A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 993 Mother Insect

Buy two top-of-the-range Range Rovers at one time, not only for the full price, but also without any counter-offers or even any gifts.

Zhang Xiaobei has been the manager of this store for five or six years, and this is the first time he has met such a wealthy customer. He was so excited that he kept thanking him.

The two beautiful sales consultants even exchanged glances with each other. As long as Lu Fei made a small look, they would agree to marry him without hesitation.

But what disappointed them was that Lu Fei didn't even look at them.

After the test drive, there were no problems. Lu Fei asked Zhang Xiaobei for two walkie-talkies and left the 4S store.

"Instructor, instructor, please answer when you receive it!" Yang Yi in the car behind shouted through the intercom.

"Stop talking about useless things and talk properly." Lu Fei said.

"Instructor, I suggest we take the auxiliary road."


"It's sixty or seventy kilometers on the highway before we reach the service area. I can't fucking hold it in!"


"Who told you to drink so shamelessly?"

"You really don't have back pain when you stand and talk."

"Boss Li is forcing me, do I dare not to drink?"

"Can you get over it?"

"Report, I really can't get over it, I need to pee right now."

"However, taking the service road will take you 60 kilometers further."

"Besides, we are not familiar with the roads, so it will take a long time to take the auxiliary roads." Lu Fei said.

"Please instructor, just do it!"

"I definitely can't hold it in while driving on the highway."

"If you let Tang Xin use your mobile phone to navigate, it won't waste much time."

"Besides, we are so far ahead of those loaches that it won't be a problem if we are delayed for a few hours."

"My instructor, please!"

"All right!"

"Then take the side road."

Taking the side road will waste too much time.

After walking more than 100 kilometers, the mobile phone I bought for 5,000 yuan ran out of battery.

In the remaining two hundred kilometers, I took the wrong path four times.

original plan

Plan to arrive at the assembly point before twelve o'clock that night.

This time it was good, we arrived at Hailin at 4:30 in the morning.

Arrive at Hailin and find a public toilet to make final "adjustments".

After this adjustment, more than ten cups of camel milk were finally drained.

The camel milk was drained, but the Five Zang Temple began to rebel.

Everyone's stomachs were growling with hunger, but they couldn't even find a single open store, let alone a restaurant, so they had to quickly return to the assembly area.

Twenty minutes later, the two cars drove north through Hailin and finally arrived at Weihu Mountain.

That's right, it's the mountain in the model drama "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom".

All other subjects of this year's Five Dragon Competition must be completed here.

Weihu Mountain is more than 700 meters above sea level, with a total area of ​​more than 400,000 square meters. The vegetation is lush, the mountain is extremely steep, and there are countless wild animals.

The reason why the mountain eagle was so arrogant back then was because of the cover of the steep terrain of Weihu Mountain.

Today, the southern slope of Weihu Mountain has become a tourist attraction.

But most of the place is virgin forest where no one has set foot.

This competition closed all the 200,000 square meters of virgin forest on the northern slope.

Except for the staff of Wulong and the headquarters, outsiders can't even think of coming in, no matter how awesome they are.

The two Land Rovers were still more than ten kilometers away from the northern slope of Weihu Mountain when they were stopped by the first post.


"This is an important place for practicing, no idlers are allowed to enter!"

"Which unit are you from?"

Lu Fei lowered the window and said with a smile.

"We belong to Xuanlong, please let us go."


"Why don't I know you?"

"Xuanlong's are all inside. Didn't I hear that there are still some who haven't arrived yet?"

"Bring your passes out, we're going to check them.

"The sentry said seriously.

"We are the team members participating in the first subject. We just came back from Shaoguan to gather and we don't have passes." Lu Fei said.


The sentry's eyes widened when he heard this.

"You said you are the team members participating in the first subject?"



"When we don't understand the situation, don't we?"

"The team members who participated in the first subject were given one hundred yuan each. How could you come back in such a short period of time?"

"And where did your two new cars come from?" the sentry shouted.

Tang Xin lowered the rear window and stuck her head out.

"We are really the team members who participated in the first subject."

"I am Tang Xin, captain of Black Dragon Suzaku. You can check right away."

"As for how we got back and what happened to these two cars, you have no right to interfere."

The sentry glanced at Tang Xin and asked suspiciously.

"You said you are Captain Tang?"

"Yes, I am Tang Xin."

"Sorry, I need to check your ID."

Tang Xin rolled her eyes and was about to explain when Li Shengnan put her head over and cursed.

"Mama's bastard!"

"which unit are you in?"

"You don't even know us, are you blind?"

"Bring your leader to me!"

The sentry glanced at Li Shengnan and his hair stood up.

"Oh my god!"

"Mother bug!"


Lu Fei and Tang Xin burst out laughing. Li Shengnan's eyes almost burst open as he shouted loudly with saliva flying everywhere.

"Are you looking for fucking death?"

The sentry shrank in fear and quickly explained.

"Report, I'm sorry Captain Li, I said the wrong thing

It's me! "


"I'm hungry, I'll let you go this time!"

"If you say anything bad about me again, I will skin you."

"Let go!"


The sentry turned back on the spot, wiping away the cold sweat, and trotted back to lift the pole to let people go.

When the car passed by, four sentries stood at attention and saluted, a serious group.

Lu Fei looked in the rearview mirror and saw that the sentry who had come up to interrogate him had fallen to the ground like a puddle of mud.

There are more than a dozen deputy captains and deputy captains of the Five Dragons of China. People have heard of Tang Xin's name, but many of them have never seen him.

But Li Shengnan was different.

Li Shengnan has a great reputation.

Of all the military regions in China, who doesn’t know Li Shengnan’s reputation?

Once Li Shengnan got angry, it would be like the Taigong and the gods abdicated.

Not to mention these sentry posts, even mandrills, evil spirits, demons and monsters have to stay away.

It's no joke to mess with this fighting and victorious Buddha.

This post is untouchable, and other posts are also avoidable.

When they saw Li Shengnan, everyone stood at attention, saluted and let him go happily.

It was a smooth journey and we finally arrived at the assembly point at 5:30 in the morning.

It was already daybreak, and on the temporarily built playground, the team members of Wulong who had gathered in advance were training for running exercises.

Two dusty Land Rovers drove up, and everyone looked at them.

The car stopped, and Li Shengnan and Tang Xin got out of the car one after another.

When the Xuanlong team members who were training saw it was Li Shengnan, their eyes widened in disbelief.

After taking a closer look and confirming that it was one of their own, the Xuanlong team members shouted and rushed over in a swarm.

"Boss Li, Boss Tang!"


Li Shengnan shouted excitedly.

"We are back from our mission!"

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