Buddha's methods are hard to guard against. They emphasize the so-called cause and effect. Han Tianming is afraid that he will not be able to repay them...

Feng Lingyin found his appearance a little funny and deliberately bluffed him:

"Buddhism is good at salvation and emphasizes the law of fate."

"Maybe they will extradite you to the Western Paradise?"

"With your current strength...tsk tsk tsk...I'm afraid you can only be a low-level monk?"

Han Tianming knew that Feng Lingyin was scaring him, but in order to get a solution, he still cooperated:

"Oh, I'm so scared..."

"Senior Feng, you must save me!"

"Don't hide any treasures, just come to me!"

The huge golden eyes stared at Han Tianming for a long time before saying:

"It's boring."

Then the gentle voice flowed in the dark space like a trickle of water.

"There is nothing to worry about. The Soul-Purifying Lotus and the Six Pure Bamboos are both spiritual plants, not magic treasures."

"If the Buddha really had this ability, he would not have left a divine phoenix egg after secretly harming my fellow tribesmen. It is precisely because he has no more backup."

"What's more, after the two lotuses are combined, the spiritual lotus will be the dominant one. It is the treasure that protects the Nascent Soul. It will only benefit you and not harm you. It can remove the impurities of the soul and greatly benefit the practice of the soul."

Hearing her words, Han Tianming nodded in understanding.

The effect of the Seven-Colored Lotus is better than before. Not only is the spiritual effect better than before, but it can also enhance the soul power.

This is exactly what Han Tianming needs most at the moment.

Seeing him like this, Feng Lingyin couldn't help but sigh again that this kid has a great opportunity.

"Since you have fulfilled your promise with me this time, it's time to give you the last treasure."

Hearing this, Han Tianming couldn't help but be shocked.

He was naturally grateful for the kindness of the Phoenix Clan, but he couldn't give up this treasure.

In the dark space, a rainbow light like a red sun flew out from the depths and slowly hovered in front of Han Tianming.

The red light dissipated, revealing a deep blue gourd.

The color was as blue as the sky, with golden cloud patterns lingering on the outer skin of the gourd, with a tie, black in color, and a green jade bead hanging.

This treasure did not reveal the slightest breath, and it was not earth-shattering, but it made Han Tianming feel a desire from deep inside his body.

"This is..."

"This is a treasure of the Xuanmen, called the Tianqing Yunbao Gourd."

"It was given to me by a good friend in the past. Although I can't use it, I'll keep it as a souvenir."

"If you have a sword or magic weapon, you can use this gourd to nourish it. At the beginning, my good friend used it as a sword-raising gourd..."

Feng Lingyin said softly.

However, she had a meaning that she had not expressed. She was willing to give out such commemorative gifts from her good friends.

In fact, it was because after handing over the inheritance, her true spirit would also dissipate.

There was no use keeping this Sky Blue Soul Gourd, so it was better to give it to Han Tianming, and let him see her old friend's former style in the world today.

She was a real female sword fairy of Xuanmen!

You know, she kept this gourd with her during such a tragic battle that her body collapsed and only a wisp of true spirit remained.

It is conceivable how important it is to her, and it is sincere to give it to her at this moment!

After hearing Feng Lingyin's words, Han Tianming knew why he felt so eager.

The innate sword body is happy to meet a sword. The person who can be called an old friend by Feng Lingyin must have a cultivation that is also extraordinary.

And her swordsmanship is probably extraordinary!

Han Tianming slowly stretched out his hand and grasped the Sky Blue Soul Gourd.


The treasure gourd emitted a clear light, as if it was reluctant to part with it.

But Han Tianming's physique was very attractive to it, and it finally surrendered to Han Tianming and took the initiative to recognize him as its master.

"In this gourd, there were three sword energies left by my old friend. I used two of them when I was fighting the enemy in the past, and now there is one left."

"It's just that as time goes by, the power must be not as good as before, but ordinary return to the void, it can still kill the middle and lower level..."

Han Tianming was stunned.

What is this? Killing ordinary return to the void in the early stage with a sword energy? This is not as good as before?

How strong would it be at its peak?

Han Tianming stroked the gourd in his hand, and suddenly he couldn't let it go.

After a long time, he put the gourd away, smiled and bowed to the golden eyes:

"Senior Feng, I have another unwelcome request."

Feng Lingyin saw his thoughts at a glance.

"Do you want to use the Phoenix Fire to temper your body again?"

Han Tianming nodded quickly. How could he miss such a good opportunity?

Although the Blood Demon Immortal Sutra has been cultivated to the end, it does not mean that the body cannot become stronger.

Han Tianming naturally still hopes to rely on the old way. When the strength of the body reaches the Divine Power Realm, he will directly use the Nascent Soul to mobilize the body.

In the past, his spiritual energy cultivation could not keep up, so he did not dare to break through in one go last time.

Now is different from the past. Han Tianming feels that the Nascent Soul has reached the point where it can mobilize the body of the Divine Power Realm.

So there is no worry at this moment.


In the dark space, the pair of golden eyes slowly closed.

Han Tianming suddenly felt dizzy, and the next moment he appeared in a slightly familiar space.

It was the Phoenix Fire Plain in the past. Han Tianming found the Phoenix Nest with ease and walked in directly to sit cross-legged.

Then raging fire surged from all directions, eventually submerging Han Tianming's figure.

In fact, the most important thing for Han Tianming to temper his body this time is not the phoenix fire, which is just an external force to fully stimulate the potential of his body.

It is the same for other treasures that can provide the same pressure, such as the blood of higher-grade sea beasts, high-quality black ice, etc.

What is really valuable is that in this phoenix nest, there is the endless echoing of the true meaning of Nirvana.

Only when Han Tianming sits cross-legged in this nest can he awaken the Nirvana Dao that he has already comprehended, and be infinitely close to the real Shenhuang!

Only this kind of immortality and Nirvana in the fire can ensure that his body can become stronger in the process of thousands of tempers like refining weapons without the guidance of the exercises.

If it were someone else, if he did this, he would have been dead.

Even Han Tianming himself might not dare to do so after leaving the phoenix nest.

In fact, it is not impossible for him to create such an environment. After all, he has the only true feather of the Divine Phoenix, and he has both flame and nirvana.

But the nirvana here is more intense, and Feng Lingyin can control the phoenix fire, and can protect Han Tianming when necessary.

If safety is not guaranteed, Han Tianming would not dare to do so.

From Yuanwu to Shenli, especially Han Tianming uses a folk method, which is bound to take a long time.

It seems to be another long retreat, but the retreat location is not in Qingling Island.

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