Zhang Qinruo was a little bit unbelievable, but no matter how he looked at it, what Han Tianming had just displayed was indeed the Yunhai Sword Intent that he was most familiar with.

Moreover, the Yunhai Sword Intent displayed by Han Tianming seemed to be three times more powerful than what he displayed himself!

This has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation.

Seeing the unique division of the sword path, the real swordsmanship master can cause powerful damage with the sword intent alone.

At the beginning, it was just ordinary swordsmanship.

For example, chopping, stabbing, collapsing clouds, and wiping, these extremely common and basic actions, through special combinations, have formed various swordsmanship.

When you first enter the threshold of the sword path, a sword will be swung out, and it will carry sword energy.

If you are more sophisticated, there will be sword light, sword aura, sword momentum, and then sword intent.

And the innate sword body directly helped Han Tianming skip the previous several levels of the sword path realm, and the starting point was sword intent.

So that when he was in the Qi Refining Stage, he could condense sword energy with spiritual energy at will, and he could do it at will.

Swordsmanship and spiritual cultivation complement each other.

Sword masters who cultivate spiritual energy do not need to practice other magical skills. They can dominate the world with their own swordsmanship.

They are sword cultivators.

For them, practicing spiritual energy is just to have more lifespan and go further on the road of swordsmanship.

Although there are various disciples in the Xingyun Sect who practice various methods.

But the real main body among them is sword cultivation!

Jade Purity Creation Art is a method that focuses on nourishing the soul and longevity.

Han Tianming also felt this when he was practicing. Its aura is long, neutral and peaceful. It is indeed a method that is extremely suitable for pure sword cultivation.

Zhang Qinruo is a pure sword cultivator. This is why, when he saw Han Tianming had an innate sword body, he immediately changed his reward for this level to Jade Purity Creation Art.

He was really happy to see the prey and was reluctant to let it go.

At this moment, he looked at Han Tianming, frowning, as if he couldn't bear it, and said with a little uncertainty:

"Could it be that I have influenced you too much?"

Han Tianming looked sideways.

"Brother Zhang, what do you mean by that?"

Zhang Qinruo hesitated, as if he was thinking about the wording, and then said:

"Yunhai sword meaning... is not very good..."

"According to your innate sword body, you can't comprehend this kind of sword meaning..."

Looking at his hesitation, Han Tianming couldn't help but smile:

"Brother Zhang, why do you underestimate yourself?"

"I think Yunhai sword meaning is pretty good!"

Hearing what he said, Zhang Qinruo shook his head seriously.

"In this world of swordsmanship, it is easy to take tangible objects, but it is difficult to comprehend the intangible sword!"

"Looking at all things in the world, the difficulty of taking such a tangible sword has dropped sharply."

"The power will naturally be reduced a lot."

It was the first time that Han Tianming heard such a statement, or in other words, it was the first time he came into contact with a real sword cultivator. He was curious and asked repeatedly.

"How did the difficulty drop suddenly?"

Zhang Qinruo said:

"Look at the fragrant grass by the road."

"It is so close to us, it has a tangible shape and a simple structure. If we want to use it as a sword, the difficulty of comprehending it will naturally drop greatly."

"It's nothing more than picking it in your hands, playing with it and comparing it, and you will gain something over time."

Han Tianming nodded thoughtfully, and then asked:

"Among tangible objects, there is also a distinction between high and low?"

"Of course."

Zhang Qinruo nodded.

"It is easy to observe a blade of grass or a tree, but the difficulty of observing a mountain or a river increases suddenly."

"Look at the sun and the moon in the sky. Although they are tangible, they are so far away from us, but their light is still undiminished."

"If you can comprehend the sword intent like the sun and the moon, it is vast and magnificent, and naturally far better than this little grass!"

As he said, Han Tianming shook his head secretly.

But he did not refute, but continued to ask:

"What kind of sword intent is the invisible sword?"

Zhang Qinruo took a deep breath, with a fiery look in his eyes, and replied:

"Observing the invisible and formless things, the sword intent obtained is the invisible and formless sword!"

"For example, joy, anger, sorrow, regret, greed, and anger, and for example, time cause and effect, space life and death..."

"Such an invisible sword is elusive and powerful, and it is the goal of countless sword practitioners!"

Han Tianming listened silently, and then He said with a smile:

"Excuse me, Brother Zhang, which is more important, the anger of a common man or the anger of a true immortal?"

Zhang Qinruo replied:

"Of course it is the anger of a true immortal."

"That's right! The anger of a common man is nothing more than hitting the ground with one's head! When an immortal is angry, countless corpses are buried."

Han Tianming first affirmed, then changed the subject and said:

"Even though they are both angry, there is such a big difference."

"Brother Zhang said that the invisible sword intent is the best. I would like to ask if those who practice the sword intent of anger can all become true immortals?"

Zhang Qinruo was speechless and had no answer.

His previous remarks were the most widely circulated and recognized among sword cultivators.

When asked by Han Tianming at this moment, he immediately reacted.

If someone practices the sword intent of anger, if he practices the anger of a common man, will his sword intent still be strong?

If he practices the sword intent of sorrow, then the sword cultivator who is extremely sad can directly commit suicide?


He opened his mouth, but lost his voice again.

Han Tianming continued:

"I think the visible sword is not necessarily worse than the invisible sword."

"If I look at the mountains and the sea, the sword will overturn the mountains and the sea will be raging!"

"Isn't this mountain and sea enough to crush a common man?"

Zhang Qinruo seemed to have gained something, but he couldn't grasp the inspiration.

Han Tianming smiled and said:

"Brother Zhang, have you ever heard a widely circulated saying?"


"A grain of sand is a world, a leaf is a bodhi."

"A grain of dust may contain a world."

"Water has no fixed shape. There are huge waves and deep still water. When there are huge waves, it may not contain anger. How can it be said that it has never crossed time and space when it flows through thousands of miles of land?"

As he said, he walked out of the stone pavilion and picked an ordinary grass beside the mountain path.

"You say that grass is not as good as the sun and the moon, and that the visible is not as good as the invisible."

"I have to say, how do you know that a grain of dust cannot fill the sea? A grass cannot cut the sky?"

Han Tianming held the grass in his hand and gently scratched it outside the stone pavilion!

A sword intent became more and more intense!

At first, it seemed like just an ordinary swing, but in the end, it turned into a storm!

It almost made the world pale in comparison!

It was not until the terrifying power of the stars erupted above the main peak of the Nebula Secret Realm that the sword intent was calmed!

Zhang Qinruo was stunned for a long time, and then he bowed to Han Tianming.

"Thank you for your advice, Brother Han!"

"I said how could the innate sword body only comprehend the Yunhai sword intent!"

"So you..."

He looked helpless, and Han Tianming smiled unkindly.

It was really not easy to pretend to be this way.

Then a light flashed in his hand, and there was an extra jar of wine.

"Come on?"

"Come on!"

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