A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 995 Justice

Lu Fei said that he was taking part in the mission in place of Ou Yifeng, who was injured and was hospitalized, but the bosses didn't believe it at all.

"Lu Fei, you should know where this place is."

"Impossible remarks are not allowed here. You must be responsible for what you say!"

"You said that Ou Yifeng was injured and hospitalized. I want to ask you how he was injured, how serious his injury was, and where he was hospitalized?" Duan Yanhong asked.

Not to mention that the boss of the Four Dragons didn't believe it, even Su Donghai couldn't believe Lu Fei's words.

From the beginning of the mission, the recorders worn by everyone recorded all details clearly.

Everyone can see clearly that Ou Yifeng and Lu Fei were fine when they were exchanging, so how could he be suddenly injured and hospitalized?

Su Donghai said in his heart that Lu Fei's answer was really hasty.

It would be better to make up such an unreliable reason and not say it, which would be self-defeating.

As the saying goes, there is no joke in the army.

If you try to deceive your leaders on this occasion, the consequences will be disastrous!


Lu Fei is so confused!

Facing Duan Yanhong's question, Lu Fei didn't feel nervous at all and said calmly.

"There is no such thing as joking in the military. If I dare to say this, of course I must be responsible for it."

"Ou Yifeng is indeed injured and hospitalized. If you don't believe it, you can investigate and verify it immediately."

"Let me ask you, what kind of injury did Ou Yifeng suffer?" Duan Yanhong asked.

"Ou Yifeng was bitten by a mosquito."


"What did you say?"

Hearing what Lu Fei said, the five bosses, including Su Donghai, all opened their mouths in surprise.

"Lu Fei, are you kidding?"

"Is it a problem if a mosquito bites you?"

"Is this the reason you said?" Duan Yanhong asked.

Lu Fei curled his lips and said.

"Leader, what you say shows that you don't know much about the dangers of mosquitoes."

"I think it is necessary for me to spread the word to all the leaders."

“Female mosquitoes are responsible for dengue fever, malaria

, yellow fever, filariasis, island encephalitis and other intermediate hosts of other pathogens. "

“The virus’s transmissibility and reproductive capacity are unimaginably high.”

“Mosquitoes kill more than 800,000 people worldwide every year, which is far more harmful than any animal does to humans.”

"Not to mention foreign countries, even in China, the number of people who die from mosquito bites every year is calculated in tens of thousands."

"More than 80% of the deaths in this data occurred in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions."

"You haven't noticed that the female mosquitoes in Guangdong and Guangxi are so big!"

"A dragonfly that is smaller than a small one can give in even more, that is."

"Stop it!"

"What are you talking about?"

"We just want to know what's going on with Ou Yifeng," Mo Jianfeng said.

"How is this nonsense?"

"I say this to ask leaders to understand the dangers of mosquitoes and pay attention to them in the future to prevent tragedies from happening again."

"have to!"

"We all understand the dangers of mosquitoes."

"Now, please tell me about Ou Yifeng's situation. How is he doing?" Su Donghai said.

"Report to Team Su!"

"Ou Yifeng was bitten on the neck by a mosquito and was infected with viral malaria."

"Not long after we met, Ou Yifeng couldn't support it anymore."

"I'm very weak with vomiting and diarrhea."

"Before they even exchanged a few words, Ou Yifeng fell into coma due to severe dehydration."

"Thanks I caught up, otherwise my life would have been in danger."

"After my timely rescue, Ou Yifeng was temporarily out of danger."

"Now, Ou Yifeng is receiving restorative treatment at the Yangcheng Military District Third Hospital."

"If you don't believe it, why don't you make a phone call?

Is it clear? " Lu Fei said.


"Is everything you said true?"

Hearing that Ou Yifeng was so serious, several big bosses became uneasy.

Su Donghai, in particular, was worried to death.

"of course it's true."

"If you don't believe it, why don't you call me personally to verify it?"

"Can I joke about Ou Yifeng's safety?"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Mo Jianfei and Su Donghai picked up the satellite phone and dialed out at the same time.

Behind Lu Fei, Tang Xin and others secretly rolled their eyes.

Ou Yifeng was indeed hospitalized, and there were indeed traces of mosquito bites on his neck.

And the symptoms are exactly the same as viral malaria.


That was all fabricated by Lu Fei!

The marks on the neck were caused by the qilin needle and the juice from the skin of plantain and yam.

As for vomiting and diarrhea, it was too simple for Lu Fei.

But it was difficult for Ou Yifeng.

Ou Yifeng has a strong sense of collective honor.

For the sake of Xuanlong's honor, Ou Yifeng agreed without hesitation after hearing Lu Fei's method.

In order to make it realistic, Ou Yifeng suffered a lot.

When he was sent to the Third Hospital, he was really dizzy and his face was sallow.

Not to mention the doctors from the Third Hospital, even Lu Fei almost thought it was true.

A few minutes later, Mo Jianfei and Su Donghai hung up the phone one after another.

"Old Mo, how's it going?" Several bosses asked at the same time.

Mo Jianfei sighed and said.

"it is true!"

"Ou Yifeng's condition is very serious. Thanks to Lu Fei's timely treatment, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"The doctor said that in the recent period, viral malaria has been very serious in Guangdong and Guangxi, and 90% of it is transmitted by mosquitoes."

"We will notify our team over there soon and we will be sure to take more precautions."

"If it doesn't work, the training subjects in the wild jungle will be cancelled, and we will switch to base training!"


"So evil?"

"It's very serious indeed."

"Okay, I'll quickly notify our people over there to pay more attention."

The big guys said they were about to break up, but Lu Fei had no intention of letting them leave just like that.

"The leaders, please wait a moment." Lu Fei called.

"What's wrong?" Mo Jianfei still looked unhappy.

Lu Fei didn't tell any lies, this article can be revealed.

However, these big guys are still worried about Lu Fei's poisonous curse yesterday!

Coupled with the fact that their team was crushed by Xuanlong, it would be strange if they could be happy.

"I have explained it clearly to all the leaders. Shouldn't you give me justice?" Lu Fei said.


"What justice do you want?"

"I have explained everything clearly, and you have also determined the extent of Ou Yifeng's injury."

"Now you have to give me a clear explanation. Is it a foul if I join in as a substitute for the injured Ou Yifeng?"

"It's not enough for you leaders to acquiesce. The brothers below you don't know yet."

"We, Xuanlong, won openly and above all."

"I don't want to hear people talking behind my back, saying that we are invincible."

"Look, how about you explain it to the brothers below?"

"We are friendly forces after all. If there is a misunderstanding, it would be bad, don't you think so?"


"When did I acquiesce?"

"Lu Fei, don't lead us into the ditch."

"You're so petty, you can't play with us!"

"As for whether you have committed any fouls, I will report it to the commander-in-chief at that time."

"The specific results will be determined by the leaders above."

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