After half an hour of the first month, Han Tianming had reached the sixth sea area in the northwest.

The wind and rain gradually subsided. It turned out that this place was far away from the battlefield.

Han Tianming looked down and saw the blue waves surging and the waves rolling. There was nothing else for thousands of miles.

"The treasure is in the sea."

He said softly, and then he lowered his body and went under the sea.

Because there were no islands in this area, the sea was quite deep. The sky was already dark, and it was pitch dark in the sea.

But for Han Tianming, it was no hindrance. Wherever his spiritual consciousness swept, everything was clear.

He deliberately slowed down. Not long after, two headlights appeared in the black water behind him. The light was deep red and looked very bloodthirsty!

It thought Han Tianming was not prepared, so it bit him immediately!

Han Tianming's mouth curled up slightly, and he pointed his two fingers together as a sword. He turned back and swung a sword!

The sword light illuminated the sea, and the image of the sea beast was also illuminated in an instant!

It was a huge Nether Tiger Shark with a dark blue body.

At this time, it still kept its mouth wide open, and the fangs in its mouth looked like rows of saw teeth. Some parts even had the residue of other sea beasts that had not been cleaned up!

It rushed forward for several feet, and then its eyes gradually dimmed and there was no life.

The shark's head was split from the middle, and then dark blue blood gushed out, and then it was taken away by Han Tianming.

This is a third-level top-grade Nether Tiger Shark. With its excellent speed and unpredictable whereabouts, it is enough to run rampant in this sea area.

But it ran into Han Tianming and tried to attack Han Tianming.

Although Han Tianming deliberately slowed down and waited for it to attack, let's take a step back. Isn't this Nether Tiger Shark a little bit wrong?

There were no other sea beasts around, so Han Tianming didn't stop and went to the bottom of the sea at full speed.

There was nothing else under the water. The sea water was too deep, and ordinary creatures could not survive.

There are only some deep-sea fish, but they are quite rare.

Han Tianming watched a group of lantern fish go away. In this deep sea like the night, the existence of these small animals is like moving stars.

But they are not sea beasts, but some ordinary fish, with a tentacle hanging on their foreheads, which can emit fluorescence.

There is nothing else under the water, no coral reefs, no gullies, and mud and sand are everywhere where the spiritual consciousness sweeps.

And the treasure is still under the mud and sand.

Han Tianming squatted down and grabbed a handful of mud and sand in his hand. He felt that the mud was quite soft, and then he slowly used his spiritual energy and used a palm of shocking waves!

Although this offensive technique is not of a very high grade, it also has its unique features.

Han Tianming spit out three streams of energy from his palm, like three waves, overlapping layer by layer, and one wave is better than another!

When this technique is used, it actually mobilizes the surrounding seawater!

As soon as the palm was out, the silent seabed suddenly emerged with a terrifying wave!

It is worthy of its name of "Stormy Waves"!

The huge water flow, as if transformed into an invisible water dragon, washed towards the muddy land under the sea!

It is true: Although it is hard to wash and sift through the sand, gold can only be found after blowing away all the sand!

The layers of mud and sand under the water were continuously washed away by the huge water flow driven by Han Tianming's "Stormy Waves" palm.

The outline of an ancient relic gradually appeared!

Under the mud and sand, there were ruins buried, which looked extremely old and had probably been hidden for countless years!

Han Tianming is now a well-informed person, but he has never seen such a relic.

It seems that the sect ruins of the land of Lingzhen Jade and the ruins of the land of Qianzhen Sutra that I saw in the past are not as good as the ruins in front of me.

Buried under the mud and sand is actually a lost ancient city.

Although countless buildings have collapsed at this moment, the former glory of this mighty city can still be seen.

Because Han Tianming can see that what is in front of him at this moment is only a small part of the former mighty city.

Even with his current strength, it is impossible to continue to use the Shocking Wave Palm to clear all the mud and sand.

Because in front of him, the mud and sand he just pushed out have now piled up like a mountain.

The more he continues, the more power he consumes, and it will be no less than pushing a mountain of sand forward.

Fortunately, he does not need to clear out the entire ancient city ruins, he only needs to focus on the treasure land.

He jumped into the ruins in front of him. It seems to be a section of the city wall, and there are houses behind it, but they have all collapsed.

A sense of desolation and ruin almost hits him in the face.

The collapsed city wall is like a giant dragon lying dead, and you can vaguely see its former grandeur and majestic momentum.

Han Tianming walked forward slowly. There were many corpses on the ground. The hard ground below was red. I don’t know what era’s blood of heroes was soaked in it.

He followed the instructions and walked to the depths of the city wall.

He saw the collapsed city gate, which was once magnificent and majestic, but now has become nothingness.

Han Tianming moved the huge stone, and the runes on it disappeared.

This was their last light. Those runes were obscure and looked like ancient divine texts. They were very extraordinary, but they flashed away.

And they could not stay in my heart after they entered my eyes. It is said that with Han Tianming’s current cultivation, he can remember everything he saw, but he can’t do it at this time.

Those runes passed by without leaving any trace.

Those huge stones were gradually cleared away, and in the ruins, Han Tianming saw a skeleton.

The skeleton had broken in many places, and the flesh had decayed, but only the bony hands were left, still tightly grasping a long sword.

The long sword no longer had any spirituality, and was severely eroded by time.

But the purple light spot on the treasure map corresponded to this long sword!

"Excuse me!"

Han Tianming arched his hands towards the skeleton, and then reached out to take out the long sword!

It was unknown what material this long sword was made of, but now it had become a mortal object, and the spiritual ore was useless, eroded by the evil spirit in the deep sea water.


Han Tianming stretched out his hand and flicked the sword body. Under this water, the sound of the sword body trembling was very dull.

In the next moment, it broke into pieces, turned into many fragments, and fell to the bottom of the sea.

Han Tianming was startled and found that he was holding only a hilt in his hand.


Just when he looked down at the hilt of the sword in his hand, he found that after the sword body was broken, a hole was exposed in the hilt!

In the hole, there was a piece of golden brocade.

Han Tianming exerted a little force in his hand and crushed the hilt of the sword. The piece of brocade fell into his hand and was slowly shaken open.

This brocade was magnificent and noble. Even after so many years, there was still a sense of divinity flowing in it.

Han Tianming looked at the brocade and saw that it was written with ancient divine texts, which were surprisingly from the same source as the text on the ancient god tripod.

The first three words were written:

"Shepherd's Scripture!"

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