A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 971 Let’s go with you

An hour later, Lu Fei and Xue Taihe left the ward.

After getting his bag back at the security checkpoint, Lu Fei couldn't put it down and touched the solid wood brocade box he just got.

Finally, I installed it carefully.

On the way from Building 1 to the parking lot, Lu Fei couldn't help but touch his bag twice, for fear of losing the brocade box.

Xue Taihe said excitedly after getting in the car.

"Master, you are amazing."

"As far as I know, the total number of people in China who own this object does not exceed one hundred."

"And among these people, you are definitely the youngest." ??

"This is not only an honor, but also a high degree of recognition for you."

"With it, your future is limitless!"

"So powerful?" Lu Fei asked in surprise.

"It must be awesome!"

"In this case, should we find a place to celebrate?" Lu Fei said.

"We must celebrate. Master, you choose the place. Disciple, I will treat you."

"I'm going to go all out today and have a few drinks with you."

"That's interesting, let's go!"

On the way to the gate, the driver drove, and Lu Fei discussed with Xue Taihe where to go for a drink.

After several rounds of discussions, we finally decided to go to Quanjude to eat duck.

As soon as he arrived at the door, a black car blocked Lu Fei's way.

The car door opened and three people, two men and one woman, got out.

Lu Fei knew all three of them.

The old man in the middle is Qian Guomin, vice president of the Academy of Social Sciences.

The tall and handsome middle-aged man on Qian Guomin's left turned out to be Chen Xiang's second uncle, Chen Honggang.

Another person who is equally familiar is Deng Xinhua's wife, the haggard Lan Xiaomei.

The combination of these three people stands here, and their purpose is self-evident.

have to!

It seems that the duck is not enough to eat today.

Asking the driver to stop the car, Lu Fei opened the door and hurried over to say hello.

"Money is good!"

"Second uncle, long time no see."

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

"Xiao Fei, I know

Do you know what we are here for? "Chen Honggang asked.

"Second uncle, please stop talking."

"I'm just going to attack you and Mr. Qian, why don't I just go with you right now?"


"You are smart," Chen Honggang said with a smile.

Seeing Lu Fei agree, Lan Xiaomei burst into tears of excitement again.

"Mr. Lu, thank you, thank you so much."

"I must give the second uncle and Mr. Qian some face."

"If sister-in-law wants to thank you, just thank them two." Lu Fei said.

"Second uncle, you go ahead, I'll take Lao Xue's car."

"No, there's a place for you in my car."

"There are two cars here, why are they crowded together?"

"You kid, stop playing tricks on me and get in the car like a fool."

"All right!"

"You have the final say."

"Well, Mr. Qian, please go first."

"No, my old man is used to sitting on the edge." Qian Guomin said.

"Second uncle, please."


"I got motion sickness in the middle seat."

have to!

This is not here to invite you, this is simply kidnapping!

Chen Honggang and Qian Lao sandwiched themselves in the middle, making it impossible for them to jump out of the car.

The car started and sped towards the city.

"Mr. Qian, how is your health lately?"

"Come on, let me take your pulse!"

"No, I'm fine."

"It's you, I heard that your kid has been very arrogant recently!" Qian Guomin said.

"Mr. Qian, where do you start with these words?" Lu Fei said aggrievedly.


"Let me ask you, did Xiaomei tell you that she is my student?"



"Then I understand."

"So you originally planned to treat someone's illness, but you regretted it as soon as you heard that he was my student, right?"


"Old man, if you want to curse someone, can you please do it quickly?"

"You are such a weird and eccentric person, I really can't stand this junior!"


"I don't dare to scold you. You are a big shot now. If you sue me for insulting your character, will I still have this old face?"

Hearing this, Lu Fei was so worried that he almost cried.

It's really hard to talk to people who are highly educated.

There is a needle hidden in the cotton, every word is heart-breaking, it will cost you your own life!

Fortunately, at this critical moment, Lan Xiaomei came to her rescue.

"Teacher, don't blame Mr. Lu. It's all our fault."

"It was Xiaohui who said something unpleasant. It's normal for Mr. Lu to be angry. I can totally understand it."

"If it were me, I would be angry too."

"Yes, yes, my sister-in-law is right, that's what happened." Lu Fei said.

"That's right!"

"Human life matters!"

"No matter how great the grievance is, can it be more important than human life?"

"And there are still two lives!"

"I went to see Xiao Deng and Xiao Jiang this morning. The torture was worse than death."

"Do you have a heart of stone?" Qian Guomin said, glaring at Lu Fei.

Hearing this, Lu Fei frowned slightly and said slightly displeased.

"Old man, you don't understand the situation."

"I, Lu Fei, am very particular about other things, but when it comes to treating illnesses and saving people, I pride myself on being worthy of medical ethics."

"The reason why I left must be that I couldn't bear it anymore."

"I feel so wronged if you say that."

"What's wrong?"

"You don't like hearing a few words from me, do you?"

"I'm just talking about it."


br\u003e “If someone respects me, I will give him a foot.”

"They don't treat me like a human being, but they want me to kneel down and lick them."

"I, Lu Fei, am not that mean."

"You and my second uncle are here, I must give you both face."

"But if you want to confuse right and wrong and blame me, then I'm sorry, I have to get off."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Qian Guomin was also embarrassed, and Chen Honggang quickly smoothed things over.

"You kid is acting stupid again, aren't you?"

"Mr. Qian, that's not to blame you. You haven't seen the current state of Mr. Deng and Mr. Jiang. Even I can't stand it anymore."

"It's simply shocking!"

"Mr. Qian just can't bear it."

"By the way, are you sure?"

Lu Fei shook his head and said.

"What they have is Xi Le Feng, which is the same as Cao Cao's disease."

"It's impossible to completely cure it. I can only use the genius treasure to restrain it."

"As long as you take the medicine on time once a month, you won't get sick."

"If you stop taking the medicine, the consequences will be even more serious than now."

"So, they can't live without your medicine for the rest of their lives?" Lan Xiaomei asked.

"That's right!"

"So, you'd better pray for me every day."

"If I die, the two brothers will definitely be buried with me for up to three days."

After saying this, Qian Guomin and the other three stared at Lu Fei with strange eyes.

"Don't look at me like this."

"Rough words don't make sense, that's what I'm saying."

"Besides, I am not a wealthy person, even though I am a genius in dispensing medicine."

"After treating them later, I will make a list and you two will discuss purchasing medicinal materials."

"As long as you keep supplying the medicinal materials, the two of them will be absolutely foolproof."

"Some medicinal materials are in short supply. If you don't have channels, I can help."

"However, you have to pay for it yourself."

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