On the 20th of the winter month, Qingling Island was still as spring-like all year round.

Han Tianming was in seclusion this time, and it was three days before he came out again, so he missed the wedding of Han Tianqing and others.

The main reason was that the elders were too eager to choose an auspicious day, and they chose the closest one.

Four couples got married, and many elders looked for the little girl at the banquet, wanting to see this lovely girl again.

But in the end, all their hopes were dashed. Han Tianming did not attend, so she naturally would not come.

Han Tianyue and others wanted to bring her here, but the little girl refused to leave without seeing Han Tianming, so they could only let her go.

However, the banquet was still lively, with the same specifications as the last time, but it was even more lively.

After all, there was one more couple than the last time. Although there was no attendance from the bride's family, the Han family still performed the etiquette and did not let the girls feel the slightest neglect.

In just three short days, they first took Mingzhen Dan, embarked on the path of cultivation, and learned how to prepare for marriage, which made them very busy.

But the result was good after all. Getting married meant having close friends and settling down in this strange place.

It was already the third night when Mingyue went up to the high building.

A domineering and warm breath suddenly swept over the entire Linghu Lake.

The lake that was originally frozen by the cold air was melted and thawed, and the magic array was broken by this force, and the fog on the Linghu Lake was completely dispersed.

Before the fog was about to disappear completely, a figure quickly put on his clothes on the ice lotus platform.

The head of the Han family looked really handsome when he broke through the great perfection of refining organs, but he looked a little embarrassed when he put on his clothes at this moment.

He never expected that the magic array would be broken by himself, but fortunately he was fast enough, and no one would be able to find it.

After putting away the wooden barrel, he took the time to look at the treasure map.

Seeing two blue dots of light dotted on an island in the fifth sea area in the northwest, Han Tianming was slightly confused.

"I don't know how many days have passed."

He flew from the center of Linghu Lake to the shore and happened to meet Han Tiandu.

This naturally rigid master has now broken through to the fourth level of Qi Refining.

Han Tianming asked him and learned that this was only the third day of his retreat.

And it was not yet midnight, and the third day had not passed, so it was right to have two dots of light on the treasure map.

"Finally, I didn't miss any treasures."

Han Tianming murmured to himself, and he was completely relieved.

He immediately flew into the sky and saw the main peak from afar. There was a lot of excitement and he couldn't help but smile warmly.

It was to protect this beauty that he had worked so hard. Fortunately, everyone in the clan had never let him down.

The entire Han family was united, and no one was slack.

Han Tianming gathered all the spirit bees, transformed them into a rainbow light, and headed northwest!

The wind was strong and fierce along the way, but because it was in the sky, it did not affect everything below, which was really pleasant and unrestrained.

It took only an hour to fly there, and an island was already in sight.

Under the moonlight, the green mountains and green waters on the island could still be seen, like a paradise, and there was a fresh aura, which made Han Tianming refreshed.

Places with spiritual veins often breed treasures and are useful to cultivators.

When you get closer to the island, you will feel that the island is very quiet.

The first thing that comes into view is a lake. The lake is clean and clear, shining with sparkling silver light under the moonlight, as if a pearl is embedded on the island.

There are beast roars, one after another, but they come from the distant mountains and forests. Han Tianming knows that although there are no sea beasts on this island, there are monsters living there.

And there was more than one. Unlike the island that was occupied by the Golden Eyed Sword Feather Eagle, there were many monsters on this island.

Although the grade was not as good as the Golden Eyed Sword Feather Eagle, it had a great advantage in number.

Han Tianming even saw that there were small beasts running around the edge of the lake.

"Monsters are hard to come by. If they can be tamed, they will be spirit beasts. They cannot be killed with just one word."

Han Tianming thought to himself.

"First, spread the Lingbao bees out and let them observe. If there is a suitable one, you can keep it in mind and bring it back to Qingling Island in the future..."

He had a plan in his mind at the moment. It was not easy to encounter such a monster island.

He first released hundreds of Lingbao bees, and then went to the marked place.

The two marks were in the same place, but there was only one that often moved within a certain range.

Han Tianming thought that it might be some kind of natural treasure, guarded by some strange beast.

But he couldn't think of what kind of strange beast could be regarded as a treasure by the treasure map?

This treasure place is in the northeast of the island. Han Tianming flew over and caused countless wolf howls and monkey cries, which alarmed many monsters. However, their auras were not strong. At most, they were only level 2 monsters.

Feeling Han Tianming's aura, they did not dare to act rashly. They only howled below, but no one dared to attack.

The intelligence of monsters is even better than that of sea beasts. At this point, they will basically judge the situation and know that they are not strong enough to fight. It is better to do less than more.

Han Tianming did not attack them either. He just waited for Lingbao Peak to survey it clearly and make other plans. It was undecided and it was inevitable to kill good beasts by mistake.

In this way, they did not stop along the way and soon approached the destination.

But they saw a volcano standing there. There was not much heat in it. It seemed that the inside was no longer reacting. It was a dead volcano.

Han Tianming went straight into the crater until he reached the bottom of the volcano, where he saw a shallow pool of magma.

However, the treasure was not there yet. He used the mirage mirror to spread the clear light and then rushed into the magma pool!

However, he saw that there was a passage at the bottom of the magma pool, which was round and smooth, with magma still in it.

Han Tianming went down along the passage, not knowing how far he had gone down, but it was more than 300 feet in total. Suddenly, he felt that he had hit a cold and gloomy area!

The two places were separated very clearly. One step back was hot magma, and one step forward was biting cold.

Even through the clear light of the mirage mirror, Han Tianming could feel the changes.

He looked up and found that there was no transition zone between cold and hot, but only a thin line.

"How strange."

He was secretly amazed in his heart, thinking that he had gone deep under the volcano, could he have reached the sea?

This bottom was indeed like sea water, but it was even colder.

Han Tianming continued to go down. The passage was extremely long. It didn't seem to be naturally formed, but rather it seemed to be forcibly opened by some creature.

"Maybe it's the guardian beast?"

After going down more than a hundred feet, the front suddenly became clear!

But as soon as Han Tianming came out of the passage, he was directly confronted with a pair of scarlet eyes!

The pair of eyes were like two inverted triangles, with a wide distance between the eyes, cold and bloodthirsty. Being stared at by it, it was like a thorn in the back, and a chill rushed straight into the depths of the soul.

"What monster?!!"

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