A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 957 Respecting Teachers

A needle in the tail of a wasp is the most poisonous thing to a woman's heart.

After asking Bai Zirui to ban Jiang Xinxin, Lu Fei once felt a little regret.

Lu Fei felt that with his current status, he should not lose his temper and be more serious than an artist.

But now it seems that what I did was not excessive at all.

This woman is so vicious.

Thanks to myself today, if it were Wang Xinlei or Little Nanny, he would definitely fall into the trap.

If such a woman really takes advantage of him, the consequences will be disastrous.

There used to be an old saying in Tiandu City: A bitch is ruthless and an actor is ruthless.

Now that I think about it, it's true.

After sending Jiang Xinxin away, Lu Fei returned to the courtyard.

When I opened the door, I met the nanny Aunt Xu who was going out to take out the trash.

"The young master is back."

"Hello Aunt Xu!"

"You go back and rest. Give me the garbage and I'll take it out."

"Young master, if you can't help me, I'll do it!"

"By the way, Mr. Xue Taihe has been waiting for you for a long time." Aunt Xu said.


"Okay, I'll go take a look first, and you can rest early."

"Thank you, Master, for your concern."

Coming to the living room, Xue Taihe was drinking tea inside.

When he saw Lu Fei, he quickly stood up and saluted.


"No need to be polite."

"What's the matter with seeing me so late?" Lu Fei asked.

"May I ask Master, have you promised Mr. Chen to help Mr. Pan cure his eye disease?" Xue Taihe asked.

"Leader Pan?"

"I don't know who that person is. Anyway, I agreed to Mr. Chen's help in treating the disease. Do you know anything about that person?" Lu Fei asked.

Xue Taihe nodded and said.

"Master, my disciple dares to ask you, how do you plan to cure the other person's eye disease?"

Seeing Xue Taihe's sad face, Lu Fei chuckled.

"What's wrong?"

"You seem very nervous!"

"Master, please take care of the treatment

Fa told his apprentice, I will go and treat Leader Pan on your behalf. "


"Master, Pan's leadership status is too special."

"If you are cured, you will definitely receive great favor."

"But there is one thing in a thousand miles, and the consequences are definitely not something you can bear."

"But I'm different. This is what I do."

"It is our job to treat the leaders. Even if it happens once in a thousand miles, it will be considered a mistake at most and nothing will happen."

"So, apprentice, I beg you, it's best to let me go for you." Xue Taihe said.

After hearing these words and seeing Xue Taihe's nervous look, Lu Fei felt warm in his heart.

Although Xue Taihe and Liang Guanxing are a little older, their character is absolutely outstanding.

For yourself. Two old apprentices are willing to do anything.

This is the virtue passed down from generation to generation in China, respecting teachers and teaching.

Don't expect this from today's young people.

Today's young people are learning from their masters.

After completing his studies, the master becomes his grandson.

When you meet someone with a good character, meet or say hello.

When you encounter someone with bad character, it is not new to think of ways to trick the master and replace him.

Lu Fei let Xue Taihe into the study, closed the door and then asked.

"Come on, tell me, how awesome is that leader Pan?"

"Master, you really don't know?"

Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said.

"What you said is so fresh. If I knew it, would I still ask you?"

"Master, don't be angry, I didn't mean that."

"Leader Pan is almost everywhere in the news every day."

"I'm just curious. Even ordinary people know it. How come you don't know it?" Xue Taihe said.

"Is it on the news every day?"

"So awesome?"

"What's that guy's name?"

"Pan Xingzhou!"


Upon hearing this name, Lu Fei spurted out the tea he had just held in his mouth.

"You, who do you think he is?"

"Pan Xingzhou, Leader Pan?"

"Holy shit!" .??.

After confirming that it was Pan Xingzhou, Lu Fei stood up suddenly, and was really shocked by this awesome name.

Lu Fei analyzed it before.

The person who can make Chen Yunfei come forward to ask for help must not be a mortal.

But Lu Fei never dreamed that he was such a great god.

Is Pan Xingzhou okay?

Those are the few supreme beings on the ceiling!

The identity of Deng Shaohui's father has already made Lu Fei deeply afraid, and he even has trouble sleeping and eating.

But compared with Pan Xingzhou's terrifying identity, Deng Shaohui's father is simply a scumbag.

There is absolutely no comparison.

I'll be a good boy!

No wonder Xue Taihe is so nervous!

It can be said that the body of such a big man has a great influence on the whole body.

If he is really injured by his own medical treatment, he will definitely not be able to bear the consequences!

On the contrary, it is what Chen Yunfei said.

If Pan Xingzhou is cured, this huge favor will never go away.

This is a huge gamble.

The success is immeasurable, the failure is eternal.

Although the stakes are scary high, it is definitely exciting enough.

Lu Fei was so excited that his adrenaline was fully mobilized and he was extremely excited.

Seeing Lu Fei so excited, Xue Taihe's head was buzzing.

"Master, you don't really want to try it, do you?"

"Let me tell you, Leader Pan's symptoms are too complicated and the risks are too great, so it's not worth it at all!"

"Now that your career has become famous all over China, there is really no need to take this risk, Master!"



"You said Pan Xingzhou's condition is complicated. How complicated is it?"

"Mr. Chen told me that his eye disease was caused by intracranial hemorrhage that compressed the optic nerve."

"Coupled with overexertion, my eyesight is getting worse and worse."

"Isn't it like this?" Lu Fei asked.

Xue Taihe nodded and said.

"What Mr. Chen said is not entirely correct."

"It was indeed compression of the optic nerve that caused Leader Pan's low vision."

"But this is not the reason that really caused Leader Pan to become blind."

"What is that?" Lu Fei asked.

"Optic atrophy."


"So serious?" Lu Fei asked in shock.

"It's very serious indeed."

"Five years ago, when Leader Pan went to the mountainous area to express his condolences, a mudslide occurred on the mountain road."

"The vehicle led by Pan was swept down the cliff by a mudslide, and the driver and secretary were killed on the spot."

"Although Leader Pan saved his life, by the time we found him, Leader Pan was already in danger."


"What did you say?"



"It was a car accident." Xue Taihe said.

"Isn't that right?"

"Mr. Chen told me that Pan Xingzhou suffered a cerebral hemorrhage due to overwork. How did it end up in a car accident for you?" Lu Fei asked.

Xue Taihe smiled bitterly.

"Master, I dare to tell you the truth. To others, I can't say it was a car accident!"


"What else is taboo about this?" Lu Fei asked.

"Of course!"

"Leader Pan is going to the mountainous area to express condolences. If it is announced that the car accident was caused by geological reasons, who will dare to go to the mountainous area to express condolences in the future?"

"Even people in mountainous areas will be frightened."

"This is a taboo meeting that will disturb the morale of the military and must not be stated openly."

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