Several Lingbao bees, on different islands, all sent back similar images.

The pictures show the same large ship.

The ship is huge, no less than the warship of the plunderer Qu Shuai.

There is a flag hanging high on the bow. Han Tianming combined several pictures and saw clearly that the flag was written with a big word "Lu".

This is the shortcoming of Lingbao bees. The distant view can only be seen roughly, and it is difficult to see it clearly.

If the distance is too close, it will be discovered. After all, the grade is not very high. Han Tianming is satisfied with their current performance.

"Lu Family?"

Han Tianming couldn't help but frown slightly.

There are not many Lu families around here. There are two Yuanying families under the Bi Cangshan.

One is the refining Yuan family, and the other is the formation Lu family.

These two families actually have the ability to be traveling merchants, because whether it is refining pills and refining equipment or arranging formations, they are needed by many small families around.

In the world of cultivating immortals, there is a special profession that is actually very popular.

However, most people have limited energy and talent. It is not easy to break through the realm of a lifetime of cultivation card, so naturally they cannot spare time to study other things.

Moreover, these side jobs have relatively strict requirements for talent.

And they need to be passed down from a master, and they will not be easily passed on.

Some professions do not even add any help to combat power, which is not conducive to the survival of the cultivators themselves.

For example, the alchemy Cheng family...

Of course, the formation Lu family and the weapon refining Yuan family are the same, and they all have their own limitations.

So they found a backer, that is, Bi Cang Mountain.

The benefit of doing this is nothing more than improving the safety of their own family. As for the disadvantage, it is to make money and resources for Bi Cang Mountain.

The Lu family's ship would not enter this sea area in the past, perhaps it was responsible for other places.

I don't know why, but this time it broke into this area.

According to the current situation of Bi Cang Mountain, the Lu family and the Yuan family should be trapped together in the mountain gate.

"Is he here to investigate the Yinyang City?"

Han Tianming thought about it briefly and then stopped thinking about it.

As long as he can't threaten Qingling Island, he doesn't care what family he belongs to.

The forces of Bi Cang Mountain are no threat to the Han family now.

Even if Master Lingqu came in person, he couldn't break the Four Symbols Circulation Formation.

The only forces that really deserve Han Tianming's worry are those forces that have brought down the old ones by beating the small ones.

The other party is only in the southwest border, and their strength is about the same as Bi Cang Mountain. There are really powerful people in the family!

Jin Shen is in a light retreat again. After he switched to practicing the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Refining Technique, his soul power has been improved. Recently, he has been trying to deeply refine the relic.

The so-called light retreat is like Han Tianming's previous state, which can be stopped at any time and interrupted, and is not completely closed to the outside world.

The relic has been initially refined by him, but the internal power of faith has not been completely transformed.

Therefore, the situation is not as difficult as before. It is just a matter of releasing water from the sluice gate, and the water volume can be adjusted at will.

Han Tianming has nothing to do recently, and he is not in seclusion.

Both the spiritual energy cultivation and the physical cultivation have reached a big bottleneck period, which is not easy to break through.

These days, he has been wandering around Qingling Island, sometimes thinking about the formation, sometimes comprehending the sword intent, and even when he is particularly bored, Han Tianming will go out to find some blue treasures himself.

Just take it as a distraction.

The second elder has also been in seclusion recently, and he is about to impact the Jindan stage.

Among the Tian generation, there are also Han Tianqing and Han Tianquan, who are now in seclusion to open up the vast sea. It will take no time for them to enter the foundation-building stage.

The rest of the people followed closely, and even among the Shang generation, there are people whose cultivation has surpassed several younger Tian generations.

On this day, Han Tianming was watching the sun rise in the east on the main peak.

I saw a red sun flying out from the edge of the boundless sea, and immediately sprinkled light on the world.

Han Tianming seemed to have sensed something, and waved his finger as a sword to the sky!

But I saw thousands of golden lights, as bright as the sun.

It was beautiful and gorgeous when I first saw it, but when the golden light flew away, I heard a sound of breaking wind like a whistling wind!

It turned out that the thousands of golden lights were all sword beams!


Han Tianming gradually came back to his senses, his mind moved, his footsteps moved slightly, and soon he appeared in his room.

It turned out that Han Tiangui was sending a bottle of vitality liquid from the nebula secret realm.

Han Tianming took it and came to the platform.

The six pure bamboos were slightly swayed by the breeze brought by Han Tianming, and the golden light spread to the entire Qingling Island.

In fact, it also shed golden light all the time, but it looked more gorgeous after being blown by the wind.

The Bi Cang Jianmu on the other side was much more stable. Even if it wanted to sway, the branches that were only an inch long would not allow it.

Han Tianming walked forward slowly and poured the bottle of vitality liquid on the Bi Cang Jianmu.

Then he stared at the green tree crown that looked like jade carvings. However, after waiting for a long time, he only saw the spiritual energy surge, but no green leaves were shining.

"It seems that no leaves are mature today..."

Han Tianming murmured as he looked at the tree crown that looked like auspicious clouds.

So far, this Bi Cang Jianmu has been watered with a lot of vitality liquid, and the Han family has provided a full eighteen Bi Cang leaves.

Converted to eighteen five-element mixed spiritual root cultivators.

In fact, it is already rare, and Han Tianming was not too disappointed. He stood up and wanted to leave.

However, before he could turn his head, a strange inspiration came to him.

If the previous inspiration was like a storm, this time it was as gentle as a gentle breeze, which surprised him.

When he lowered his head, he saw a small lavender flower slowly blooming in the auspicious cloud-like tree crown.

"Bi Cang flower?"

Han Tianming was a little surprised.

Originally, this Bi Cang Jianmu should have one leaf per month and one flower per year.

However, it is not the case now, probably because of the use of the vitality liquid.

Originally, when the twelfth leaf was born, Han Tianming thought that a Bi Cang flower would be born.

But it didn't, and it bloomed today.

The tree crown was like a green cloud, and the purple flower was like a star shining in the cloud.

Han Tianming stretched out his hand and lightly touched it, and the small flower fell on the tip of his index finger.

It was not even as big as a fingernail, but it had six petals, shining purple light like a dream.

It exudes a refreshing fragrance, and seems to have the power to transform people.

"Three spiritual roots."

Compared to the blue flower, Han Tianming said he prefers its other name.

Such a small flower is a three spiritual root dominated by wood attribute. After being refined by the Dust Star Marrow Washing Dew, it will eventually transform into a double spiritual root.

Han Tianming put it into a jade box, threw it gently downwards, and it flew into the spiritual cultivation land.

At this time, a red cloud suddenly appeared in his sleeves!

"Has the red crystal been absorbed?"

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