A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 984 Li Shengnan sells bowls

The four-year competition between the Five Dragons has officially begun.

The five teams are gearing up, their morale is high, and they are determined to win the championship.

However, the new rules were introduced, and the five major teams were collectively confused.

The first round tests the six captains and vice-captains.

Each person was given one hundred yuan and was required to rush from Shaoguan to Hailin in Mudanjiang to gather within five days.

From the southernmost point of China to the northernmost point, six hundred yuan is not even enough to pay for one person, let alone a team of six.

Transportation is simply out of the question.

All equipment has been confiscated, and robbery is impossible.

It is not possible to borrow money from friends.

Each person is equipped with a recorder, and every word and action is closely monitored.

Once the violation is violated, the result will be canceled directly.

This embarrassed the members of the five groups.

The only feasible way is to use these six hundred yuan to make money quickly.

If you earn 6,000 yuan in three days, you can reach your destination by train in the remaining two days.

Making six thousand from six hundred in three days is simply an impossible task for these tough guys who use guns.

But Li Shengnan was full of confidence in fighting against the Buddha.

Li Shengnan has his own way.

What do you do to make money quickly? Of course you pick up and resell antiques!

When my brother Fei was collecting junk, he could earn millions or even tens of millions by reselling items worth dozens or hundreds of dollars.

I trained Feidi step by step, and my eyesight is much better than Feidi's.

Just relax, we are definitely number one.

As soon as I take action, I guarantee that we will fly to the assembly area in first class.

The first and ten thousand points are what is in our Xuanlong's pocket, it is a definite established fact.

After being fooled by Li Shengnan, the other team members believed it and handed all their money to Li Shengnan.

The six of them came to Xicheng Market, and Li Shengnan took action at the first stall they passed.

"Boss, how much does this small bowl cost?"

"That's a small Guangxu blue and white lotus bowl. If you like it, you can give it eight hundred!"



"Eight hundred for what?"

"Are you crazy because of poverty?"

"Returning the Guangxu blue and white flowers, why don't you say they belong to Qin Shihuang?"

"My wife's house lacks a small bowl for pickles, so this one is just fine."

"I bought it for a hundred yuan, and I didn't win even a cent more." Li Shengnan said.

"It's definitely not a hundred. The minimum is six hundred. I won't sell it for less."

"The most I can give you is one hundred and fifty. If you don't sell it, I'll give you up."

"five hundred!"

"One hundred and six."

"Four hundred!"

"One hundred and seventeen, no more."

"I'll turn around and leave."

Yang Yi pulled Li Shengnan and whispered.

"Boss Li, is this okay?"


"Keep your fucking voice down"

"This is a big treasure. If the turtle grandson notices it, he won't sell it for even 300,000 yuan."

"Go away, I have my own sense of discretion."


Yang Yi and others felt that it was unreliable. They were all nervous and did not dare to ask more questions, so they had to step aside.

After several counter-offers, the small bowl was finally sold for two hundred yuan.

Li Shengnan was delighted when he got the small bowl.

But what she didn't notice was that the stall owner smiled brighter than her.

"Boss Li, is this bowl reliable?" Tang Xin asked.

"It's more than reliable. This small bowl is enough."

"I'm telling you, this is Yuan Qinghua, it's terrifyingly expensive!"

"Yuan Qinghua?"

"How did you see that?"

"You country bumpkins will definitely not recognize it, but I am different. I have seen Yuan Qinghua with my own eyes!"

"I remember clearly that the pieces of Yuan Qinghua that my brother Fei had were the same as this one."

"That's not right!"

"Lu Fei's blue and white bowls are all important. Have you ever seen his small blue and white bowl?" Tang Xin asked.

"How about I say you are stupid!" .??.

“Knowledge must be learned and applied!”

"Although the shapes of the vessels are different, the blue and white are the same, right?" Li Shengnan said.

"Where is the same?"

"Don't you see?"

"Feidi's Yuan Qinghua is the same as this one, both blue and blue."


Tang Xin and others suddenly felt hopeless.

"What's your expression?"

"You don't believe in my level, do you?"

"Just wait, I'll find a store and slap you in the face."

Li Shengnan walked into a store with arrogant steps.

The old shopkeeper in his sixties greeted us with a smile.

"Who are you?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I have a treasure that is cheap for your store."


Li Shengnan said and smashed the small bowl on the counter.

"Look carefully, this is a small Yuan blue and white bowl. I won't sell it for less than one million."

"If you can't make the decision, call your boss out and I'll talk to him!"

The shopkeeper glanced at the small bowl and his nose became angry.

Ignoring Li Shengnan, he looked at his partner behind Li Shengnan, winked and said implicitly.


"This friend of yours, is it here? What is that?"


Tang Xin and others burst into laughter upon hearing this, but Li Shengnan quit, grabbing the shopkeeper by the collar and shouting with eyes wide open.

"Old man, do you dare to say that I am crazy?"

The shopkeeper broke away and fled into the counter, breathing heavily.

"That's what it is!"

"You brought a broken bowl that was not sold at two-yuan stores to pass it off as Yuan Qinghua, and you even boasted that you wanted a million dollars."

"Normal people,

Which one can do such a thing? "

"I'm telling you, you've come to the wrong place to blackmail me."

"Get out of here right away, or I'm going to call the police."


"Mother, this is obviously Yuan Qinghua, but you don't know how to do it."

"Call your boss out. You missed the treasure, but it's your store's loss."

The shopkeeper was about to cry and shouted to everyone in Tang Xin.

"Please take this lunatic away quickly. If he keeps causing nonsense again, I will really call the police."

"Old man, are you looking for death?"

"Besides, I'm crazy, I"

"Hey, let go of me, I have to whip this old thing."


Li Shengnan was dragged out by everyone but did not give up and continued to look for shops to sell bowls.

Then I went to three houses in a row, but they all kicked me out as crazy.

When Li Shengnan got into the store for the fifth time, Tang Xin and the others no longer had the courage to follow.

Every move was watched by the headquarters, it was so damn embarrassing.

However, what surprised them was that Li Shengnan didn't make any fuss when he entered this time like the others.

And the time you spend inside is much longer than in other stores.

The other families were kicked out in three minutes at most, but this family stayed in for twenty minutes.

Several people were confused and were about to go in to see what was going on. Li Shengnan walked out of it filled with joy.

This time when he came out, the small bowl in Li Shengnan's hand was gone, replaced by two bracelets.

"Boss Li, where is the small bowl?"

"That one was fake, I smashed it."


"Don't be nervous. If you smash the small bowl, there will be good stuff."

"Look, these two bracelets are the ones I just picked up from the store. They are absolutely treasures."

"How much?"

"The big one is four hundred, the small one is a hundred yuan."

"Believe me, there will be no problem this time!"


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