Han Tianming excavated immediately. The soil was not very deep. When he dug three feet down, it was indeed layered. It was obvious that the soil further down was just ordinary sea mud.

Not long after, he cleared a clearing at his feet.

Standing in the open space, Han Tianming felt that the spiritual platform was clear and bright. The original feeling of being covered by clouds and mist, making it difficult to tell the direction, disappeared without a trace.

"It's like the soul has broken free from its shackles..."

He murmured to himself and suddenly remembered a strange object.

"Could this be the Gushen soil recorded in the 'Tu Jing Annotation'?"

The "Tu Jing Zhu" he refers to is a classic in the jade slips inherited by the Ye family. It records many spiritual mud and foreign soils, and Gu Shen Tu is one of them.

This soil has the effect of stabilizing the soul and nourishing the soul, but you need to stay in it all the time. If you suddenly break into it, it will be like falling into a fog, and you will not be able to tell the direction and see the road.

I think those weird things just now are all caused by this soil.

The entire lair is covered with solid soil. As soon as you step into it, the treasure areas on the treasure map will naturally disappear.

Han Tianming collected the Tengu and began to dig. This was also a huge project.

He knocked all the rocks blocking the road away, and the sea beasts living here may not be able to come back anyway...


Han Tianming suddenly thought of something.

The sea beasts living in this lair have been nourished by this solid soil for a long time, and their spiritual intelligence must be extraordinary.

To be able to live in such a large lair, it must be a level three sea beast, and I'm afraid it must be at least a level three top-grade beast.

If it understands what it means for a mantis to hunt a cicada, and waits until those sea beasts surround the tiger dragon and then make a sneak attack, it may have a high probability of success...

Han Tianming figured this out, and his men couldn't help but move a little faster.

It's just that the Gushen soil is very stable. It is different from ordinary spiritual mud. If it is fluid, it can be directly closed with a mirage mirror, but this cannot be done now.

It can only be crushed into slag by the morning light, and then absorbed into the internal space using a mirage mirror.

It took three hours to clean the entire nest in this way!

When we came out of the sea again, it was time for the morning light to show slightly.

Standing on the sea, Han Tianming had already heard the earth-shattering roar of beasts. The huge waves on the sea were very turbid, with the blood of unknown sea beasts!

It seems that the battle has been going on for a long time!

Han Tianming hurried to the place where the tiger dragon crossed the tribulation. Since the distance was not far, he arrived at the sea in half a quarter of an hour!

But as the waves rolled, the giant beast disappeared!

The tiger dragon fought alone against thirteen sea beasts, but it was not at all inferior, and it was so bloody that the sea water turned blue!

With a sweep of its powerful dragon tail, it immediately knocked two third-level top-grade sea beasts out of the sea. The huge impact caused their bones to break, their muscles to break, and their bodies to be out of shape!

A third-level mid-level green-tailed sea lion took the opportunity to activate its natal technique, and its tail was like a green sky knife, slashing towards the head of the tiger dragon!

The tiger dragon let out a roar!

The sea lion was immediately shocked and stunned, and his life skills were also interrupted. The whole body was more like being sent into the mouth of the dragon on its own initiative, and was swallowed by the tiger dragon in one gulp, without even chewing it.

Then it grabbed a third-level top-grade silver-horned wolffish with its front paws, separated its head and body in one bite, and quickly devoured it!

This hunt suddenly turned into a massacre!

Originally, they relied on the tiger dragon to stay in the mountains of Qianzhenmen for a long time, and their actual combat ability was poor, so they could still deal with it. Who knew that the tiger dragon became more and more brave as they fought, and now there is no one enemy among this group of sea beasts!

The situation has become clear.

Han Tianming searched the sea surface with his eyes, and sure enough he saw a giant python hidden among the waves in the distance!

Its scales are the same color as the sea water. If it weren't for some silver ring patterns on its body, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart.

Four scarlet eyes, covered by the sea water, stared at the battlefield here.

"It turns out to be a two-headed silver-ringed python!"

Han Tianming recognized its species. It turned out that the four eyes were derived from two snake heads, but there was only one snake body.

The two-headed silver-ringed python looked at it for a while, and finally did not choose to participate in the battle. It turned around and swam away.

It had already seen that even if it were to end up on its own, it would not be able to defeat the tiger dragon, so it immediately gave up the idea of ​​a mantis catching a cicada.

"The intelligence is really good. I already know how to observe the situation and seek advantages and avoid disadvantages..."

Han Tianming commented, "How could it let it go like this?"

The Divine Pear Bow appeared in his hand, he pulled the bow string, and after adding a seventh-turn broken spirit seal to the top of the condensed spiritual light arrow, he let go of the bow string!


The head of a giant python swimming in the sea exploded in response!

"Anyway, this python has venomous fangs, and its head is inedible..."

Han Tianming said and fired another arrow!

The last head of the wildly running python exploded, leaving only the body still twisting wildly in the sea!

Han Tianming flew to collect the python body, and when he came back, the battle on the tiger dragon's side was also over.

Thirteen sea beasts were all killed!

The tiger dragon roared loudly, the roars of dragons and tigers mingled together, and it devoured all the corpses of those sea beasts!

Even the surrounding seawater mixed with the blood of sea beasts was sucked into his belly!

Supplemented by this strength, its body, which had just shed its skin, suddenly began to grow in size!

Not long after, it had grown to a length of one hundred feet!

The body is as thick as a loft, and a horn is gradually growing out of the top of his head!

Seeing Han Tianming flying towards him, it immediately flew out of the sea and came over.

Han Tianming reached out and touched its forehead and said with a smile:

"I underestimated you."

He immediately stood on top of the tiger dragon and said softly:

"Go home!"

The dragon roared loudly, and headed towards Qingling Island with Han Tianming under the morning light from the sky!

Who knows the fun of riding a dragon across the sea to become an immortal?

The Han family's Nascent Soul's combat strength is increased by one!

Returning to Qingling Island, Han Tianming pointed his hand towards the tiger dragon's forehead, and a golden light immediately flew into its sea of ​​consciousness!

Han Tianming suddenly saw a small blue tiger dragon, but it turned out to be its beast soul.

"You need to practice this method on the visualization map for a long time. It will be of great benefit in the future!"

Han Tianming instructed.

The tiger dragon nodded repeatedly, looking very naive.

It thought for a while, dived under the water, and soon pulled out a piece of grass.

The grass has no leaves, only a little red at the tips.

Isn’t it exactly Dragon Blood Grass?

Han Tianming didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was just joking to fool it, but he didn't expect that this tiger dragon actually squeezed its blood to feed grass!

He accepted the dragon's blood grass, stroked its forehead, and told it to return to the dragon's nest in the South China Sea.

It's still early in the morning, so it's time to practice.

Immortal cultivators eat rosy clouds and eat qi.

At this moment, the red sun is rising, which is when the morning glow rises.

Han Tianming was about to go to the Ice Lotus Platform in Lingquan Valley to practice, when he suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes.

But it turned out that Lingbao Bee sent a picture!

The predators are finally taking action!

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