A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 974 Despair

Zhang Jianguo was originally a front-line combatant of the White Tigers.

He was injured during a mission two years ago and lost a toe on his left foot.

For Zhang Jianguo, this injury is nothing.

However, there are strict regulations for the front-line combat team. Zhang Jianguo's injury has exceeded the bottom line, so he had to come to the logistics team to be the captain.

According to regulations, Zhang Jianguo will be demobilized in May.

Now with Lu Fei's promise, Zhang Jianguo couldn't wait a minute.

Afraid that Lu Fei would regret it, Sayazi went back to report. ??

Zhang Jianguo was excited, and Lu Fei was even more excited.

The first person recruited is an all-round talent like Zhang Jianguo. This is a good start!

After waiting for a few minutes, Feng Zhe ran back with his bag on his back.

After reluctantly saying goodbye to everyone, Feng Zhe left the Yangcheng White Tiger Base for the first time in a few months.

Feng Yuanyang had been waiting outside for a long time, pacing back and forth restlessly.

Seeing his son come out, Uncle Feng was suddenly stunned.

After taking a closer look, he was sure it was his son Feng Zhe. Feng Yuanyang's eyes were moist, and he rushed over and held his son tightly in his arms.

"Dad, I'm sorry for making you worry."

"Okay, okay, just come back."

"You have to thank your brother Fei. If it weren't for him, your life would be ruined!" Feng Yuanyang shouted tremblingly with tears in his eyes.

"Dad, I've thought about it."

"From now on, I will follow Brother Fei."

"Don't worry, Brother Fei will never treat me badly."


"Don't worry, Dad, you are right, your brother Fei will not treat you badly."

"Fuck your brother Fei well and don't cause any trouble again."

"Dad is old and can't bear your trouble anymore!"

Lu Fei patted Feng Zhe on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"You are the sole heir to a billionaire family, and I dare not treat you badly."

"Try with me for a few years to sharpen your temper."


When you are mature enough, go home and help your dad take care of the business. "

"Thank you, Brother Fei!"

In the evening, the Feng family held a feast.

It was said that it was to help Feng Zhe succeed, but it turned out to be a thank you banquet for Lu Fei from the Feng family.

All the men, women and children were full of compliments, as if they were treating Lu Fei as a guest.

After dinner, Feng Yuanyang invited Lu Fei to his study.

After appreciating several of Uncle Feng's collections, we immediately got to the point.

A few days ago, Lu Fei asked Feng Yuanyang to help find clues about the Neptune.

Uncle Feng went all out and asked all his connections for help, and finally got some good news.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Fei hurried to Yangcheng.

"Xiao Fei, I asked a friend to help me find out. The records of departures from the port before the founding of the People's Republic of China have been destroyed long ago, and there is no way to find them."

"However, I got other clues."

"Yangcheng Beigang Wharf was built in the ninth year of Guangxu."

"In the sixty-five years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there have been a total of nineteen deacons and thirty-two stewards at Beigang Pier."

"These are documented in the collection's documents."

"Unfortunately, there are only names and addresses, and no work dates, so we can only check them one by one."

"I asked someone to copy down all the names and ancestral addresses of these stewards and deacons."

"Yesterday afternoon and this morning, I sent people to these places to verify."

"Of these fifty-one people, the descendants of forty-six have been found."

"Unfortunately, we have investigated 39 of them so far and have not found any valuable clues."

"I will personally accompany you to the remaining seven families tomorrow."

"You're lucky, you'll be able to find some clues."


"Thank you very much, Boss Feng." Lu Fei said.

"We will be a family from now on, so please don't be polite to me."

"We will never say anything if the Feng family can help." Feng Yuanyang said.

That night, Lu Fei stayed at Feng's house.

The clues Feng Yuanyang investigated were too important.

In the past, apart from the officials, the top leader of the dock was the deacon.

Below the deacon is the steward.

Those who can sit in this position are definitely all-round talents with all-round skills.

These people think very comprehensively when doing things. In order to avoid omissions, these people have the habit of keeping accounts.

If we could find the descendants of the deacon or general manager from the second year of the Republic of China, and if the elders left a few words, we might be able to find clues.

If by luck, the elders' accounts can be passed down from generation to generation, then all problems will be solved.

The difficulty Lu Fei faces now is that for some unknown reason, officials from various countries within the Strait of Malacca cannot find any information about the passage of the Sea King.

Therefore, Lu Fei could only work backwards and try to find information about other merchant ships and cargo ships that departed on the same day as the Sea King and passed through Malacca.

If this information can be found, it can be determined on which day the Sea King arrived and passed through the Strait of Malacca.

Find the exact time and then find the weather and hydrological records for that time.

Based on the wind direction and force, as well as the speed of the current and the resistance of the waves, we can roughly circle the location where the Neptune crashed.

Finally, after searching little by little based on this approximate location, there was a glimmer of hope.

On the contrary, blindly searching is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Not to mention the waste of time and money, the hope of finding the Neptune is also slim.

Even if it can be found, I don’t know if it will only happen in the year of the monkey.

The expenses incurred during this period, even with Di Chaodong's strength, would still have to shed several layers of skin.

Seeing hope, Lu

Fei was so excited that he didn't sleep all night.

Early the next morning, Lu Fei, Feng Yuanyang and Feng Zhe went out early.

Based on the addresses obtained from the investigation, we continued to investigate the last seven houses from the nearest to the farthest.

The nearest one is in downtown Yangcheng City.

Unfortunately, this descendant is a trendy girl in her early twenties.

This girl is interested in the handsome Feng Zhe, but she doesn't know anything about her ancestors.

When asked about the address of the old house, Chao Niuer answered simply.


"It has been demolished for more than ten years."

"Now a reservoir has been built near the old house, and the big fish in it can weigh twenty or thirty pounds."

have to!

If they get off to a bad start, the first family will be in vain.

The descendant of the second family is a middle-aged businessman selling beef in Dongguan.

Although no important clues were found here, some valuable things were learned.

This elder was a deacon in the 31st year of the Republic of China. He died of illness after serving for two years.

Therefore, based on this working time, this company can be eliminated directly.

The first two, the three of them were a little excited.

The third family had no clues, and the three of them began to feel a little discouraged.

There was no news from the fourth and fifth families. Lu Fei frowned upset.

The sixth family also had no clues, and Lu Fei was a little desperate.

After leaving the sixth house, it was evening.

Feng Yuanyang persuaded Lu Fei to go back for dinner, but Lu Fei insisted on watching the last one.

Uncle Feng couldn't defeat Lu Fei, so he had to drive to Shaoguan, which was more than 200 kilometers away from Yangcheng.

It was almost eight o'clock in the evening when we arrived at our destination.

After getting off the highway, Wang Huaiqing, Feng Yuanyang's partner in Shaoguan, had been waiting for a long time.

The four of them found a restaurant to fill their bellies, and at Lu Fei's insistence, they came to Zhoujiaping Village.

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