The second elder has also been busy recently.

He is in charge of all population affairs of the Han family. Now Han Tianming has assigned him another task, which is to register all the monsters of the Han family.

These monsters are destined to become spiritual beasts in the future. They are all part of the Han family. Whether they are killed for meat or used as spiritual pets of the Han family cultivators, they need to be kept in mind.

Otherwise, if they are all eaten, where can Han Tianming find another monster island?

The second elder nodded repeatedly and said, "It should be so, it should be so."

Hearing this, Han Tianming also nodded. It was the first time in history that so many monsters appeared on Qingling Island. He had to give some instructions.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"There is another thing. My Han family now has two groups of foreigners. Although it has developed to the point where you are in me and I am in you, the Han family must always be the absolute leader."

"The second elder should pay more attention to this aspect."

This was said behind closed doors, and only the seven people in the hall were allowed to listen. Although Han Tianming was instructing the second elder, he actually intended to tell others.

First, it is impossible for the second elder to watch over the huge Qingling Island alone. More people means more eyes.

Second, it is also intended to teach the next generation, that is, Han Tiangui and the other two. The current three elders cannot sit in this position forever.

They are much older. The higher their cultivation level in the future, the less time they have to impact a higher realm. At that time, they can no longer be entangled by so many complicated things in the clan.

It is necessary to train the next generation.

Third, everyone is involved.

Among these outsiders, there are Han Tiansong's wife and the daughter-in-law of the first and second elders. Some things must be made clear to them.

In addition, Han Tianming introduced mostly female relatives, so Han Tianyue also needs to pay attention.

"In addition, if the clan needs any elixir, the three elders can ask Tianyue to find Miss Cheng."

"Whatever elixir is refined is recorded in the account. Miss Cheng will not refuse."

"That's all. You can leave. Tiangui stay."

Everyone nodded and left the meeting room together, leaving only Han Tianming and Han Tiangui.

With Han Tiangui's current cultivation, he is the highest among the many cultivators of the Han family except Han Tianming. Although he is young, he is mature and steady, and can already take charge of his own affairs.

The most important thing is that he is extremely loyal to Han Tianming. In the Han family, which is already a very united family, his loyalty is particularly outstanding.

It is reflected in the fact that he does not hesitate and unconditionally believes in whatever Han Tianming asks him to do.

Han Tianming looked at him, then took out the Mirage Mirror and put it in Han Tiangui's hand.

"This mirror is very important. The spirit in it is no less intelligent than human intelligence. During my retreat, if you encounter difficulties, you can communicate with it."

The Mirage Mirror swallowed the Nascent Souls of Sun and Huang, swallowed Luopo Mountain, and swallowed the spirit of the Snake Dragon. Now its intelligence is no longer the same as before. The spirit in it has been reshaped, and its wisdom is no different from that of ordinary people.

The quality of this mirror is also recovering, but the speed is not fast. It will take some time to digest those "spirits".

The reason why it is so important is that Han Tianming connected the soul imprint of the Lingbao Bee with the spirit of the instrument, and he was also tied to the mirage mist that hides Qingling Island, which is related to the safety of the island.

Han Tianming instructed Han Tiangui:

"If there are not enough sea beasts in the clan, just go to the South China Sea to find the tiger dragon, let Laiqu catch it, show it this bone mirror, and it will listen to your orders."

"If this mirror sends you images of the sea, such as black shadows and blood shadows, just watch, no matter what the result is, don't make any moves."

"As for the others, if Qingling Island has not been found, it's fine. If it is found, fight if you can, and delay if you can't."

This is about the plunderers. If the plunderers send people to find the Ice Mysterious Spiritual Flood Dragon again, there will be more strong men than last time.

The Han family can't control this matter, so they can only abandon the Ice Mysterious Spiritual Flood Dragon.

Everything is based on the family.

Han Tiangui agreed one by one, and Han Tianming let him go back.

Afterwards, he returned to his own courtyard. This time, it was not suitable to be in Lingquan Valley for retreat.

As for the other people living in this courtyard, they also need to live elsewhere during this period.

Han Tianming first arranged several formations outside the courtyard, then walked into the room, went to the wall behind the bed, and pressed a blue brick.

Then the wall slowly opened a door.

Behind the door, a passage appeared, all the way down, and below was a quiet room, which was also the reason why Han Tianming never moved the bed.

The quiet room was inside the main peak, with simple furnishings, the floor paved with bluestone, Tai Chi Bagua painted on the wall, and only a cushion below.

There was a cabinet in the corner, which only contained a bottle of Qigong pills.

That was used by Han Tianming's father and grandfather, but Han Tianming didn't need it. With his current cultivation, he no longer needed to eat, but he often couldn't help but taste delicious food.

Han Tianming walked to the cushion and sat down, took a deep breath, first took out the picture of the immortal riding a crane, probed into it with his soul power, and followed the immortal on the river for 49 days and nights.

The picture moved, and a golden light flew out, landing in Han Tianming's Niwan Palace.

Finally, another visualization imprint was condensed.

After this kind of visualization, Han Tianming's state of mind also calmed to the extreme, like an ancient well, and the state was just right at this time.

He took out the jade box, slowly opened it, and directly wrapped the spirit spirit Yin Yang Zhi in it with spiritual energy!


The spirit Yin-Yang Ganoderma separated from it and turned into a gas of yin and yang, which sank into Han Tianming's body along with his breath!

At this time, the star robe on his body, which was as dark as the night sky, changed color. He was covered in black and white, which complemented the Tai Chi diagram on the wall behind him.

The black and white gas flowed in the body, with the white one floating up and the black one sinking, as if it was the scene of the creation of the world.

Han Tianming saw that the white gas gradually aroused the soul power in the Niwan Palace and sank along the spiritual roots in the body.

The black gas resonated with Han Tianming's golden elixir, guiding a trace of spiritual energy, and also went up along the spiritual roots, as if it wanted to merge with the white gas!

The biggest change from the golden elixir to the Nascent Soul is that the spiritual energy and soul power combine with each other and condense into the Nascent Soul.

This process often takes a very long time to proceed slowly, and it is even enough to make many Jindan Daquan cultivators hesitate to move forward.

The yin and yang energy of the Shenpo Yin Yang Zhi plays a guiding role in this process, greatly accelerating this link and saving years of hard practice.

Moreover, the yin and yang energy can increase both soul power and spiritual energy, and is a real wonder.

The two forces gradually converged in the middle of the spiritual root, the bridge between heaven and earth was connected, and yin and yang were in harmony. Han Tianming felt a little bit of transformation.

His soul power seemed to become clearer and more powerful, and his spiritual energy became more spiritual, as if he could communicate with the surrounding heaven and earth. Although it is only a little bit at present, it is also a qualitative change.

"Is this... spiritual consciousness?"

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