"Among my five disciples, in terms of eyesight and knowledge, I am definitely the third."

"If the third child takes over from me, I believe no one will be dissatisfied."

"However, the third child is capable but lacks courage."

"Be cautious in doing things and like to act emotionally."

"If you let him take charge of such a big stall by himself, something will happen sooner or later."

"I'm going to propose to the boss that you take over the third child's share and give him a hand at the same time."

"When the third child retires, you can take this position. What do you think?"

"No, no!"

"I am a young boy who has just graduated. I don't have a good name.

That's right. "

"If I take over Mr. Guan's position, your team will be in chaos."

"Besides, I had no intention of joining in."

"I am a person who is used to being idle and cannot stand restraint."

"But don't worry, even if I don't join in, if Mr. Guan asks me for help, I will do my best."

"Boy, are you forcing me to beg you?"

"You can pull it down!"

"Can you please stop forcing me?"

"If you keep forcing me, I really won't dare to meet you in the future."

"Well, it's getting late. I have something to do, so I'll leave first!"

"Kid, stop."

"I don't have to force you, but are you sure you will help?" Kong Fanlong asked.

Lu Fei turned his head and said seriously.

"For your sake, I will try not to refuse as long as it is within my ability."

"Okay, then I'll thank you."

"have to!"

"Don't get up. I'm going to ask Kong Jiaqi to come in."

Seeing that Kong Fanlong was about to get up and bow again, Lu Fei quickly ran out.

Good guy!

This bad old man is very bad!

I wanted to tie myself up with 92 billion before.

That trick was broken by oneself, and it had to be emotionally trapped.

It seems that it is better to visit this place of right and wrong as little as possible.

Lu Fei came to the courtyard and Guan Haishan ran after him.

"Hey, what did my master tell you?"

"Ask your master!"


"Can you still have fun?"

"Let me tell you, buddy, are you talking about my senior brother?"

"Baolanfei, for my sake, can you give my senior brother another chance?"

"Your master said he would be upset when he saw you, so he told you to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Your uncle"

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